
  • Technology News

    How the blockchain can benefit Thai businesses

    Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) undoubtedly form the structural foundation of many global economies, they contribute up to 40% of national revenue and create upwards of 70% of employment roles. Nevertheless, they frequently encounter significant hurdles, including obtaining financial access. This is where blockchain is introduced as a catalyst for change, set to redefine the vista of the business landscape.…

  • Technology News

    The role of technology in remote work and the future offices

    The employment landscape is currently undergoing significant metamorphosis, right under our watch. The abrupt advent of COVID-19 has hastened the transition into an era of remote operations, largely relegating the conventional office to a historical artefact. Initially a circumstantial adjustment in the face of a worldwide predicament, this shift has subsequently revealed multiple advantages and is poised to become the…

  • Technology News

    The evolution of autonomous vehicles

    At the crux of the current technological revolution resides artificial intelligence, which is acting as a catalyst for a remarkable transformation. AI is instrumental to the development and functioning of these self sustaining vehicles, not merely being a constituent, but essentially the fundamental framework enabling the enhancement of safety and efficiency of autonomous vehicles. As we investigate the varying degrees…

  • Lifestyle

    The impact of smartphones on young people’s social life

    The milieu of the digital era, smartphones have ascended to an essential component of our existence, notably amongst the youth demographic. However, one ought to contemplate the ramifications of these apparatuses on their social interactions. This dissertation aims to illuminate this perturbing subject matter. Recent figures indicate a precipitous augmentation in the duration children devote to viewing online video content,…