south africa

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai returnee tests positive for South Africa Covid-19 variant

    A Thai national, who is in quarantine after returning from Tanzania, is infected with the South Africa strain of Covid-19, a variant of the virus known to be more contagious and believed to be resistant to some vaccines. The Department of Disease Control director general Opas Karnkawinpong says health officials are closely monitoring the situation and a rapid screening process…

  • Covid-19 News

    South Africa stalls AstraZeneca vaccine campaign after trial found “minimal protection” against new strain

    South Africa’s rollout of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine has been put on pause following reports that it only provides “minimal protection” for the new strain of the virus first detected in South Africa. The country will continue plans to administer the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. The AstraZeneca vaccine, developed in partnership with Oxford University, only provides limited…

  • World News

    Experts say UK virus mutation may affect vaccine efficacy

    A new mutation of the Covid-19 virus, which has been found in a strain currently circulating in the UK, may have an impact on the efficacy of vaccines, according to Public Health England. The E484K mutation has already been detected in South Africa and Brazil and has now been found in at least 11 samples of the B.1.1.7 strain in…

  • World News

    Moderna vaccine is proved ‘protective’ against Covid-19 variants

    As fear over new variants of Covid-19 had prompted the travel restrictions to tighten worldwide, the United States biotech firm Moderna announced that its vaccine should protect against the variants identified in the United Kingdom and South Africa. Latest studies on the efficacy of Moderna vaccines confirmed that the vaccines are effective and protective against new variants. The company will…

  • Covid-19 News

    World hits milestone in Covid-19 total infections and deaths

    The world has hit a new milestone with 500,000+ deaths and 10 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 with officials warning the worst may be yet to come. Meanwhile more than 5.5 million people have recovered from the virus. The statistics surged through the milestones yesterday, coupled with another record mark for daily new infections at 189,000. The true death toll of…

  • World News

    Covid-19 today: World snapshot

    Despite many vaccines being in the works, and mostly all nations imposing safety measures surrounding Covid-19, The World Health Organisation says the pandemic is still growing around the world. “The epidemic is now peaking or moving toward a peak in a number of large countries,” said Dr Michael Ryan, WHO’s emergencies chief. So here is what’s happening around the world…

  • World News

    Lee Kuan Yew’s grandson marries same sex partner in South Africa

    by The Star – Asia News Network The grandson of the late Singapore PM Lee Kuan Yew, Li Huanwu, has married his “soul mate” in Cape Town, South Africa. This was revealed by Li’s partner, Heng Yirui, who made the announcement on his personal Instagram account. “Today I marry my soul mate. Looking forward to a lifetime of moments like this with…