dental implant

  • Health

    Dental implants and dental crowns: Differences between them

    Nowadays, having a beautiful smile is a factor that people look for around the world. This has become very important and influential to feel more confident in themselves and to function better in environments where appearance and good personal presentation play a very important role. These two treatments: Dental Implants and Dental Crowns are highly sought after today, as they…

  • Thailand Travel

    Paradise by the dentist’s drill

    Article by guest author and featured on Substack, by Willing Life I decide to book a flight to tropically beautiful Thailand, known as the land of smiles. I think, to add to my beautiful smile, why don’t I get a problematic wisdom tooth drilled out on the first day I’m there. I mean, it’s not really a holiday in paradise…

  • Thailand News

    Rooting for innovation: Thai researchers unveil PRK, the tooth-ally awesome breakthrough

    In a significant advancement for dental healthcare in Thailand, local researchers successfully developed an artificial tooth root named PRK, which stands for Phraramkao in Thai or Rama IX in English. This innovation is expected to make dental implant services more accessible to the public by reducing the cost of implants by a factor of ten compared to similar quality imported…