Search Results for: ginseng

  • Health

    The hidden cardiac risks of energy drinks

    Energy drinks have become a staple in the diets of many individuals, particularly among younger demographics. Promoted as a quick solution for boosting energy and enhancing performance, these beverages have captured a significant market share globally. However, beneath the flashy marketing and promises of increased alertness, there lies a potential danger that has raised concerns among health professionals and researchers…

  • Health

    A man’s worst nightmare: Weak ejaculation

    For most males these days, a weak ejaculation can be a traumatic experience, especially having been brainwashed by the excessive online porn that usually has subtle computer graphics (CG) and post-production effects incorporated in them. From expecting some ‘shooting fireworks display’ to instead having just a small trickle, it can make many men experience increased anxiety and depression and make…

  • Health

    Why staying Hydrated is important for your health

    Have you ever questioned the necessity of consuming an impressive eight glasses of water daily? This isn’t just for satiating your thirst; it helps your body to perform at its peak. Indeed, maintaining adequate hydration is pivotal for your most valuable asset – your health. Approximately 60% of the human body comprises water, and sustaining this ratio is crucial. Hydration…

  • Thailand News

    Nutritionists tout pork tail and crescent moon bone as superfoods

    Two underappreciated cuts of pork, the tail and the crescent moon bone, are hailed for their nutritional value, equating to beneficial foods like ginseng and bird’s nest, yet remain largely ignored by consumers. Nutrition experts advocate for the inclusion of these pork parts in diets, emphasising their rich composition of proteins, vitamins, and minerals that rival the aforementioned health foods.…

  • Health

    The growing popularity of Thai supplements

    For centuries, traditional medicine has been practised in various cultures around the world, utilizing natural remedies and holistic approaches to treat a broad range of health conditions. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in traditional medicine, with many individuals turning to natural supplements as an alternative or complementary treatment to conventional medicine. Thai supplements have gained popularity…

  • Thai Life

    Phuket Gardening: Treasures in your garden

    PHUKET: If you asked a stranger propping up a bar why he lived in Phuket, he would probably reply – in no particular order – the girls, the climate, the easy, smiley lifestyle and the cheap cost of living. I doubt he would mention the all-too ephemeral beauty of the place, or the sheer convenience of life on the island.…

  • Thai Life

    Phuket Gardening: Camouflaging and covering up

    PHUKET: If you strolled round the average Phuket garden with the proud owner, he might be forgiven for protesting: “What, do you want yet more foliage plants!?” But remember that at this time of year, apparently evergreen trees and shrubs start to drop leaves in an attempt to conserve energy, and prevent excessive water loss through transpiration. Others simply give…