
  • Thailand NewsMyanmar’s military regime loses grip: Thailand on high alert

    Myanmar’s military regime loses grip: Thailand on high alert

    The military coup in Myanmar in 2021 has ignited ongoing resistance from armed rebel groups, causing the military regime to lose control over multiple strongholds. The recent aggressive rebel offensive in Myawaddy, a significant border town opposite Tak’s Mae Sot district in Thailand, led to the displacement of thousands of individuals and raised fears of a security and humanitarian crisis.…

  • Thailand NewsThailand considers humanitarian centre for Myanmar refugees

    Thailand considers humanitarian centre for Myanmar refugees

    The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs is considering the establishment of a humanitarian assistance centre along the Thai-Myanmar border. The proposed centre aims to aid Myanmar refugees fleeing the internal conflict between junta forces and rebel minority groups. Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-nukara confirmed ongoing discussions with Myanmar officials yesterday about this initiative, prompted by the dire circumstances within Myanmar and…

  • World NewsJournalist likely abducted by Vietnamese secret agents in Bangkok, friends say

    Journalist likely abducted by Vietnamese secret agents in Bangkok, friends say

    A journalist and blogger from Vietnam who fled to Thailand from political persecution in 2018 is believed to have been abducted from Bangkok last week by Vietnamese secret agents, friends say. Vietnamese authorities have confirmed that Duong Van Thai is now in their custody, according to Radio Free Asia. Duong Van Thai, also known as Thai Van Duong, became uncontactable…

  • World NewsAt least 20 civilians killed and 40 houses razed in latest army attack in Myanmar

    At least 20 civilians killed and 40 houses razed in latest army attack in Myanmar

    In an alleged attack by Myanmar’s military forces in late-December, at least 20 civilians were slain and nearly 40 houses were razed in the country’s northeastern region of Sagaing, according to local media. Sagaing is where one of the first armed rebellions rose up following the junta’s bloody crackdown on anti-coup protesters. Last month, the military tookover Natchaung village in…

  • World NewsFights between Myanmar junta and ethnic armies intensify, 700 refugees flee to Thailand

    Fights between Myanmar junta and ethnic armies intensify, 700 refugees flee to Thailand

    Possibly around 700 refugees from Myanmar fled to Thailand’s Tak province to escape violence following clashes between the state military and the prominent ethnic armed wing of the Karen National Union in the town Lay Kay Kaw near the Thai border. A government official who spoke to AFP reporters said Thai officials have provided food and shelter to the 700…

  • World NewsDetained Cambodian monk with refugee status says he could jailed if deported from Thailand

    Detained Cambodian monk with refugee status says he could jailed if deported from Thailand

    Possible deportation and jail time is looming for a Cambodian refugee monk who was recently detained by Thai authorities, despite the recent condemnation from the United Nations. Last month, three Cambodians under UN refugee protection were deported from Thailand and arrested in their home country. On Wednesday, Thai authorities arrested a Cambodian monk and an environmental activist Bor Bet, who…

  • EventsRohingya refugee camp fire leaves at least 11 dead in Bangladesh

    Rohingya refugee camp fire leaves at least 11 dead in Bangladesh

    A fire at a Bangladesh Rohingya refugee camp has left at least 11 dead. The camp, in Cox’s Bazar was destroyed by the fire leaving at least 10,000 Rohingya families without homes. The Inter Sector Coordination Group reports that those families total around 45,000 people, but say that number could climb as rescue organisations assess the situation. Hospitals, schools, women’s…

  • World NewsTop Buddhist organisation in Myanmar stops activities to protest military violence

    Top Buddhist organisation in Myanmar stops activities to protest military violence

    Myanmar’s top Buddhist organisation is condemning the use of violence by the military against protesters by stopping its regular activities in an apparent protest. The association, named The State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, accused an “armed minority” of torture and killing innocent civilians in an apparent break with authorities. According to Thai PBS World, Mahana members could not immediately be…

  • Covid-19 NewsBurmese refugee tests positive for Covid in Tak province

    Burmese refugee tests positive for Covid in Tak province

    A Burmese refugee in the Phop Phra district camp, of Thailand’s northern Tak province, has tested positive for Covid, joining 10 more infections that have been reported today. 48 year old refugee Soga Ne, had reportedly sneaked back into Myanmar through a natural border crossing and then returned to the camp in Thailand using the same route. Ne had been…

  • World NewsGermany arrests Syrian doctor for alleged torture

    Germany arrests Syrian doctor for alleged torture

    A Syrian doctor living in Germany is the latest refugee to be arrested after he allegedly tortured a detainee in his home country. The doctor is expected to be charged with crimes against humanity and causing grievous bodily harm in a military prison where he previously worked. He allegedly beat a prisoner to the point of unconsciousness after being called…

  • Bangkok NewsThai authorities decide on Bahrain detainee’s future next week

    Thai authorities decide on Bahrain detainee’s future next week

    The Thai Attorney General is set to decide by next week whether to extradite a detained Bahraini footballer or allow him to travel to Australia as a refugee. Prosecutors have now received an official request from the Bahraini government to extradite the footballer, Hakeem Ali Mohamed Ali al-Araibi, and the request is being reviewed to see if it falls within…

  • World NewsRahaf al-Qunun arrives in Canada – no mention in Saudi media

    Rahaf al-Qunun arrives in Canada – no mention in Saudi media

    The 18 year old Saudi runaway who says she feared her family and possible death if she was deported back to Saudi Arabia, has arrived in Canada. Canadian officials offered her asylum in a case that became global news after the plucky woman mounted a Twitter storm, barricaded in her airport hotel room last weekend. The Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia…

  • World NewsAustralian officials urge Thai authorities to release Hakeem AlAraibi

    Australian officials urge Thai authorities to release Hakeem AlAraibi

    “FIFA, world soccer’s ruling body, is also calling on the Thai authorities to allow for the return of AlAraibi to Australia at “the earliest possible moment”. Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne is urging Thai authorities to release a footballer who holds a refugee status in Australia and who has been detained in Bangkok for nearly two weeks. Hakeem AlAraibi, a…