Darren Scherbain

Darren Scherbain believe that each of us possess the capacity to be the creator of a heroic and courageous life. Living a courageous and passionate life requires that we embrace the sheer physicality of these concepts, while not forgetting that Heroes are useful. "What would your life look like if you eliminated the word CAN'T just for one day?"
  • HealthIf you can’t play big don’t even bother playing small!

    If you can’t play big don’t even bother playing small!

    Steven approached me almost two years ago to help him with his assault on Ironman Wisconsin 2017. A torn meniscus last summer put a damper on last year’s race, but didnt stop Steve from refocussing on Ironman Wisconsin 2018. A delay is never a denial. It’s been a long reconditioning process; Steve has made a ferocious commitment to himself and the process. It was at…

  • HealthIf you can’t play BIG don’t even bother playing small.

    If you can’t play BIG don’t even bother playing small.

    by Darren Scherbain These word of wisdom, that absolutely resonate to my core, were handed to me from Jim. Jim, a fellow Canadian and a near and dear friend, grew up playing hockey in Wilcox, Saskatchewan. The Notre Dame Hounds, a hockey team, belonged to a catholic boarding school in the middle of the Canadian Prairies. The Hounds produce exceptional…

  • HealthWho is winning the battle between your two wolves?

    Who is winning the battle between your two wolves?

    In our hustle and bustle to clock in and clock out, we need to remember that happiness is a choice. It’s a moment to moment choice and we should remember that happiness is an inside job. https://www.facebook.com/darren.scherbain/videos/10160754411660037/

  • HealthHow to Trust – Annie’s story

    How to Trust – Annie’s story

    Putting yourself out there in the uncertainty, and exposing your raw vulnerability is downright scary. Who said charging after your dreams with courage and conviction was going to be EASY? Starting your own business and making a vision become a reality requires an enormous amount of patience, persistence and perseverance. It’s so easy to double down on fear and what’s happened to…

  • HealthThe Runner’s High and Squishy Socks – Laguna Marathon 2018

    The Runner’s High and Squishy Socks – Laguna Marathon 2018

    It was the first crack of thunder that shook the house, which beckoned me out of bed this morning at 4am. No worries the alarm was set for 5am. If I sit around waiting for the perfect conditions and feelings I’ll just be left sitting and waiting. It’s so easy to blame our decisions on our circumstances. With just over two…

  • NewsRomeo, Romeo. What can you do for Ride4Kids?

    Romeo, Romeo. What can you do for Ride4Kids?

    What does it take to make the hair on your arms stand up? The goose bump moments; with all the hair standing at attention inspired with passion and hope. Meet Romeo, a 13 year old boy, who is a living breathing testament to living a life of hope and passion. The term ‘boy’ is draped rather loosely. Do not confuse his…

  • HealthThanking those who dug the well

    Thanking those who dug the well

    How do you repay interest on your debt? Seventeen years of compound interest that can add up pretty quickly. Seventeen years of recovery. Cocaine and alcohol were not my problem and they were merely a solution to my problem. My problem is MYSELF. Recovery of myself; from all the layers of my self imposed toxic crap. The story under the…

  • HealthLet’s take that leap of faith

    Let’s take that leap of faith

    Sooner or later we need take one ‘ginormous’ deep breath and take that Leap of Faith. Saturday afternoon is a good as time as any. We hadn’t even started our lunch when Ghan served me up a little challenge – “Dude I’m going to send you a random picture and you have to write about the picture. You only have…

  • HealthPlaying the Long Game

    Playing the Long Game

    with Darren Scherbain One of my favorite sessions is to run barefoot in the deep sand on Karon Beach. It’s a grind and hard yards. Not only a great session for the proprepceptors in the lower limb, it’s also a fantastic session for stabilising the contra lateral forces in the body inherent to running. The only drawback is that it…

  • HealthWhy does everything have to happen NOW?

    Why does everything have to happen NOW?

    by Darren Scherbain My face instantly lit up when Kurt told me that there were more trees for me to chop in his garden. I’ll be over this afternoon I told him …. “Hold on”, he continued, “it’s not ready to be spilt yet.“ When did getting plugged in to EVERYTHING become the required speed at which we hustle through our…

  • HealthIt’s so easy to talk a good game

    It’s so easy to talk a good game

    by Darren Scherbain Spouting out the affirmations and broadcasting your good intentions makes a cute little Instagram post. Talk is cheap! Talk gets you another stint in rehab. Talking about doing something is not the same as actually doing it! Setting your intentions will not get your butt up the hill. Talking is just good for …. talking. Talking about doing it;…

  • HealthFear is your friend – ‘Winds of Change’ TEDx UWCT

    Fear is your friend – ‘Winds of Change’ TEDx UWCT

    by Darren Scherbain Who am I to share my story? I’m nothing but an ex-snowblower, who can still wrestle with that voice that says it’s so much easier to sit down and fit in then it is to stand in your strength and expose your raw nakedness. Life and the race course do not respect past results. All those Ironman…

  • HealthTime to get your shoes dirty

    Time to get your shoes dirty

    When was the last time you felt like a kid? Remember when you would jump on you bike, head out on the trails and spend hour after hour zipping around in the mud. When we were kids we hadn’t learned how to talk ourselves out of getting some dirt on our new shoes. It was more than ok to acquire…

  • HealthSecrets of Better Living – Gratitude

    Secrets of Better Living – Gratitude

    with Darren Scherbain In his book ‘Happier’, Tal Ben-Sharar talks about the importance of taking the steps necessary to increase our happiness. Like any other muscle in the body if we don’t use it, we will lose it. Ask most people what they want from life, and most will answer ‘I want to be happy’. What we need to remember…

  • HealthStanding in your strength

    Standing in your strength

    Living a courageous and passionate life requires that we embrace the sheer physicality of these concepts. Treating yourself with compassion and loving kindness starts with standing in your truth. Are you honouring yourself with standing tall,opening up more to life and leading with your heart? Are you the Predator or Prey? How does a tiger walk through the jungle? Chest…

  • Thai LifeThe Ripple Effect – becoming the hero of your own story

    The Ripple Effect – becoming the hero of your own story

    We all love a great story. The story that captures our imagination with; a tale of a hero, adversity or our hero triumphing over adversity. It sparks hope; that one day we can be courageous and heroic and become the hero of our own story. Hope is the spark for something better and a catalyst for a massive bleep on…

  • HealthThe Ultimate Currency

    The Ultimate Currency

    “A human being, like a business, makes profits and suffers losses. For a human being, however, the ultimate currency is not money, nor is it any external measure, such as fame, fortune, or power. The ultimate currency for a human being is happiness.” TAL BEN-SHAHAR If the ultimate currency is happiness, why do we keep paying high interest rates to…