
  • World NewsIn memory of Arman Soldin, an AFP journalist who witnessed Ukraine’s war

    In memory of Arman Soldin, an AFP journalist who witnessed Ukraine’s war

    As a testament to Arman Soldin’s dedication to journalism, one only needs to view his recent coverage for AFP from the embattled Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. With Russian forces progressively tightening their grip from the north, south, and east, Bakhmut appeared to be on the brink of collapse. Despite the risks, Arman braved the dangers to document the military conflict…

  • World NewsUkraine’s soldiers make determined stand against Russia in brutal battle for Bakhmut

    Ukraine’s soldiers make determined stand against Russia in brutal battle for Bakhmut

    The basement in Bakhmut, Ukraine, trembles from the constant barrage of shelling above ground, as a bloodied, pale soldier, is brought in, having sustained shrapnel wounds. Soldiers move to help the medic treat the wounded man but are forced to quickly take cover when another Russian rocket crashes nearby, its impact felt in the surrounding abandoned housing. A soldier lying…