
  • Bangkok News

    New Japanese food export platform launched in Bangkok

    Following Japanese PM Fumio Kishida’s visit to Thailand, Japan has launched a new platform in Bangkok. The platform, called Japan Food Export Platform, is meant to help boost exports of Japanese farm products and foodstuffs. At a meeting yesterday, Thailand’s Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Chalermchai Sri-on said that talks between the countries are “a good opportunity” to strengthen their agricultural…

  • Thailand News

    China warns Thailand to fix durian Covid-19 problem or face export ban

    Officials at the Mohan border checkpoint in China have given Thailand 5 days to fix the issue of Covid-19 traces being found on exported durian. According to a Nation Thailand report, Chinese officials have threatened to slap an export ban on Thai durian if the problem is not resolved. Sanchai Puranachaikiri from the Thai Fresh Fruit Traders and Exporters Association…

  • Economy News

    Thailand’s March exports spike nearly 20% year on year

    Last month, Thailand’s exports surged at an unexpectedly high rate, jumping by 19.5% when compared to the same time last year. A Reuters poll conducted in March had predicted the country’s exports would only rise by 2.4%. According to the Thai customs department data, 2 major products contributing to the export jump were gold, and electronics. Gold exports in March were…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Update | Thai evacuees from Ukraine test positive

    Thai police raided a home suspected of being the headquarters for an illegal gambling website that swindled more than 100 million baht from South Korean victims. Officers arrested four South Korean men and a Thai woman who was renting the home in Samut Prakan, just southeast of Bangkok. The suspects face charges of organising, advertising, and inviting people to gamble…

  • Thailand News

    Merchants ask government to import pork as local prices surge

    Have you noticed that many Thai street vendors have upped their price for pork dishes by around 5 baht? Some have even stopped selling pork dishes altogether. The price of pork has surged in Thailand and many merchants are now demanding the government to import pork quickly to control the fluctuating prices. They say the high prices are pushing away…

  • World News

    Commerce minister welcomes re-opening of 2 southern border checkpoints

    Thailand’s Commerce Minister, Jurin Laksanawisit, has welcomed the re-opening of 2 border checkpoints in the southern province of Narathiwat, saying it will boost trade with Malaysia. Both the Tak Bai and Buketa checkpoints re-opened yesterday, with Jurin predicting an increase of at least 600 million baht a year in bilateral trade between Thailand and Malaysia. The Bangkok Post reports that…

  • Thailand News

    Thai government mulls over regulations for locally-made AstraZeneca exports

    The Thai government is looking into regulations for exporting the locally-made AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, possibly limiting the volume shipped overseas. The consideration comes as Thailand battles its most severe wave of Covid-19 and the emergence of the highly transmissible Delta variant. The number of active cases continues to hit record highs. With a limited supply of vaccines, health officials have…

  • Thailand News

    “Bubble and seal” method to contain outbreaks at factories, keep business afloat

    With a number of Covid-19 clusters at large factories, the Thai government has been working to contain the virus quickly and rollout of vaccinations to the workers to prevent a downfall in the industrial sector. One of the controversial methods of containing the virus is the so-called “bubble and seal” policy at factories where a cluster of infections has been…

  • Economy News

    Covid-19 again lowers Thai economic growth forecast to 2.3%

    Thailand’s economic growth forecast was lowered to 2.3% as the tourism outlook remains bleak as Covid-19’s third wave pummels the country. Back in October 2020, the Finance Ministry’s Fiscal Policy Office had originally predicted a 4.5% growth for Thailand’s GDP, when Covid-19 seemed to be waning in the country. By January, as the second wave hit, projections were reeled in…

  • World News

    Myanmar preparing to shut down import of Thai soft drinks via land transport

    Thailand’s Commerce Minister is preparing to hold urgent talks with Myanmar following the news that Burmese officials are planning a ban on the import of Thai soft drinks over land. Jurin Laksanawisit says the reason for the ban is not known, with Myanmar insisting only imports via ship will be allowed. This ramps up the cost for Thai businesses and…

  • Economy News

    8% March growth for Thai exports in promising recovery

    An 8% increase in exports is expected for March fueled by online officials connecting foreign buyers with Thai exporters. Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit touted the success of this plan to have officials working as salesmen to promote Thai products worldwide, the results of which produced 14.4 billion baht in exports last year. The Trade Policy and Strategy Office will release…

  • Economy News

    China grows 18.3%, the only major economy to grow in 2020

    China’s economy set a record for growth in Q1, 2021, marking an 18.3% jump in year-on-year figures, the biggest quarterly growth in almost 30 years. China only started publishing growth statistics in 1992, and this drastic increase is the fastest growth recorded since then. The figures, however impressive, are mainly due to what is called a “low base effect” where…

  • Economy News

    US cuts Thailand’s tariff benefits after long-running pork dispute

    Thailand’s duty-free privileges for US$817 million in exports with the US are to be revoked from the end of this year, according to US President Trump in an announcement yesterday. The President blamed a lack of progress in opening the Thai market to US pork products. Trump’s letter announcing the action follows more than 2 years of threats and negotiations…

  • Economy News

    Free Trade Agreement talks continue between Thailand and EU

    Thailand is resuming trade talks with the European Union on the long-delayed Thai-EU free trade agreement. The 15th Thai-EU Senior Officials’ conference was held virtually between leading Thai and European trade officials this week. The push was on to have the Free Trade Agreement signed and sealed by the end of this year. Discussions were held regarding the ongoing affects…

  • Economy News

    Thailand tries 2-prong strategy to get perishables to China

    Thailand is bypassing supply-chain roadblocks to deliver its perishables – mainly agricultural and food products – to China, its biggest market in Asia. Since Thailand shares no border with China, perishable goods like fruit and vegetables have traditionally been sent from Thai farms and warehouses by truck, going through either Vietnam or Laos. Ships and planes are also used, but…

  • Business News

    Thai exports hit new low, pandemic to blame

    Thailand’s exports have dropped drastically and the Thai Ministry of Commerce blames the coronavirus pandemic for the low levels and the shrinking supply and demand market. In a report released yesterday, exports for May are the lowest they’ve been in 4 years. Worldwide lockdowns have caused production in Thailand to take a plunge, according to the director-general of the commerce…

  • Economy News

    Thailand loses US free trade benefits worth billions of baht

    Thailand loses duty free access for 42.2 billion baht in exports to the US market from today, 6 months after Washington warned it would pull back on trade privileges unless the kingdom committed to labour rights reforms. Once trade preferences for Thai products are removed they are subject to tax of between 4% and 5%, making them more expensive in…

  • Business News

    Shock rise in Thai exports

    Defying expectations, Thai exports in March unexpectedly rose by 4.2%, with a total value of around 690 billion baht (22.4 billion US dollars) year-on-year, the biggest expansion in 8 months. The Commerce Ministry reported today that even excluding items like gold, oil, and weaponry, exports expanded 2.12%, For the first quarter of 2020, exports grew 0.9%. Excluding gold, oil and…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand’s 2020 exports to fall 500 billion baht

    There is no doubt Thailand’s fragile export business is gong to be hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. Following on from the impacts of the high Thai baht value, regional competition and the fallout from the US-China trade wars, Thailand is poised for one of its worst performing export years. “Under the worst-case scenario in which the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thailand’s chicken egg exports banned for 7 days

    “The 7 day ban is a trial period, if the situation does not improve by next week, we may consider extending the ban.” Deputy PMr and Minister of Commerce Jurin Laksanawisit says… “Currently domestic production capacity averages 40 million eggs per day, while Thailand’s daily consumption is 39 million, and 2 million were exported. To deal with the problem, the…

  • Economy News

    Finance ministry announces new stimulus packages and tax breaks

    Thailand’s Finance Ministry has announced a raft of new stimulus measures to help prop up parts of the Thai economy suffering under the impact of the coronavirus. They say the measures will assist “all sectors of Thai society currently affected by the Covid-19 situation”, which arrived at the same time as an economic slowdown, an export slump and drought. The…

  • Economy News

    Thai exports figures rise in January

    Whilst there’s been plenty of economic challenges around for Thailand, including the high Thai baht and a levelling out of tourist arrivals, exports for January 2020 unexpectedly rose according to ministry figures. It’s the first rise in six months, and an increase of 3.35% from the exports 12 months earlier. The customs-cleared export numbers have been boosted by higher shipments…

  • Economy News

    Thailand could fall to third place in rice shipments in 2020

    Weaker competitiveness, drought and changing market demand could see Thailand lose its place as the world’s second-biggest exporter of rice this year. Higher production costs compared to rivals, and volatile foreign exchange rates mean Thailand risks losing out to Vietnam, according to Charoen Laothamatas, president of the Thai Rice Exporters Association. “Thailand has shipped the same rice varieties for 30…

  • Economy News

    Baht loses nearly half its 2019 gains

    The Thai baht, whose meteoric rise seemed unstoppable only weeks ago, has become Asia’s worst performing currency so far this year. It’s lost nearly half of its 2019 gains in just a month as fears over the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak threaten Thai tourism. The Year of the Rat has not been kind to Thailand. As late as December, there were…

  • Economy News

    Thai baht hits highest level against the USD in six years

    The baht finished in spectacular fashion after a year as one of the world’s most stable currencies, when it reached 30.15 baht against the US$, its highest level in six years. Kasikornbank Bank is forecasting that the Thai baht could move into a range of 30-30.30 baht to the dollar this week (up to January 3). Investors have been selling USD…

  • Economy News

    Thai exports down 4.5% in October, 2.35% for the year

    PHOTO: Commerce Ministry Thai exports have crashed 4.5% for October 2019, compared with the same month last year. The total contraction in first 10 months of this year has now averaged 2.35%, and things don’t look like improving any time soon, according to the Commerce Ministry, as reported in the Bangkok Post. The director-general of the ministry’s Trade Policy and…

  • World News

    Philippines lifts restriction on rice imports from Thailand

    PHOTO: VietnamPlus The Philippines has suspended a trial measure put in place to control imports of Thai rice following objections from Bangkok. The measure was initially put in place after the Philippine Department of Agriculture deemed existing regulations too lax. Rice imports had been under the control of the country’s National Food Authority until the government took over and attempted to…

  • Economy News

    Thailand’s growth forecasts for the rest of 2019 slashed again

    Following their most recent meeting, the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking has announced Thailand’s economic growth this year has been revised downward to between 2.7 – 3.0% from the previous projection of 2.9 – 3.3%. It has also revised down its prediction of this year’s exports to between minus 2 – 0%. The committee says the revised…

  • Economy News

    Thailand’s August exports fall further than expected

    Some more lumpy economic news for Thialand as the focus is on the monthly customs clearances to provide a compass for the country’s economy. Customs-cleared exports dropped in August 4% compared to the same month a year earlier. Exports unexpectedly rose in July, according to the commerce ministry today. The decline in August has shown itself to be greater than…

  • Business News

    Industry group calls for further cut in Thai policy interest rate

    “Thai private sector, recently adjusted downward the export growth projection for this year to 2.9 – 3%.” The Federation of Thai Industries have their hopes set on the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Thailand making another cut in the policy interest rate, currently set at 1.5%. With the US Fed looking to drop its interest rate this week,…