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    Top 10 international schools in Thailand 2024

    Thanks to its large global population, Thailand is home to a significant number of international schools. These schools offer a range of world-class curricula, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), British, American, and Singapore curriculum, which attracts both expatriate families...

  • Easy e-receipt scheme may not boost Thai tourism says hotel association

    The recently introduced Easy E-Receipt scheme, aimed at boosting tourism spending by offering tax rebates, may fall short of its goal, according to hotel operators. Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi, Thai Hotels Association (THA) president, argues that the scheme might instead push eligible individuals towards purchasing consumer products. She highlighted that a significant number of hotels and airlines are yet to adopt…

  • UBE pivots towards functional food sector for increased revenue

    Following its listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand two years ago, Ubon Bio Ethanol Plc (UBE) is actively pursuing a shift in its corporate branding. The company, originally known for its ethanol business, is now focusing on the development of value-added products, primarily in the functional food sector. This new direction is expected to increase revenue and offer innovative…

  • Thai Government plans digital shift for lottery sales

    The Government Lottery Office (GLO), under the umbrella of the Finance Ministry, unveiled plans to transition from traditional lottery stalls to digital ones. Lavaron Sangsnit, the permanent finance secretary and chairman of the GLO board, revealed this strategy, which will be initiated from next month. The GLO has been selling digital lottery tickets through the Pao Tang app since 2022…

  • US bitcoin ETFs make splash in debut, marking crypto milestone

    The long-awaited launch of the first United States exchange-traded funds (ETFs) investing directly in Bitcoin has finally taken place. This event has been marked as a significant milestone in the digital-asset industries over a decade-long campaign for recognition and mainstream acceptance. The nearly a dozen ETFs come from investment heavyweights like BlackRock Inc. and Fidelity Investments. On the first day…

  • GenAI set to go mainstream in 2024 amidst privacy concerns

    As the year 2024 unfolds, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology into businesses is becoming increasingly important. With the rise of Generative AI (GenAI) and data protection, businesses, regulators, and individuals must adapt to the evolving landscape. This is particularly poignant in the ASEAN region, where privacy regulations, such as those in Thailand and Indonesia, are still relatively new.…

  • SET foresees market recovery with return of foreign investment

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) anticipates a recovery in return on investment this year, mirroring trends in regional markets due to an influx of foreign capital since 2023’s final quarter. Last year, foreign investors sold off Thai stocks amounting to US$5.51 billion, contrasting with 2022’s net purchase of US$5.96 billion. Nevertheless, foreign long-term investors held steady, owning around 30%…

  • Finance Ministry proposes joint venture asset management companies to aid debtors

    The Finance Ministry is advocating for collaborative investments between Specialised Financial Institutions (SFIs) and Asset Management Companies (AMCs), proposing the formation of joint venture asset management companies (JV-AMCs). This initiative aims to aid debtors who collectively hold three million accounts amounting to a total value of 230 billion baht, stated Paopoom Rojanasakul, the secretary to the finance minister. Rojanasakul explained…

  • 2C2P expands merchant partnerships under Alibaba’s Ant Group to boost SMEs

    Aiming to enable offline small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to accept e-wallet payments from Chinese visitors, 2C2P (Thailand) has been expanding its merchant partnerships under Alibaba’s Ant Group. The global payment platform predicts a substantial rise in revenue, from 3.2 billion baht last year to a projected 3.7-3.9 billion by 2024, representing a growth of 30% over 2022. Piyachart Ratanaprasartporn,…

  • K-Asset and J P Morgan unite to boost Thai mutual fund business

    A strategic partnership has been forged between Kasikorn Asset Management (K-Asset) and J P Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) to bolster their mutual fund business in Thailand. This move aligns with the growing wealth segment in the Thai market. The collaboration was announced yesterday, January 10, by K-Asset, an industry-leading asset management company known for its substantial customer base and assets…

  • Malaysia and Singapore unite to boost trade with special economic zone

    Major trading partners Malaysia and Singapore agreed on a collaborative effort to establish a special economic zone. This endeavour aims to enhance trade between the neighbouring countries, which consider each other as their second most significant trading partner. The proposed economic zone is slated to be located in Johor, a southern state of Malaysia. This zone will allow businesses to enjoy…

  • Em District sees retail growth amid economic uncertainty in Thailand

    Despite the economic uncertainty, Em District, the retail operator, witnessed growth from high-spending customers at its three malls in the final quarter of 2023. The chief executive, Kriengsak Tantiphipop, confirmed that Thailand continues to attract foreign tourists, leading to increased footfall from both local and international visitors, particularly high-spending independent tourists. Kriengsak observed that while the influx of Chinese tourists…

  • CPN predicts 20% retail sales surge due to Chinese New Year and tax scheme

    Central Pattana (CPN), a SET-listed firm, is forecasting a 20% surge in retail sales for the first quarter, attributing the anticipated boost to the Chinese New Year festival and the Thai government’s Easy E-Receipt scheme. The company predicts a cash flow of 15 billion baht across all Central shopping mall branches. Nattakit Tangpoonsinthana, the chief marketing officer of CPN, expressed…

  • Gold price takes a dip in Thailand, down 50 baht from previous close

    The Gold Traders Association (GTA) today revealed a further drop in today’s gold price when compared to the final price of yesterday. Today, a baht of gold ornament is selling for 34,150 baht, a 50 baht reduction from the closing price of yesterday. As per the GTA website, gold bars can be sold for 33,650 baht per baht and purchased…

  • Innobic divests Alvogen Malta shares, refocuses on Asia-Pacific pharmaceutical market

    In a strategic move to refocus its pharmaceutical sector, Innobic (Asia) Co, the life sciences division of the PTT Plc national oil and gas conglomerate, has entirely divested its shares in Alvogen Malta (Out-licensing) Holding (AMOLH). The shares were acquired by Floki Holding Société à Responsibilité Limitée, a healthcare and pharmaceutical firm based in Luxembourg. The transaction is expected to…

  • Thai PM and central bank clash over interest rates amid low inflation

    The clash between Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, who also holds the Finance Minister portfolio, and the Bank of Thailand (BoT) intensified. The prime minister has been vocal about his belief that the central bank should lower its interest rates as inflation rates have decreased. On a social media platform, PM Srettha blamed the BoT for causing harm to the economy…

  • EGCO finalises Compass Portfolio acquisition, boosting US power capacity

    Electricity Generating (EGCO), the power generation subsidiary of Thailand’s Electricity Generating Authority, has finalised the purchase of the Compass Portfolio in the US, a move that boosts the company’s overseas earnings from the energy sector. The acquisition bolsters EGCO’s total power generation capacity to 652 megawatts, a figure determined by its stake in the Compass Portfolio. Thepparat Theppitak, EGCO President,…

  • Caution advised over interest rate cuts by Bank of Thailand

    Pundits cautioned against hasty moves to cut interest rates and have emphasised the importance of an independent Bank of Thailand as it determines its policy interest rates. They warned that inconsistent fiscal and monetary policies could harm more than they help. Therdsak Thaveeteeratham, Asia Plus Securities (ASPS) executive vice president, insisted that decisions regarding interest rates should be the sole…

  • Finance ministry’s vigilant watch over corporate debenture repayments

    Corporate debenture repayments are under the watchful eyes of the Finance Ministry, according to a statement by Lavaron Sangsnit, its permanent secretary. The ministry, along with the Bank of Thailand (BoT) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), are vigilantly monitoring potential defaults on maturing debentures. In a recent evaluation, it emerged that only a single company was struggling to…

  • Samsung’s operating profit takes a hit amidst subdued demand for tech

    South Korean giant Samsung Electronics Co reported its sixth consecutive quarter of falling operating profits, underlining subdued consumer demand and fuelling uncertainty about a broader tech recovery timeline. The company witnessed a 35% decline in operating income to 2.8 trillion won (US$2.1 billion), falling short of estimates by 24%. Moreover, revenue slid to 67 trillion won, a steeper plunge than…

  • IMF predicts six top global economies in 2024 to be from Sub-Saharan Africa

    Six of the top-performing global economies in 2024 will be from Sub-Saharan Africa, predicts the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the limited scale of these economies, they’re contributing positively to a region plagued by poverty and inequality. The economic growth of this region is set to rise from 3.3% in 2023 to 4% in 2024, with standout performances from Ivory…

  • Thailand’s oil refineries ready to market eco-friendly Euro5 diesel

    Thailand’s oil refineries are gearing up to market their new eco-friendly diesel that complies with the Euro5 environmental emission standard. This standard was put into effect on the first day of the year, according to the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI). The Euro5 standard, set to replace Euro4, will apply to B7 and B20 bio-diesel, which contain 7% and 20%…

  • Electric vehicle market faces risk from non-performing loans

    The rising popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) is facing a new challenge as concerns over non-performing loans (NPLs) seep into the EV market. The rapid surge in EV sales has led to worries about whether buyers, many of whom are considered new-generation people with weaker financial standing, will be able to meet their instalments. This could lead to an increase…

  • Bank of Thailand forecasted to initiate rate cuts later this year

    Leading economists anticipate that the Bank of Thailand will initiate rate cuts in the second half of this year, potentially reducing the policy rate to 2%. This prediction aligns with the current economic status of the country and the assumption of an impending rate cut by the US Federal Reserve in the second quarter. Amonthep Chawla, the chief economist at…

  • Krungsri Capital advises investment in 11 high-dividend Thai stocks

    Investors have been advised by Krungsri Capital Securities (KCS) to consider purchasing shares from 11 high-dividend (HD) stocks, which are projected to yield over 2% annually. This move is expected to result in increased capital gains from their investments in the initial two months of each year. These HD stocks have historically outperformed the broader Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)…

  • US set for decisive week on Bitcoin ETFs

    The final phase of a multi-year endeavour to introduce Bitcoin-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States is set to climax this week, faced with a series of crucial deadlines. Bloomberg News reports that all aspiring Bitcoin ETF issuers have until today, January 8, in Washington to present any late amendments to their pending applications. Moreover, the US Securities and…

  • GSB plans debt moratorium for 630,000 debtors amid Covid-19 pandemic

    The Government Savings Bank (GSB) is setting up a plan to provide a debt moratorium for 630,000 debtors, totalling 6.3 billion baht. This plan is in response to the economic hardship experienced by individuals and businesses due to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to an anonymous source. During the pandemic, between 2020 and 2021, GSB, a state-owned entity, issued loans totalling…

  • Oil prices dip over 1% due to Saudi cuts and increased Opec production

    Oil prices experienced a significant drop today, with a decrease of over 1% due to the substantial price reductions introduced by Saudi Arabia, a leading exporter, coupled with an increase in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production. These factors successfully counterbalanced concerns about the growing geopolitical tension in the Middle East. During early trading, Brent crude saw…

  • High travel costs and weak flight capacity challenge Thailand’s domestic tourism targets

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) revealed that the government’s target of accruing 1.08 trillion baht (US$30.9 trillion) in revenue from domestic tourism this year may be challenging to achieve due to high travel costs and weak flight capacity. The target set by the TAT for the domestic market is 200 million trips this year, matching the 2019 levels. However,…

  • Thailand’s Central Retail eyes potential investment in Selfridges

    Central Retail Corp., a leading retailer in Thailand, indicated potential interest in investing in Selfridges, the renowned department store, given the right circumstances. The company outlined their investment criteria in a recent statement to the Thai stock exchange, stating that any new venture must align with its strategic business plan, be reasonably priced, and have optimal timing. The company made…

  • Thailand’s headline CPI sees unanticipated drop in December

    Thailand’s Commerce Ministry announced today that the country’s headline consumer price index (CPI) experienced a 0.83% decrease in December compared to the same period a year earlier. This figure is a steeper drop than the 0.44% year-on-year decrease seen in the preceding month. Contrasting with the anticipated 0.30% fall for December as per a Reuters poll, the actual result was…