
  • Guides

    SynergyLabs is paving the way for Thailand’s blockchain future

    If you’ve been wondering, “Is blockchain dead?” Let us put that to rest: no, blockchain is here to stay. While the craze may have died down, blockchain technology is only getting bigger as its potential for real-world use continues to expand. And the arrival of SynergyLabs, Thailand’s official Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) Hub, exemplifies this continued progress. The company is…

  • Technology News

    How blockchain technology is transforming finance

    Just imagine a world where your money is not only safe, but everything about it is transparent and cannot be tweaked or twisted. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that’s where we’re headed thanks to the power of blockchain technology. This isn’t some sci-fi concept; it’s happening now. Blockchain acts as a shared ledger system and is shaking up the…

  • Automotive

    Thailand drives automotive innovation with blockchain technology

    Let’s dive into the exciting world of Thailand’s car industry, where something super cool is happening – blockchain technology is making waves and turning things up a notch. Imagine having a sneak peek into the future of cars and seeing how this tech is shaking things up, from making everything more open and easy to track to boosting how well…

  • Guides

    Navigating the metaverse: A guide for Thai businesses

    The metaverse is experiencing rapid growth within Southeast Asia, presenting not only opportunities but also substantial concerns regarding cybersecurity and equitable access to this avant-garde domain. However, engagement with the metaverse extends beyond merely embracing a new technological trend. It is imperative for Thai enterprises to develop a sophisticated understanding of digital assets and related legal frameworks—considering non-fungible tokens (NFTs)…

  • Cannabis

    How blockchain boosts trust & quality in transforming Thai cannabis

    Thailand’s cannabis industry is on the brink of a revolution, and blockchain technology is at the heart of this transformation. As regulations evolve and the market expands, the integration of blockchain is set to redefine how businesses operate within this sector. With its unparalleled ability to ensure transparency and security, blockchain offers a promising solution to some of the industry’s…

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    Revolutionise your marketing: Harness blockchain today

    In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for your success. Enter blockchain technology, a groundbreaking development that’s set to revolutionize how you reach and engage with your audience. If you’re keen on harnessing the latest in tech to boost your marketing efforts, you’re in the right place. Blockchain isn’t just for the…

  • World News

    UK public sector adopts blockchain for transparent government auctions

    The UK public sector made a groundbreaking leap towards improving transparency and fairness in governmental auctions, by adopting the use of blockchain technology. Giving credence to this, the Controller General’s Department (CGD) confirmed the measures they’ve started to undertake since April this year. The CGD, an authority under the Finance Ministry, is renowned for its role in managing procurement processes. The…