Sarishti Arora

Sarishti Arora

Eager to create brilliant and resonant content, Sarishti specializes in weaving feelings into compelling narratives and translating emotions into impactful words. With her Master's in Computer Application, she tackles blog posts, articles, or anything else with her technical expertise and her commitment is to capture the essence of a story.
  • Retire in Thailand

    Perks of retiring from a Thai government job

    Retirement from a position within the Thai government is accompanied by a distinctive array of benefits, which significantly enhance one’s retirement years. For those approaching retirement or contemplating a career in the Thai government, an understanding of these advantages provides insight into the future that awaits. These benefits encompass financial security and comprehensive healthcare provisions, each tailored to ensure a…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Why investment is crucial before retiring

    When you are at the edge of those golden years of retirement. The thrill of wondering about financial security begins to take centre stage. Imagine, that your steady stream of income might be taking a bow, but what about your dreams and expenditures? They’re more alive than ever. Making smart investments before you hit retirement isn’t just a choice; it’s…

  • Cannabis

    Spicing up your desserts with cannabis

    Incorporating cannabis into your desserts opens a vista of tantalising new possibilities. Picture the simplicity and delight in preparing Rice Krispie Treats enhanced with Magical Butter flavour or experiencing s’mores enriched by the luxurious Full Melt Chocolate. Imagine the unparalleled, melt-in-your-mouth texture of marshmallows and chocolate, now augmented with an exhilarating layer of euphoria, or the classic crunch of sticky…

  • Cannabis

    The importance of having a cannabis zipper

    Considering the investment in cannabis with prices for an ounce, or a zip, in legal markets, ensuring your stash remains top-notch is critical. A cannabis zipper comes to the rescue here, expertly sealing in that freshness and shielding your precious greens from any pesky external factors. It means that every single pound spent mirrors directly in the awesomeness of your…

  • Cannabis

    How CBD aids injury recovery

    Diving into the ever-changing world of medical treatments, it’s pretty cool to see CBD cannabis popping up as a friendly option for folks looking to treat injury. If you’re curious about exploring the wide world of alternative therapies, you’re probably keen to learn how CBD could be your buddy in recovery and pain relief. CBD, short for Cannabidiol, comes from…

  • Guides

    How will climate change affect Thailand in the future

    With its stunning variety of places, from mountains to beaches, Thailand is rolling up its sleeves to face the challenges of climate change head-on. Imagine the scene: rising sea levels and more extreme weather are set to shake things up in Thailand’s beautiful landscapes, vibrant communities, and a strong economy. Diving into how climate change will reshape Thailand is like…

  • Cannabis

    How is cannabis is used in ayurvedic medicine

    Have you ever been curious about how this often-debated plant has carved out a spot for itself in Ayurvedic medicine? Well, buckle up because you’re not alone, and we’re about to embark on an exhilarating journey exploring the fusion of time-honoured tradition with cutting-edge medicinal revelations. Ayurveda, with its deep roots in Indian culture, openly celebrates cannabis and its leaves…

  • Guides

    The effects of El Nino and La Nina

    As one ventures into the complex realm of climate phenomena, it becomes evident that the significant influence of El Niño and La Niña on global weather patterns cannot be understated. Originating from the Pacific Ocean, these climatic events have extensive implications that affect regions worldwide, Comprehending their impact is essential for forecasting weather alterations and preparing for resultant outcomes. El…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Where to buy cannabis at Patong in Phuket

    Welcome to the vibrant city of Patong – a paradise for those who love a bit of green thanks to some awesome changes in the law. This place is buzzing and is absolutely on the must-visit list for anyone looking to explore the lively cannabis scene. Whether you’re already a big fan or just curious about what’s all the fuss,…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    How you can enjoy your Thai cannabis vacation

    Considering an exceptional retreat that blends serenity with adventure? The recent modifications to Thailand’s cannabis legislation have sparked worldwide interest, establishing it as a leading destination for those desiring to explore its burgeoning cannabis culture in a picturesque tropical setting. The expansion of the cannabis industry has significantly enhanced Thailand’s attractiveness as a hospitable environment for cannabis aficionados. This guide…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Meditative practices for the modern cannabis user

    In today’s dynamic environment, securing a moment of tranquillity appears to be an elusive pursuit, akin to searching for the Holy Grail. Particularly for contemporary cannabis users, integrating meditation into one’s routine can unveil unprecedented levels of relaxation and mindfulness. The objective transcends mere unwinding; it seeks practices that harmonize both body and mind, thereby enriching the cannabis experience. Meditative…

  • Automotive

    How climate control in cars is evolved

    In the constantly evolving landscape of the automotive industry, the development of climate control systems exemplifies innovation and the increasing demand for comfort from consumers. Over time, these systems have transitioned from being considered additions to standard features, thereby providing both drivers and passengers with an enhanced and customizable in-car environment. One might ponder how this sophisticated level of climate…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How to optimise anchor text in 2024 for top google rankings

    In the intricate dance of search engine optimisation (SEO), every element on your webpage plays a pivotal role in how your content ranks on search engines. One such element, often overlooked yet crucial, is anchor text. If you’re keen on elevating your site’s SEO performance, understanding and optimising anchor text is a step you can’t afford to skip. This guide…

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    How long should your blog articles be for top SEO

    Navigating the world of content creation, you’ve likely pondered over the optimal length for your blog articles. It’s a common query, especially when the goal is to enhance your SEO and captivate your audience. The truth is, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but understanding the nuances can significantly impact your blog’s performance. For starters, the ideal article length varies depending…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    The complete guide to cannabis edibles

    Understanding the potency and effects of cannabis edibles equates to unlocking a treasure chest, ensuring an exceptional experience. Imagine this: rather than smoking or vaping, you have the opportunity to explore cannabinoids via your digestive system, offering a novel adventure in terms of onset and duration of effects. Furthermore, let us delve into dosing—akin to discovering the secret ingredient in…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    How cannabis fits in Thai Communities

    Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding excitement of local communities across the UK, where the rise of cannabis is setting the stage for some truly thrilling discussions about their impact and how they’re weaving into the fabric of society. This journey through the evolving landscape reveals an inspiring story: these groups aren’t just changing minds; they’re actively rolling up…

  • Guides

    Key causes of feeling unmotivated and how to beat them

    Experiencing the feeling of being unmotivated can be an exasperating condition, particularly when one is confronted with an accumulating list of tasks and impending deadlines. This issue is ubiquitous, prompting an inquiry into the underlying causes of this motivational deficit. Could it merely be attributed to a transient mood, or is there a more profound reason? Comprehending the origins of…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Renting vs buying a vehicle as expat in Thailand

    Selecting between renting and purchasing a vehicle in Thailand poses a considerable decision for many expatriates upon their arrival. It transcends mere mobility, encapsulating choices reflective of one’s lifestyle, financial considerations, and intended duration of stay within the Kingdom of Thailand. Both alternatives present distinct advantages and inherent challenges; comprehending these is pivotal in guiding one’s decision. Opting for rental…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Renting vs buying property as an expat in Thailand

    Deciding between renting and buying property in Thailand as an expat can feel like navigating a maze with its own set of rules. With over 25 years of experience living in Thailand, it’s clear that while the country offers a paradise for expats, the property market comes with its unique challenges and regulations. Understanding these nuances is key to making…

  • Education

    Top popular degree programs at Thai Universities

    Imagine yourself getting stuck into advanced courses like Business and Managerial Economics, Computer Science and Information Technology, or exploring the cool crossroads of Culture and History. But it’s not all about books and lectures; these places are all about nurturing future leaders ready to take on the complex challenges our world is facing right now. With lots of courses taught…

  • Guides

    Fun facts about sleep you never knew

    Sleep, that elusive state we all chase night after night, holds more mysteries and quirks than you might think. It’s an integral part of our lives, shaping our health, mood, and overall well-being. Yet, despite spending about a third of our lives asleep, many of us know surprisingly little about what happens after we close our eyes. Let’s dive into…

  • Food

    Perfect ways to pair wine with Thai food

    Whether you’re savoring a hearty red curry or relishing in the zesty kick of a laarb salad, there’s a perfect wine match waiting to elevate your meal. Choosing lighter-bodied reds or wines with a touch lower alcohol content could be your golden ticket to unlocking an explosion of flavor harmony. Let’s jump into this colorful journey together and discover how…

  • Guides

    Master essential words for smooth BTS skytrain journeys in Bangkok

    Embarking on a journey through Bangkok’s BTS (Bangkok Mass Transit System) is an electrifying highlight of your Thai escapade, and it’s bursting with excitement! However, there are some twists and turns to navigate. If you’re diving into this adventure for the first time, grasping the essential terms can transform your experience from good to absolutely amazing. Whether you’re a wide-eyed…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Unlock the science of beach volleyball for elders

    Adapting sports for elders is not just about keeping them physically active; it’s about creating a sense of community and fun in their golden years. Beach volleyball, a sport known for its sun-soaked fun and teamwork, might not be the first activity that comes to mind for elder citizens. However, with a few creative adjustments, it can become an inclusive,…

  • Best of

    Exploring the delicious history of famous Thai desserts

    Diving into the rich tapestry of Thai cuisine, you’ll find a sweet thread woven through its history – the evolution of Thai desserts. These treats are not just a feast for the palate but a mirror reflecting centuries of culture, trade, and innovation. From the royal courts of Ayutthaya to the bustling streets of Bangkok, Thai desserts have been a…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Discover Thailand’s top fitness parks for elders

    Thailand’s bustling cities and serene landscapes offer more than just picturesque views; they’re a haven for elders looking to maintain an active lifestyle. Fitness parks, scattered throughout the country, provide an ideal setting for you to keep fit, enjoy the outdoors, and socialise with peers. They’re not just parks; they’re community hubs where health and happiness go hand in hand.…

  • Retire in Thailand

    How doing Muay Thai in retirement fuels body and mind

    Embarking on a new journey in retirement might seem daunting, but what if it could be both exhilarating and beneficial for your health? Enter Muay Thai, a martial art with deep roots in Thailand’s history, offering a unique blend of physical and mental benefits. It’s not just a sport; it’s a lifestyle that could redefine your golden years. Imagine training…

  • Education

    Expert strategies to stop AI driven cheating in education

    Academic integrity is more important than ever in the digital age, when AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard are readily available to everyone. Most likely, you’re looking for practical ways to make sure your pupils or learners use technology sensibly and don’t cross the line into cheating. The allure of instant solutions offered by AI can be tempting for…

  • Health

    How telehealth works and transforms lives in the digital age

    Big changes are happening in healthcare these days, and you’ve probably heard a lot of buzz about seeing a doctor online. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Well, you’re in the right place if you’re curious! In just a year, a bunch of people used this online doctor thing, sometimes called telemedicine or virtual care. It’s…

  • Lifestyle

    Fun ways to boost your physical activity safely and easily

    Boosting your physical activity is a fantastic way to enhance your health, but it’s crucial to do it safely to avoid injury and ensure it’s sustainable. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to up your current routine, there’s a right way to go about it. First off, understanding the importance of physical activity is key. It’s not just about…