
  • World News

    Face masks become mandatory in Malaysia’s fight against Covid-19

    Even when it was in the grip of Covid-19 in March, reporting daily new cases in triple digits, Malaysia never made the wearing of face masks mandatory. Defense Minister Ismail Sabri says this was to avoid placing financial stress on the country’s poor, given that face masks should be changed at least once a day. However, as the country reports…

  • Crime News

    4 pregnant women among 32 human trafficking victims dumped in forest in southern Thailand

    4 pregnant women are among 32 Burmese dumped in a forest in the southern province of Chumphon after being illegally trafficked into Thailand. It’s understood the group had all been working in Malaysia until the Covid-19 crisis erupted and they lost their jobs. Thai Residents reports that they pooled all the money they had to engage a human trafficking gang…

  • Crime News

    2 arrested in Narathiwat with 1,420 kilograms of meth – VIDEO

    Police in the southern province of Narathiwat, on the Malaysian border, arrested 2 men and seized and 1,420 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine hidden in a trailer truck in Tak Bai district in the early hours of this morning. A team of police, soldiers and local officials was sent to Padador village in tambon Na Nak following a tip that a…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-era travel restrictions around Asia

    As most Asian countries dust themselves off and emerge from the ashes of the initial ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic, a report in the Chiang Rai Times looks at how flight restrictions may affect travel in the region. International flights are still off-limits for many countries, but the situation is expected to gradually improve, particularly with the introduction of “travel…

  • World News

    Border patrols nab 29 Thais sneaking back from Malaysia

    Border patrol police arrested 29 Thai nationals for illegal entry yesterday, as they were attempting to sneak over the Malaysian border into the Sabayoi district of Thailand’s southern Songkhla province, mostly heavily wooded forest. The group – 18 men and 11 women – rode through forests on 15 motorbikes to avoid immigration checkpoints. They were intercepted by police on a…

  • Covid-19 News

    40 confirmed Covid-19 cases surface in southern Yala province

    A second set of swabs from 40 asymptomatic in-patients at a hospital in Yala, southern Thailand, were sent to a laboratory in neighbouring Songkhla for analysis. Now the health office has confirmed the 40 new Covid-19 cases in Yala. The huge spike in local cases has sent health officials scurrying to trace those who had been in contact with the…

  • World News

    Thailand names 5 more ASEAN countries as ‘high risk’, 4 are border nations

    A Ministry of Public Health announcement yesterday, signed by Deputy PM and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, and published in the Royal Gazette, claims the Covid-19 situation in 5 nearby countries is escalating. Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar have now been added to the list of countries and territories considered as high risk areas for infection. On March 6,…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19 tại Đông Nam Á: Indonesia “vươn” lên thành vùng dịch lớn nhất khu vực

    Với gần 6.000 ca nhiễm Covid-19, Indonesia đã vượt qua Philippines trở thành vùng dịch lớn nhất Đông Nam Á, đồng thời cũng là vùng dịch chết chóc nhất khu vực. 1, Indonesia Tổng số ca nhiễm: 5.923 ca (tăng 407 ca). Số ca tử vong: 520 ca (tăng 24 ca). Nước này đã làm xét nghiệm nCoV cho 42.000…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19 tại Đông Nam Á: Ghi nhận hơn 22.000 ca nhiễm nCoV

    Các nước Đông Nam Á tăng hơn 1.000 ca nhiễm Covid-19 trong một ngày, đưa tổng số ca nhiễm được ghi nhận lên 22.180, trong đó có 958 ca tử vong. Philippines Tổng số ca nhiễm: 5.453 ca (tăng 230 ca). Số ca tử vong: 349 ca (tăng 14 ca). Số người hồi phục: 353 ca (tăng 58 người). Là vùng…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand cannot lower its guard in the battle against Covid-19

    Yesterday, Dr. Taweesilp Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration says, “despite the declining numbers of the Covid-19 infections, the Kingdom cannot lower its guard because our neighbouring countries are still at high risk.” “The decreased number of new infections is good news for the traditional Thai New Year (Songkran), though high numbers of new cases recorded in…

  • Covid-19 News

    Hungarian tourist dies in Phuket after failing to reveal Bangla Road visits

    Dr Chalermpong Sukhonthapol, the director of Phuket’s Vachira Hospital, has revealed details of a Hungarian tourist who recently died of Covid-19, but had earlier withheld details of his visits to the island’s red light district in Bangla Road, Patong. Bangla Road has been the island’s hotzone for new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus. The case has resulted in more than…

  • World News

    Malaysia’s coronavirus cases will peak in mid-April: WHO

    Today, The World Health Organisation has announced that the number of coronavirus cases in Malaysia is expected to peak in mid-April as there appears there are signs of a flattening of the infection curve. Malaysia is now ranked the highest number of known infections in Southeast Asia with a total of 2,908 confirmed cases with 102 patients that are in intensive…

  • Covid-19 News

    King and Queen of Malaysia under quarantine after palace staff test positive for coronavirus

    Malaysia has the highest number of Covid-19 coronavirus cases in Southeast Asia (2031 at time of publication), and now its King and Queen are under quarantine after 7 staff members of the royal palace tested positive for the virus. National news agency Bernama made the announcement yesterday. Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin and his wife Tuanku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah have tested…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Riot fears reopen ‘closed’ Thai border checkpoints as migrant workers flee

    “We must go home, or we will starve to death in Bangkok.” Some of Thailand’s recently closed border checkpoints were forced to reopen today as thousands of migrant workers, now unemployed due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, flee Thailand for their homes in Myanmar and Cambodia. Their numbers and their desperation sparked fears of rioting. In Chiang Rai, the border…

  • Việt Nam

    TP.HCM: “Bệnh nhân 100” khiến 129 người liên quan tại Quận 8 bị cách ly

    Ban chỉ đạo phòng, chống dịch Covid-19 quận 8, TP.HCM cho biết, thêm 129 trường hợp liên quan đến bệnh nhân thứ 100 đã được đưa đi cách ly tập trung. Cụ thể, 129 trường hợp này (phường 1: 128, phường 2: 1) được Quận đưa đi cách ly tập trung tại kí túc xá ĐH Quốc gia TP.HCM do…

  • World News

    Narathiwat/Malaysia border checkpoints closed March 18-31

    After Malaysia announced its nationwide lock down, the Thai Fourth Army commander Lieutenant General Pornsak Poonsawat, who is also director of the Region 4 Internal Security Operation Command, has announced the temporary closure of the customs checkpoints in Narathiwat, along the Thai/Malaysia border. He went to inspect the Sungai Kolok customs checkpoint in Narathiwat. After seeing that only Malaysian nationals…

  • Covid-19 News

    Malaysia closes its borders

    The government of Malaysia announced yesterday it is shutting its borders to travellers, restricting domestic movement, closing schools and universities and ordering most businesses closed after the number of Covid-19 coronavirus cases climbed yesterday to the highest in Southeast Asia. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin made a nationally televised speech announcing the measures, which will be in force beginning tomorrow until…

  • Việt Nam

    Bệnh nhân 61 nhiễm Covid-19 tại Ninh Thuận làm chủ hôn 2 đám cưới và dự thánh lễ trong thời gian ủ bệnh

    Đến 10h sáng nay, ngành y tế Ninh Thuận vận động được 5 người tiếp xúc gần với bệnh nhân 61 về Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Ninh Thuận để cách ly y tế. Hôm qua, bệnh nhân 61 nhận kết quả dương tính với virus corona tên B.T.Th. (42 tuổi, ngụ xã Phước Nam, huyện Thuận Nam), là ca…

  • Việt Nam

    Covid-19 ngày 15/3: Số ca tử vong và nhiễm mới tăng chưa từng có

    Pháp, Iran, Singapore, Malaysia, Tây Ban Nha và Italia có số ca tử vong, nhiễm mới virus corona trong ngày tăng cao đột biến. Pháp quay cuồng Cơ quan Y tế công cộng Pháp thông báo ghi nhận thêm 36 trường hợp tử vong vì Covid-19 hôm qua và cũng là mức tăng cao nhất từ khi dịch bùng phát…

  • Business News

    Thailand CP Group’s take over bid for Tesco Asia

    The 332.6 billion baht deal between the UK’s Tesco-branded Asian interests and Thai conglomerate CP Group, is coming under scrutiny as there are fears it could lead to a mega-retail monopoly. In the deal, the Chareon Pokphand Group will acquire all of Tesco Asia. CPAll and CPF informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand of their surprise investment in Tesco Asia…

  • South Thailand News

    Thai soldiers kill 5 suspected insurgents in the South

    Thai security authorities have confirmed that five suspected southern insurgents have been shot and killed by soldiers on a mountain side in the Cho Airong district of Narathiwat. The incident happened yesterday in the southern province bordering Malaysia. Military sources told Thai PBS World that the security forces were pursuing the insurgents after being spotted near a checkpoint set up…

  • Việt Nam

    Truy tìm khẩn cấp hơn 1.000 hành khách trên du thuyền mới cập cảng ở Campuchia

    Một người trên du thuyền MS Westerdam cập cảng Campuchia dương tính với virus corona, hơn 1.000 du khách khác đã đến nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Thủ tướng Campuchia Hun Sen đích thân ra đón du thuyền Mới đây, một nữ hành khách người Mỹ trên du thuyền MS Westerdam đã có kết quả dương tính với virus corona…

  • Việt Nam

    Du khách tàu Westerdam dương tính virus corona sau 2 lần xét nghiệm

    Du khách trên du thuyền MS Westerdam cập cảng Sihanoukville – Campuchia dương tính với virus corona sau hai lần xét nghiệm ở Malaysia. Theo Reuters, Malaysia vừa cho biết theo kết quả xét nghiệm hôm nay, một bà cụ 83 tuổi người Mỹ dương tính với virus corona và đây cũng là lần thứ 2 nhận kết quả tương…

  • Việt Nam

    Máy bay Malindo Air nổ lốp ở sân bay Nội Bài

    Hôm qua, do bị nổ lốp, một máy bay của hãng Malindo Air (Malaysia) phải hạ cánh khẩn cấp tại sân bay Nội Bài. Vào lúc 13h ngày 21/1, chuyến bay mang số hiệu OD572 của hãng hàng không Malindo Air (Malaysia) cất cánh tại sân bay Nội Bài. Sau khi máy bay cất cánh, bộ phận giám sát sân…

  • South Thailand News

    Police and sniffer dogs search for 18 Rohingya who escaped from southern detention centre

    Police and soldiers are searching forest areas around the border areas of Sadao district, south of Hat Yai in Songkhla, as they look for 18 illegal Royingha migrants. Originally 19 fled from the camp, about five kilometres from the border but one broke his leg during the escape and was soon found while hiding in a nearby village. 18 are…

  • World News

    Hong Kong property investors turn to SE Asia

    “But now mainland Chinese, who traditionally viewed property in Hong Kong as a safe investment, are opting for rival financial hub Singapore and other south east Asian property hot spots.” by Sam Reeves, with Catherine Lai in Singapore From luxury Singapore apartments to Malaysian seafront condos, Hong Kong investors are shifting cash into Southeast Asian property, demoralised by increasingly violent protests…

  • World News

    Hong Kong leader should resign, says Malaysian PM

    PHOTO: AFP Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, says Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam should quit as pro-democracy protests continue to rock the city. Activists are becoming increasingly violent as they voice their anger at what they see as increased interference from Beijing. The protests have now been running for four months and show no signs of ending soon.…

  • World News

    Southern Thailand smog well above safe levels

    PHOTOS: Charoon Thongnual – The Nation Hat Yai, the main city in Songkhla, has been among the worst hit by the smog engulfing parts of southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. The business district of Hat Yai has been hard hit with PM2.5 particles exceeding the safety standards of 50 (set by the World…

  • World News

    Top six tips when visiting Royal Thai Consulate General in Penang

    PHOTO: New Royal Thai Consular General in Penang An FOT (Friend of Thaiger) has returned from applying for a visa with the Royal Thai Consulate General in Penang, a popular port to the south of Thailand for ‘southern’ expats and tourists seeking visa upgrades, renewals or even for their first run. Thanks to Daren Jenner for the following tips if…

  • Crime News

    Thai police suspect southern insurgents in co-ordinated ATM explosions in Pattani

    PHOTO: Charoon Thongnual Suspected insurgents have blown up three ATMs in two districts in the Southern Thai province of Pattani, near the Malaysian border. The assailants escaped with banknotes from one of the ATMs. At this stage local police and security officials suspect insurgents were responsible for the bombings, but are still considering if the incidents could have been related…