Thai police

  • Thai Life

    National police get tough on… hair

    Thailand’s National Police Command said yesterday it will inspect its ranks at random to ensure that the new haircut regulation is strictly followed. Spokesman Kissana Phathanacharoen said the buzz cut, with the sides and back of their heads shorn and only a small patch of hair on top of their scalps,must be adopted by “all officers except those working undercover.”…

  • Crime News

    Thai police scrutinised over record number of dismissed human trafficking cases

    Thailand is home to about 610,000 modern-day slaves, or about one in 113 of its population of 69 million, according to the Global Slavery Index by the Walk Free Foundation. Yet Thai prosecutors turned down nearly a fifth of human trafficking cases sent to them by police last year. This has raised concerns that police were on a drive to…

  • Crime News

    Thai police dis criticism of their Koh Tao Murder investigation

    PHOTO: Bangkok Post Thai police have publicly hit back at foreign media allegations that their forensics investigation into the highly-publicised 2014 murder case on Koh Tao did not meet international standards. The publicity about their allegedly botched investigation began in 2014 with the brutal murder of two British tourists, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on Koh Tao island off Surat…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Mother of boy killed in Thailand’s war on drugs petitions Supreme Court to investigate acquittal of police officers

    PHOTO: The mother of 17 year old Kittisap Thitboonkrong, who died during the war on drugs introduced 14 years ago by then PM Thaksin Shinawatra, is asking the Supreme Court to investigate how 6 police officers charged with his murder came to be acquitted last year. In July 2004, Mr Kittisap was in police custody as a suspect in…

  • Thailand News

    Thai police to stop background checks on Muslim students

    PHOTO: Chiang Rai Times Thailand’s Special Branch police have agreed to drop their request for universities to provide them with background information on Muslim students. Thai PBS World reports that Rangsiman Rome, spokesman for the House Committee on Laws, Justice Process and Human Rights, says Special Branch has communicated their decision to the committee. Mr Rangsiman says Muslim students have…

  • South Thailand News

    Police officer caught drinking on the job

    A police officer in Nakhon Si Thamarat, southern Thailand, is being investigated for allegedly consuming alcohol while working. The offence is understood to have taken place while Pol Lt-Col Somsak Faipakdee was at his office, during work hours. The Thai-language Daily News reports that the officer, a member of the Border Patrol Police of Tungsong District, is being investigated on…