
  • World News

    Singapore Yacht Show postpones yachting showcase again

    In February this year, the Singapore Yacht Show was the first international yacht show to have to postpone its annual event, but the organising team and all its other stakeholders were optimistic that the worst of the newly-arrived Covid-19 pandemic would have gone away by October. The Thailand Yacht Show and the Singapore Yacht Show are the biggest regional showcases…

  • World News

    Thailand planning land and rail passageway, bypassing congested Strait of Malacca

    Thailand hopes to shorten shipping time by bypassing the busy Strait of Malacca with a 100 kilometre highway and railway passageway. Discussions are underway to construct 2 deep seaports on both sides of the country’s southern coast, which would be linked via rail and highway. The latest proposal replaces the Kra Canal plan, which was talked about for decades. That…

  • World News

    Singapore lifts restrictions, travellers from New Zealand and Brunei allowed

    Some major border restrictions are lifting in Singapore. Those in New Zealand or Brunei who want to spend a holiday in Singapore can do so starting September 1. There will no requirement for those travellers to do a 2 week quarantine. Those in Singapore will also be allowed to travel to both New Zealand and Brunei. Yes, it’s a travel bubble…

  • World News

    Latest travel advisories for SE Asia, UK, Canada

    While Thailand’s borders are still closed to all but a very few foreign visitors, there are outbound flights to some destinations, but the Covid-19 crisis means that entry requirements are fluid and often unpredictable; Singapore will require some returning residents who self-quarantine to use an electronic monitoring device effective August 10, while Myanmar has extended the ban on international flights.…

  • World News

    Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia battling new Covid-19 cases in SE Asia

    Indonesia, The Philippines and Singapore are leading the way in South East Asia, contributing the most number of new cases of the coronavirus in the past week ( In the past 24 hours The Philippines (1,841), Indonesia (1,462) and Singapore (327) have added the highest number of new Covid-19 cases in the ASEAN region. In The Philippines the numbers have…

  • World News

    Singapore drops into an official recession

    Singapore, an early success story in Covid-19 containment, has now dropped into technical recession after an official second quarter report of negative growth. The Singaporean economy plunged 41.2% quarter-on-quarter, with the country’s trade-dependent economy battered by the Covid-19 crisis in the South East Asian region. Finance authorities are flagging that they expect Singapore’s GDP to shrink between 4 – 7% this…

  • World News

    State quarantine for Thais entering Singapore, while harder hit nations get a pass

    Singapore’s government will continue to require that all Thai arrivals to the city-state undergo a 14 day mandatory state quarantine before being allowed to enter the country and mingle with the general population. Singapore, which has 45,298 total cases, says that Thais must serve their “Stay Home Notice” at dedicated government quarantine facilities. Arrivals from China, which has seen a total…

  • World News

    Locals not rushing to book Singapore ‘staycations’

    Tokyo residents can escape the city with a hike up Mount Fuji. New Yorkers can head to Long Island for a weekend. In Indonesia locals will be able to fly to the beaches of Bali. And in Thailand anyone living here now can visit the island of Phuket for a beach retreat. Such is the Covid era ‘staycation’, the solution…

  • World News

    Brits banned from Singapore after lockdown ‘bar crawl’

    A group of British men staying in Singapore were prohibited from working there again after breaking the local lockdown to go on a “bar crawl”. The men each received a fine of around S$9,000. They were all charged after a photo of them drinking together during the country’s “lockdown” went viral last month. A different party, comprising an American couple…

  • Covid-19 News

    Update on Asia’s quest for a Covid-19 vaccine

    Partnerships have formed between some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, as well as collaboration between countries as Asia’s best minds are working together in a bid to be the first to create a Covid-19 vaccine. Here is an update on four leading countries in Asia, in the search to find a cure for the notorious Covid-19 virus which was swept the…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-era travel restrictions around Asia

    As most Asian countries dust themselves off and emerge from the ashes of the initial ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic, a report in the Chiang Rai Times looks at how flight restrictions may affect travel in the region. International flights are still off-limits for many countries, but the situation is expected to gradually improve, particularly with the introduction of “travel…

  • World News

    Singapore to begin human trial of potential Covid-19 prophylactic

    A new drug, currently known as TY027, might be used to protect frontline healthcare workers against potential exposure to Covid-19, or travellers when they head to countries with high community transmission. Next week, 23 volunteers in Singapore will be involved in a clinical safety trial for the prophylactic antibody drug, which could be a viable treatment the disease that has already…

  • World News

    Death sentence handed down via video call in Singapore

    A prisoner in Singapore has been sentenced to death via a Zoom video call, the first time the city state has delivered capital punishment remotely. Thai PBS World reports that 37 year old Malaysian citizen Punithan Genasan was handed the death penalty as punishment for a 2011 heroin smuggling operation. Like Thailand, Singapore operates a zero-tolerance policy for drug trafficking…

  • World News

    Singapore nurse leads Covid-19 patients in dance routine – VIDEO

    A video posted online shows a Singaporean nurse at a Covid-19 isolation facility leading a group of patients in a morning dance routine. The patients are all migrant labourers now recovering after being treated for the virus. Singapore experienced an unexpected second wave of infections when over 20,000 migrant workers, all living in close proximity, caught the virus, with hundreds of…

  • World News

    Singaporean visa forger sentenced, fined, awaiting deportation

    A Singaporean former-embassy staff was yesterday handed a suspended 114 months sentence by a Thai court after being convicted of 38 counts of forging Thai visa documents. When arrested by police in the northern province of Chiang Rai police on Tuesday, 26 year old David Han was found to have forged employment documents, salary slips, and certificates from universities both in…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Former employee of Thai Embassy in Singapore arrested for forging visa documents

    Police in Chiang Rai have arrested a Singaporean national accused of forging visa documents. 26 year old David Han, a former employee at the Thai Embassy in Singapore, was arrested by Immigration Police at a hotel in Chiang Rai in possession of counterfeit documents required for visa extension. The Chiang Rai Times reports that Han told police he still worked…

  • Covid-19 News

    320,000 of Singapore’s migrant workers living in Covid-19 limbo

    As the Covid-19 pandemic sweeps the world, some countries are faring better than others. Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and as late as March, Singapore, had all been hailed for using the hard-won lessons of the 2003-04 SARS outbreak to combat the new virus, a relative of SARS. For Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the story might well have been one…

  • World News

    Thailand names 5 more ASEAN countries as ‘high risk’, 4 are border nations

    A Ministry of Public Health announcement yesterday, signed by Deputy PM and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, and published in the Royal Gazette, claims the Covid-19 situation in 5 nearby countries is escalating. Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar have now been added to the list of countries and territories considered as high risk areas for infection. On March 6,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai companies urged to tighten up Covid-19 measures for migrant workers

    The Director General of the Department of Employment Suchat Pornchaiwiseskul says that he has sent an urgent letter to companies asking them to ensure stricter disease control measures for migrant workers from neighbouring countries. The letter follows a serious outbreak of more than 7,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 among migrant workers living in cramped conditions in Singapore. “The Centre for…

  • World News

    Yangon applies curfew despite low reported case

    Burmese authorities in the largest city Yangon have announced a night curfew to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Like Thailand, the curfew runs from 10pm to 4am, starting from last night, affecting some 7 million people. The curfew will remain in place “until further notice”. Mandalay, a city of around 1.5 million, has also imposed a similar curfew from…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19 tại Đông Nam Á: Ghi nhận hơn 22.000 ca nhiễm nCoV

    Các nước Đông Nam Á tăng hơn 1.000 ca nhiễm Covid-19 trong một ngày, đưa tổng số ca nhiễm được ghi nhận lên 22.180, trong đó có 958 ca tử vong. Philippines Tổng số ca nhiễm: 5.453 ca (tăng 230 ca). Số ca tử vong: 349 ca (tăng 14 ca). Số người hồi phục: 353 ca (tăng 58 người). Là vùng…

  • World News

    Singapore hit by a second wave of coronavirus cases

    Singapore was a paragon of coronavirus containment. Covid-19 was under control in the island state. Case number were flattening out. But the virus has made a resurgent return with the previous ‘flattening’ of new cases now spiking. As Italy, Spain, the UK and US founder under a seemingly relentless pandemic, despite lockdowns and best intentions, several Asian nations stand out…

  • World News

    Singapore issues permanent ban for breaking curfew

    Twenty four work pass holders had their work permits cancelled and are now permanently banned from working in Singapore for breaking Covid 19 “circuit breaker” rules. The foreign workers were caught eating, drinking and socialising in groups near Tuas View Square in Singapore’s western region. The Ministry of Manpower stepped up inspections of dormitories to ensure safe distancing measures are…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand cannot lower its guard in the battle against Covid-19

    Yesterday, Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration says, “despite the declining numbers of the Covid-19 infections, the Kingdom cannot lower its guard because our neighbouring countries are still at high risk.” “The decreased number of new infections is good news for the traditional Thai New Year (Songkran), though high numbers of new cases recorded in…

  • Covid-19 News

    Handful of Thais catch last flight back to Thailand from Singapore

    Flights are thin on the ground now and very few regional carriers are still in the air. Singapore Airlines Flight 972 was the last scheduled service to Thailand’s Suvarnabhumi Airport. Passengers, only a few dozen, mostly Thais fleeing back home to ride out the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, flew out of Singapore’s Changi Airport yesterday. Airlines worldwide are cutting flights and grounding…

  • Covid-19 News

    Airlines suspending flights – Thai Lion Air, Singapore Airlines

    “The airline has been seriously affected by the coronavirus situation, with passenger loads dropping so sharply that, some days, there are no passengers at all.” This is a letter addressed to the director of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), Chula Sukmanop, sent from the CEO of Thai Lion Air Aswin Yongkiratikorn. Thai Lion Air has formerly notified CAAT…

  • World News

    Thai airways cancels 32 flights to 12 countries

    Reports from Thai Airways International say that due to the spread of the Covid-19 disease the national airline is obligated to announce the cancellation of international flights. In order to meet the traveling needs of decreasing passengers, the airline have announced cancelled flights to and from 12 countries, totalling 32 flights. These flights include… 1. Nepal, Kathmandu, 2 flights, TG…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19 ngày 15/3: Số ca tử vong và nhiễm mới tăng chưa từng có

    Pháp, Iran, Singapore, Malaysia, Tây Ban Nha và Italia có số ca tử vong, nhiễm mới virus corona trong ngày tăng cao đột biến. Pháp quay cuồng Cơ quan Y tế công cộng Pháp thông báo ghi nhận thêm 36 trường hợp tử vong vì Covid-19 hôm qua và cũng là mức tăng cao nhất từ khi dịch bùng phát…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai Health Minister laughs at media when asked about his ‘travel restrictions’ document

    “When asked directly why he deactivated his Facebook account after publishing the official memos, signed by himself, Anutin laughed and attempted to deflect the question.” The Thailand government, specifically the gaffe-prone Public Health minister, has thrown the holiday plans of thousands into confusion after the Minister’s orders for any new arrivals from 11 destinations to go into self-imposed quarantine (for…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Confusion over Thailand designating 11 destinations as ‘high risk’

    Thailand’s Public Health Ministry yesterday designated 9 countries and 2 Chinese territories as high risk areas for the Covid-19 virus. He announced that visitors to Thailand from these destination are now subject to 14 day home quarantine and will have to adhere to strict health-related follow-ups. The official government post, on a Public Health Ministry letterhead, was released to the…