
Discover the ultimate Thailand Guides from The Thaiger, your one-stop resource for all things Thailand. Immerse yourself in local culture, explore breathtaking nature, indulge in vibrant cuisine, and learn to navigate the country’s lifestyle with ease. Find informative articles to help plan your unforgettable journey to Thailand – from top destinations and hidden gems to visa information and essential tips. Our in-depth guides are expertly crafted and regularly updated to provide you with the latest insights. Experience Thailand like never before with our guides that cater to seasoned travellers and first-timers alike.

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    Get Your Schengen Visa for France with

    With the Paris Olympics 2024 approaching, there are even more reasons to plan your visit! However, before you can enjoy the wonders that France has to offer, it is essential to obtain a Schengen visa for your thai friend. At...

  • Health officials address beetle infestation in Khon Kaen

    Millions of beetles have invaded a home in Khon Kaen, causing significant distress for a couple until local health officials intervened. The invasion of wood-boring beetles has been linked to the area’s favourable conditions for their breeding. Yesterday, public health officials from Kranuan District in Khon Kaen conducted a thorough fumigation of a house located at 74 Moo 9, Ban…

  • Evening skincare routine for a refreshed glowing complexion

    Navigating the complex realm of skincare can often seem formidable, particularly when it concerns determining the appropriate sequence for applying your products. Rest assured, however, that our aim is to assist you in demystifying this process. The pivotal guideline to follow within your daily facial care regimen is to commence with more transparent, lightweight formulas such as serums and boosters,…

  • Quick 15-minute makeup routine for a polished look

    Living in today’s dynamic world, the ability to complete tasks with optimal efficiency has become paramount. This is particularly pertinent when considering our habitual routines, including the application of makeup. The aspiration towards achieving a striking appearance without consuming excessive periods in front of a mirror is ubiquitous. It is towards this goal of a rapid and successful makeup regimen…

  • 10 popular myths about nutrition in Thailand

    Have you ever contemplated the veracity of prevailing nutritional misconceptions in Thailand? You are certainly not alone. It can be remarkably straightforward to be influenced by vibrant food fallacies, particularly when they are ingrained in the tapestry of a culture as rich and varied as Thailand’s. Negotiating the labyrinth of nutritional guidance can be intimidating, with diverse sources ranging from…

  • Activities to do with your partner in Thailand

    Are you contemplating a Thai expedition with your significant other? Ranging from the pulsating boulevards of Bangkok to the tranquil shores of Phuket, Thailand provides a variety of indelible experiences. Regardless of whether you are adventurers, gastronomes, or devotees of culture, this Southeast Asia jewel houses something to captivate every pair. Envision yourself avidly applauding during a Muay Thai bout,…

  • Why staying Hydrated is important for your health

    Have you ever questioned the necessity of consuming an impressive eight glasses of water daily? This isn’t just for satiating your thirst; it helps your body to perform at its peak. Indeed, maintaining adequate hydration is pivotal for your most valuable asset – your health. Approximately 60% of the human body comprises water, and sustaining this ratio is crucial. Hydration…

  • How to surprise your date

    In the swift current of today’s active lifestyle, allocating moments for romantic pursuits often falls by the wayside. However, consider the potential of reigniting passion with a surprise that epitomises devotion and mindfulness. Regardless of whether you find yourself in the vigour of your 20s, or the ripe graciousness of your 60s, surprising your partner with unexpected dates provides an…

  • The art of saying no and setting boundaries

    Implementing boundaries and becoming proficient at articulating ‘no’ can revolutionise both your personal and professional life. This isn’t only about gaining others’ respect for your needs, but also about respecting your own needs. On certain occasions, a strong ‘no’ may actually be an act of kindness for you and those around you. If you encounter difficulty in upholding your boundaries…

  • Bangkok Pride events 2024: Where to celebrate Pride Month

    June is finally here, and that can only mean one thing: it’s Pride Month, and Bangkok’s LGBTQIAN+ community is ready for a month-long celebration. From fabulous parades to epic dance parties to events dedicated to advocating for equal rights, the city is set to showcase its rainbow-wrapped glory like never before! And if you’re looking for the best things to…

  • Thailand doubles visa-free stay for 93 nations to boost tourism

    Thailand has extended the visa-free exemption period for visitors from 30 to 60 days .This is great news for tourists and business travelers alike, as it will allow them to stay in Thailand for longer periods of time. The visa exemption applies to nationals of 93 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan. Visitors from…

  • Ways to do laundry in Thailand

    So, you’re planning a trip to Thailand, or as I like to call it, the Land of Spicy Noodles and Elephants in Pajamas, huh? Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive deep into an enthralling aspect of Thai culture that is, wait for it laundry shocked No worries, it’s way more exciting than it sounds, trust me. Whether it’s…

  • Break negative thought patterns with these steps

    As we navigate the complexities of the present world, we often find ourselves encumbered by negative thinking patterns that affect our performance and overall well-being. However, the good news is that we can alter these patterns. This article seeks to empower you with knowledge and practical steps to dismantle negative thought structures and create a pathway to positive thinking. One…

  • BREAKING: Keto diets can cause premature ageing of the organs

    The ketogenic diet, commonly known as the keto diet, has gained immense popularity due to its efficacy in rapid weight loss. Originally developed as a treatment for epilepsy, the diet involves a high intake of fats and a significant reduction in carbohydrates. While many people achieve their desired weight loss outcomes through this diet, recent research suggests that the long-term…

  • Thailand’s unique flower symbol for World No Tobacco Day

    Every year on May 31, World No Tobacco Day is marked with ashtrays and fresh flowers symbolising the fight against tobacco. But in Thailand, a unique flower takes centre stage – the leelawadee, also known as plumeria or frangipani. Leelawadee, a delicate flowering tree often seen adorning gardens, carries profound symbolism in Thai culture. Historically known as lan thom, the…

  • 5 signs that you have low self esteem

    Ever had days where you felt a bit down in the dumps or less than peachy about yourself? It’s totally normal but, if those’meh’ or ‘blah’ days are turning into weeks or even months, it might be a sign of low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can be a bit sneaky, whispering little bits of doubt into your ear and potentially bringing…

  • Foods that are bad for your skin

    You can follow all the skincare routines you want, but if you follow a healthy diet, you will still break out. Eating right isn’t just for a healthy body, it also promotes healthy skin. Here are the types of food that can harm your skin. 1. High-glycemic foods High-glycemic food digests easily and shoots your blood sugar up like a…

  • Covid-19 will make you stupid

    Recent studies have unveiled a troubling connection between Covid-19 and cognitive decline, suggesting that even mild infections can lead to a measurable reduction in intelligence. This revelation, supported by extensive research from institutions around the world, has sparked concern among scientists and the general public alike. These study findings and the implications for individuals and society are worrisome and unsettling.…

  • The rise of Thai food trucks

    Think about hanging out at a lively, energetic food truck festival where the delicious scent of Thai foods steals your senses, pulling in both residents and travel explorers. A warm welcome to Thailand’s foodie tourism sensation, where the humble street food is being cheered on to a star-like status. What’s more, it’s not just for the outright joy of pleasing…

  • Why my car AC is not working properly

    During the summer months, the malfunctioning of a vehicle’s air conditioning system presents a noteworthy inconvenience. For those who have endured the discomfort of elevated temperatures in the driver’s seat, rest assured that such an occurrence is not uncommon. There are multiple potential causes for sub-optimal performance or complete failure of a vehicle’s air conditioning system. Mechanical issues, obstructions due…

  • Diversity in the LGBT Spectrum

    The LGBT Spectrum is like a colourful quilt of identities and experiences that stretch way beyond just lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. At the heart of it, this spectrum includes everything from asexual and intersex to nonbinary and so much more. It’s all about making sure everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, feels supported and…

  • BMA gives out the signature font ‘Swing Pole’ to the public for free download

    Aekvarunyoo Amrapala, BMA spokesperson and Assistant Secretary to the Governor of Bangkok has revealed the origin of the font used in new message stickers posted on the rail beams. In the middle of the Pathumwan intersection, “กรุงเทพฯ – Bangkok” is said to be a new font that was created under the BMA CI (Corporate Identity) and the font Swing Pole…

  • How to keep your network secure

    In the era of pervasive digital connectivity, embarking on an excursion to the tropical haven of Thailand does not imply abandoning your digital trace. Maintaining connectedness during travels is a contemporary indulgence; however, it is not devoid of risks. Ranging from unprotected WiFi networks to online banking, your private data could potentially be exposed to cybercriminals. This composition will explore…

  • The role of Thai NGOs in enhancing educational opportunities

    Imagine a society in which each child, no matter their circumstances, is granted a quality education. This might sound idealistic, but in Thailand, it is being brought to fruition, all thanks to the relentless commitment of various non-governmental organisations (NGOs). These bodies are crucial in closing the education divide and presenting opportunities to pupils who might otherwise be overlooked. A…

  • Things you should not do to Thai person

    Thailand, with its rich cultural tapestry and warm hospitality, attracts millions of visitors each year. However, navigating the social landscape requires more than just knowing the best tourist spots. Understanding what’s considered rude or inappropriate can make a significant difference in your interactions with locals. This article is gathering what you should never do to a Thai person. Things you…

  • Leaf, Laugh, Love at Royal Queen Seeds comedy night featuring Ankita Ghosh

    A night of comedy awaits at Royal Queen Seeds Thailand. On Sunday, June 2, from 8PM to 10PM at Euphoria. Located on the second floor of Royal Queen Seeds, this lively bar will host a hilarious stand-up comedy show that features the sensational Ankita Ghosh. Meet Ankita Ghosh Renowned Indian comedian, Ankita Ghosh, now residing in Vietnam, captivates her spectators…

  • The impact of social media on the classroom

    In the digital age, social media’s influence extends far beyond just socialising. It’s reshaping traditional classrooms, especially in Thailand, where technology is increasingly integrated into education. This article will delve into the fascinating effects of social media on Thai classrooms, offering insights that could redefine your understanding of modern education. Between April and June 2021, a study was conducted with…

  • Circumcision significantly reduces HIV risk in men

    A recent randomised clinical trial has brought forward compelling evidence that circumcision can play a crucial role in reducing the risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM). Conducted across eight cities in China and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, this study included 247 uncircumcised, HIV-negative men aged 18 to 49 who predominantly practised…

  • What to do in Bangkok this weekend (May 30 – June 2)

    Weekend, oh sweet weekend, it can never come soon enough! If you’re already thinking about shopping, new restaurants you want to try, and the best venues to go dancing, then this article is for you. There are plenty of fun things to do in Bangkok this weekend, and we’ve compiled some of the best ones below. Things to do in…

  • Traditional Thai games: From history to modern playful traditions

    Thai traditional games have been a cornerstone of Thai culture and traditions since ancient times. They date back to the Sukhothai Kingdom, where the earliest records of these games were found in the stone inscriptions of King Ramkhamhaeng. These games have not only provided entertainment but also fostered strong relationships between adults and young people, offering a unique blend of…