health benefits

  • Health

    Touching offers health benefits

    A gentle reminder Before any mischievous thoughts enter one’s mind, let’s be clear: this article is about the health benefits of consensual touching, such as hugs, massages, and even weighted blankets. No funny business, just science-backed benefits! Reducing depression, anxiety, and pain A new research that is published in the peer-reviewed journal: Nature Human Behaviour, shows that touch can significantly…

  • Health

    You are unknowingly dehydrated: Here’s what you need to know

    The silent threat of dehydration Water is the essence of life. Every living organism on Earth, including humans, relies on water for survival. For humans, water is vital for various bodily functions, including cognitive, digestive, cardiovascular, and muscular activities. Despite its importance, many people fail to drink enough water daily. Alarmingly, up to 75% of individuals globally are chronically dehydrated,…

  • Lifestyle

    The art of happiness for a joyful life

    Embark on an engaging exploration into the realm of contentment and fulfilment. This is where science intersects with happiness, a thought-provoking junction that encompasses more than mere smiles and laughter. It involves comprehending the intricate dynamics that bolster our sense of well-being and utilising this understanding to cultivate a more gratifying existence. Delve into the substantial framework of positive psychology,…

  • Food

    How to create your balanced mediterranean diet plan

    If you are seeking a dietary plan conducive to cardiovascular health, the Mediterranean diet could potentially be an appropriate selection. This diet merges essential elements of a healthy nutrition including the incorporation of olive oil and possibly even a glass of red wine. More significantly, its efficacy is substantiated by compelling scientific research. Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet not…

  • Health

    How doing nothing for a day is good for you

    In today’s fast-paced environment, taking a day off might seem impractical. Yet, such a break is crucial for rejuvenating mental and physical health. Continuous alertness can trigger stress and burnout, manifesting as chronic fatigue, irritability, and reduced productivity. Taking time to relax is not laziness; it’s a preventative strategy against mental and physical exhaustion. A complete day off involves more…

  • Health

    Boost your immunity: Natural steps backed by science

    In the dynamic urban landscapes and tranquil settings of Thailand, fortifying one’s immunity system is essential to fully appreciate the myriad experiences the country has to offer. Whether navigating through the lively markets of Bangkok or traversing the verdant rural expanses, maintaining optimal health serves as a crucial passport to adventure. By adopting appropriate measures, enhancing one’s immune function naturally…

  • Health

    Forest bathing in Thailand

    Nestled within Southeast Asia, Thailand emerges as a tranquil sanctuary for those seeking to immerse themselves in the essence of nature through forest bathing. This practice, which hails from Japan, has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of Thailand’s verdant landscapes. The northern region of Thailand, characterised by its vast tropical rainforests and extended dry periods, stands out as an…

  • Health

    Beat common sleep disorders: Unlock solutions for restful nights

    It may come as a surprise to many that achieving a restful night’s sleep proves to be a challenging endeavour for individuals globally. Indeed, difficulties related to sleep are significant concerns that affect both adults and children universally. These subtle yet impactful issues can disrupt our capacity for tranquil slumber, underscoring the importance of gaining a deeper understanding of them.…

  • Thailand News

    Discover the health benefits of lemon slices in your bedroom

    The simple practice of placing sliced lemons in a bedroom has emerged as a surprisingly beneficial health tip, as revealed by a woman from Thanh Xuan District in Hanoi, Vietnam. Observing her mother’s nightly routine, the woman discovered that this common fruit not only enhances culinary dishes but also offers significant health advantages when used in a domestic setting. Lemons,…