Couples get hitched in Phuket on Valentines Day

Many Thai and foreign couples have registered marriage certificates today, Valentines Day, at the Phuket District Office.

The Phuket Vice Governor Prakob Wongmaneerung has present at the office where about 35 couples registered for marriage certificates when the doors opened at 10am. A Thai couple was first, followed by a foreign couple.


But the Office predicts there will be at least 100 couples register for marriage certificate by the end of the day.

Couples get hitched in Phuket on Valentines Day | News by Thaiger Couples get hitched in Phuket on Valentines Day | News by Thaiger Couples get hitched in Phuket on Valentines Day | News by Thaiger Couples get hitched in Phuket on Valentines Day | News by Thaiger

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