
  • Thailand News

    Why are Thailand’s Covid-19 numbers so low?

    Why has Thailand, with a population greater than that of the UK, been largely spared the catastrophic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the nation and much of the world? Social distancing is embedded in Thai culture – Thais rarely touch when greeting, preferring the prayer-like “wai” gesture to a handshake or embrace. Could this custom be at least partly…

  • Covid-19 News

    Doctors say Covid-19 first wave may be over, but warn against complacency

    A spokesman for the Department of Disease Control says the “first wave” of the Covid-19 outbreak in Thailand is over after the country seeing no cases of community transmissions for 44 straight days. Dr Anupong Sujariyakul warned, however, that the kingdom must be prepared for the possibility of a second wave, as the contagion is still spreading in many parts…

  • Bangkok News

    Bangkok Skytrain cancels seat spacing measures

    Bangkok’s BTS Skytrain network has cancelled its seat spacing measures in order to increase passenger numbers after schools and colleges reopened today. Bangkok Mass Transit System’s CEO says social distancing measures have been relaxed to boost convenience for passengers. All BTS carriages had crosses on seating to separate seated passengers but had done nothing to keep standing passengers apart. Stations…

  • Covid-19 News

    Bangkok buses to ease social distancing requirements in Phase 5 as schools reopen

    In the fifth stage of Thailand’s easing of Emergency Decree lockdown measures, the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority plans to ease social distancing measures public buses to accommodate the increase in commuters after schools reopen on July 1. “In the fifth phase of the easing of Covid-19 lockdown, which will start on July 1, the government will allow schools and many…

  • Covid-19 News

    Inspection reveals some Bangkok massage shops flouting hygiene measures

    An inspection of Bangkok massage shops has revealed that some premises are being too lax in their implementation of mandatory hygiene measures. The restrictions were introduced by the Government’s Covid-19 task force as massage shops were given the go-ahead to reopen at the beginning of June. However, checks carried out yesterday at several massage shops in the Bang Sue area…

  • Covid-19 News

    Parents wary about school preparations for return to class on July 1

    Schools are set to re-open on July but parents, whilst keen to see their children back at school again, are rightly concerned about efforts being taken to keep them safe from Covid-19 infection. Although children worldwide have, generally, been spared the ravages of Covid-19, they are still able to become infected and pass it on to older members of their…

  • Covid-19 News

    ‘New normal’ seen in shopping malls across Bangkok

    Part of the ‘new normal’, in times of Covid-19 in Thailand, involves redesigning traditional ways of doing things and changing daily life to stay safe and virus free. Today The Standard has revealed a few things that you might see in the near future. To minimise the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in elevators, engineers have created a new,…

  • Covid-19 News

    BTS and MRT roll out better preventative and social distancing measures

    Since there has been a lot of backlash and social media scuttlebutt about the lack of social distancing on MRT and BTS train systems, the MD of the Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company, Sombat Kitjalaksak, has moved to apply improved social distancing measures by prioritising access to services in the station, platform, train, both at normal times and rush…

  • Covid-19 News

    A viral post reveals a lack of social distancing onboard Nok Air flight

    A Nok Air passenger from flight DD7809 flying from Nakhon Si Thammarat to Don Meuang Bangkok last Friday posted on her Facebook account with a picture expressing her concern about the lack of social distancing during boarding and then on the plane. “The airline notified passengers that it had to make a detour to Trang Airport to pick up additional…

  • Covid-19 News

    Food donors must maintain proper social-distancing procedures

    Yesterday police deputy spokesman Kissana Phattanacharoen announced that officers at Phlapphla Chai 2 police station have investigated an incident that took place on April 12 when dozens of people had gathered to receive charitable food near Hua Lamphong railway station in Bangkok. Bangkok police have pressed charges against food donors for allegedly failing to submit any social gathering precautions. The…