
  • World News

    Covid-19 today: World snapshot

    Despite many vaccines being in the works, and mostly all nations imposing safety measures surrounding Covid-19, The World Health Organisation says the pandemic is still growing around the world. “The epidemic is now peaking or moving toward a peak in a number of large countries,” said Dr Michael Ryan, WHO’s emergencies chief. So here is what’s happening around the world…

  • Covid-19 News

    World Covid-19 cases accelerate as the toll surpasses 9 million infections

    Global coronavirus infections have now topped 9 million infections with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating in cases. As parts of the world start to open up the World Health Organisation is warning that, far from even getting to a second wave, most of the world is still deep into its first wave. Europe has been steadily easing community and even travel…

  • World News

    WHO reports the highest daily increase of Covid-19 cases

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported the largest single-day increase in cases of Covid-19 since the pandemic began, with over 183,000 new cases detected in the past 24 hours. Key points: The significantly larger number of cases could be due to both increased testing and wider spreading of infections There are now more than 8.7 million cases worldwide, with…

  • Covid-19 News

    World’s coronavirus focus shifts from Europe to the Americas

    The focus of the world’s coronavirus pandemic has shifted in the past month, from Europe epicentres to the Americas, both north and south. Russia, too, has become a growing problem as the pandemic spreads from other European continental regions. In order, the US, Russia and Brazil are now the top three nations with the most cases. In the US, at…

  • Việt Nam

    Messi thị uy sức mạnh, Argentina dằn mặt Brazil

    ẢNH: Getty Images Argentina trả đũa Brazil nhờ bàn thắng duy nhất trận đấu của Lionel Messi. Brazil và Argentina tái đấu sau khi “Những chàng cao bồi” để thua ê chề trước Brazil 0 -2 trong cuộc đối đầu tại trận bán kết Copa America 2019. Hơn thế, ở giải đấu này, đội tuyển xứ Samba còn giành ngôi…

  • Việt Nam

    Brazil: Làm nổ tung khu vườn khi diệt gián

    Câu chuyện vừa bi vừa hài xảy ra tại thành phố Enéas Marques, Brazil. Khi cô vợ của Cesar Schmitz phàn nàn về sự oanh tạc của lũ gián khiến cô sợ hãi, anh quyết tâm ra tay nghĩa hiệp, thể hiện bản lĩnh đàn ông trong mắt vợ mình bằng cách diệt tận gốc ổ của “tiểu Cường”. Thấy…

  • Business News

    Don’t mention the ‘R’ word – world’s biggest economies at risk of recession

    CARTOON: Financial Times Five big economies are at risk of recession – Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil and the UK. A recession is usually defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction in an economy. Locally Singapore and Hong Kong are teetering on technical recessions, both vital regional business hubs. The UK economy shrunk in the second quarter, and growth has flat…

  • Pattaya News

    Five senior Pattaya police shuffled to desk jobs

    PHOTO: “Surprise!” – Brazil Nightclub in South Pattaya Five police officers in Pattaya City have been unceremoniously transferred after two early morning raids on entertainment venues in their area. The pubs had been operating beyond legal hours, tolerated illicit drug use and allowed underage patrons on their premises. Here’s the Pattaya police walk of shame… Muang Pattaya Police Station superintendent…