Sydney Morning Herald

  • Thailand NewsThailand’s Teflon MP denies he is “ready” to be the next Thai PM

    Thailand’s Teflon MP denies he is “ready” to be the next Thai PM

    Thammanat Prompao for Thai PM. Huh?! The Palang Pracharat ‘fixer’, and former guest of the Australian prison system, is crying ‘fake news’ over a social media post saying that he’s “ready and waiting” to be offered the top job in Thai politics. Palang Pracharat is the majority coalition party in the current Thai government. The Agriculture and Cooperatives minister, and…

  • Politics NewsThammanat Prompow is cleared to continue serving as an MP and cabinet minister

    Thammanat Prompow is cleared to continue serving as an MP and cabinet minister

    Deputy Agriculture Minister, and Palang Pracharat ‘fixer’, Thammanat Prompow, has been cleared by a Thai court to continue to hold office in Thailand despite his previous heroin trafficking charges in Australia in 1993. The Court maintained that, as the case was tried in another country other than Thailand, his conviction has no bearing on his standing as a member of…

  • Politics NewsThai minister Thammanat Prompao tells parliament he “never pled guilty” or “served time” over heroin drug charges

    Thai minister Thammanat Prompao tells parliament he “never pled guilty” or “served time” over heroin drug charges

    The Thai deputy agriculture minister Thammanat Prompao has re-ignited the controversy over his drug convictions in Australia by continuing to insist he “never pled guilty or served jail time for drug charges in Australia”. His claims are contrary to the evidence provided by the Australian courts. The ministers’s denial follows the disbanded Future Forward Party publishing an Australian court ruling on…

  • Politics NewsThammanat Prompao misses cabinet meeting today, calls in sick

    Thammanat Prompao misses cabinet meeting today, calls in sick

    Controversy-prone deputy agriculture minister for the Prayut government, Thammanat Prompao, isn’t feeling well today and has called in sick. He’s even provided a photo of himself in bed as proof of his need for a day off. After weathering a week of questions about his dodgy degrees and heroin-trafficking days back in Sydney in the 90s, he’s now succumbed to…

  • Politics News“The fake university degree is irrelevant if Thammanat has a genuine BA degree” – Wissanu

    “The fake university degree is irrelevant if Thammanat has a genuine BA degree” – Wissanu

    PHOTO: Thai PBS World “Wissanu refused to give a direct answer to a reporter’s question about whether Thammanat would still be considered qualified if the higher-level degrees were proven to be fake.” Key leaders of the coalition continue to back the embattled deputy agriculture minister Thammanat Prompao despite a week were his drug past has been revealed in a Sydney…

  • Politics NewsEmbattled Thammanat Prompao considers 100 defamation lawsuits against accusers

    Embattled Thammanat Prompao considers 100 defamation lawsuits against accusers

    PHOTO: Reuters The high-profile deputy Agriculture Minister, and government ‘fixer’, Thammanat Prompao says he will file about 100 defamation lawsuits against individuals and organisations who have dug up his criminal past, including his reported heroin-trafficking past in Australia, including a four year jail term, and people questioning his educational credentials. He claims they are all a plot to discredit him.…

  • Politics NewsSeri Ruam leader says he told Sydney Morning Herald to investigate Thammanat Prompao

    Seri Ruam leader says he told Sydney Morning Herald to investigate Thammanat Prompao

    PHOTO: Seri Ruam Thai party leader Gen Seripisut Temiyavet “The Seri Ruam Thai party leader said that he was not afraid that he might be sued for providing information to the Australian media.” Seri Ruam Thai party leader Gen Seripisut Temiyavet claims that he was the source who tipped off the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper in Australia to investigate the…

  • Politics NewsCoalition considers demoting clumsy deputy agriculture minister, Thammanat Prompow

    Coalition considers demoting clumsy deputy agriculture minister, Thammanat Prompow

    Key members of Palang Pracharath are now discussing the future of deputy agriculture minister Thammanat Prompow’s as ‘fixer’ or coordinator of the coalition’s minor parties. The coalition’s smaller parties, some of them just single MPs, are in uproar following the controversial minister’s “monkey keeper” weekend remarks, potentially causing new rifts in the shaky coalition government. At the weekend the minister…

  • Thai LifeAustralian newspaper reports on Thai minister’s criminal drug past

    Australian newspaper reports on Thai minister’s criminal drug past

    The Deputy Agriculture Minister Thammanat Prompow has had his accounts about his role in a 3.2 kilogram heroin-smuggling ring challenged by an Australian newspaper. The events back in 1993 landed Thammanat in a Sydney jail for four years. Thammanat Prompow is the Palang Pracharath MP for Phayao province in Thialand’s north. The article by the respected Sydney Morning Herald, “From…