Search Results for: cold weather

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand braces for cold weather and heavy rain: A warning from Thai Meteorological Department

    The Thai Meteorological Department, via their Facebook fan page, has issued a warning of cold weather across the country, heavy to very heavy rain in the south, and strong sea waves in the Gulf of Thailand. The weather changes are expected to occur tomorrow from December 20 to 25. A high-pressure system, or a mass of cold air from China,…

  • World News

    A Taiwanese fruit vendor turns heads with bikini attire in cold weather

    Over the past week, a rapid plunge in Taiwan’s temperatures to approximately 9 to 10 degrees Celsius has seen many people bundling up to beat the chill. However, a fruit vendor in Changhua City‘s Tianwei Night market has turned heads by braving the cold in nothing but a bikini. The bikini-clad vendor has caused a stir on social media. The…

  • World News

    Everest’s deadliest season blamed on cold weather and inexperienced climbers

    Mount Everest has experienced one of its deadliest climbing seasons, with experts attributing the increased danger to extreme weather, safety shortcuts, and inexperienced foreign climbers. As the final search and rescue teams leave the area and Base Camp is dismantled, experienced climbers believe that several of the 17 fatalities and missing persons could have been avoided. “This season was very…

  • Tourism News

    National park visits rising as tourists brave the cold weather

    As Thailand reopens and tourism, both international and domestic, begins to grow, many tourists are turning away from chasing warm sunny beaches. An influx of tourists has been seen heading to some of Thailand’s chilliest national park destinations and attractions. In the northern province of Loei, the Phu Ruea National Park viewpoint, renowned for its beautiful sunrises, has seen many…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand weather: Cold mornings, thunderstorms, and waves over 2 metres

    The Meteorology Department of Thailand (TMD) issued a weather alert for 28 provinces across the kingdom, including Bangkok, warning of thunderstorms and cold to severe cold conditions on mountain peaks. The TMD forecasted that the northern, upper central, and northeastern regions are experiencing weather disturbances due to westerly wind streams, and the southern region is expected to see waves over…

  • Thailand News

    Weather alert: Thailand bracing for cold snap and heavy southern rainfall

    Thailand’s Meteorological Department (TMD) issued a cold weather warning across the country, with foggy conditions expected in the morning. The southern region continues to experience severe flooding due to heavy rainfall in eight provinces. The level of airborne dust particles remains significantly high due to weak winds, resulting in poor air ventilation. A high-pressure area or cold air mass covers…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand weather alert: Cold snap and unhealthy air quality

    The weather today, continues to be cold in northern Thailand with temperatures dropping to a low of 3 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, Bangkok is experiencing elevated levels of particulate matter. The Thai Meteorological Department’s 24-hour forecast predicts high atmospheric pressure, or a mass of cold air, covering the upper region of Thailand. Concurrently, westerly winds at high altitudes are sweeping across…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand weather update: Cold north, stormy south and rain in 19 provinces

    Today’s weather in Thailand sees a mix of cold in the north, stormy conditions in the south, and a forecast of rainfall across 19 provinces, including the capital city, Bangkok, and its surrounding regions. According to the Thai Meteorological Department‘s 24-hour forecast, high atmospheric pressure or mass cold air covers the northeastern regions and the South China Sea. This, combined…

  • Thailand NewsPhuket Gazette Thailand News: Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand | Thaiger

    Phuket Gazette Thailand News: Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand

    PHUKET MEDIA WATCH– Thailand news selected by Gazette editors for Phuket’s international community Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand The Nation / Phuket GazettePHUKET: The temperature in the Thai capital Bangkok fell to its lowest in decades today, during an unusually cold winter that has already claimed 63 lives in northern parts of the country, the government said.“Bangkok hit its…

  • Thailand News

    Phuket Gazette Thailand News: MP shortfall may annul Feb 2 election; Holiday road toll hits 86 dead; Cold-weather boozing feared lethal

    PHUKET MEDIA WATCH– Thailand news compiled by Gazette editors for Phuket’s international community MP total could fall short if blockades continue The Nation/ Phuket GazettePHUKET: Fears that protests will keep 95% minimum from being met; EC to discuss possible poll delay with govt, PDRCA former election commissioner warned yesterday of an impending political deadlock that could make a new House…

  • Thailand News

    Weird World News: Weather warnings of Europeans acting strange due to cold

    PHUKET: While bitter weather blots Europe, the heat wave continues to stifle here in Phuket. This week’s Weird World News round-up is homage to those suffering the onslaught of the cold-snap in Europe, and ways weather can make people muddle words. Swede survives two months in a snowed-in car A SWEDISH man was found alive after being trapped in his…

  • Automotive

    How weather can affect your car battery

    Have you ever wondered why your automobile has difficulty initiating on frigid winter mornings? If you are reluctant in the cold, it’s not just you. Your vehicle’s battery also experiences adverse effects. The winter season, with its severe low temperatures, can greatly impact the lead-acid batteries that facilitate the start of your vehicle. The cold weather not only causes discomfort,…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand braces for severe weather as storms hit 17 provinces

    A powerful weather front is currently affecting Thailand, with the Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD) issuing a severe weather warning for 17 provinces. Eastern regions are expected to bear the brunt of the storm, with 30% of the area predicted to experience heavy thunderstorms, strong gusts of wind, and possible hail. The warning comes as a new high-pressure system from…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Northern Thailand braces for cool weather and thunderstorms

    The Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD) issued a weather alert for the northern part of the country, warning of cool to cold conditions with isolated thunderstorms. The capital, Bangkok, is expected to experience light rain while the country’s upper region faces moderate to high levels of dust particles and smoke haze today (February 5). In the early hours of the…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand weather forecast: Cool morning, fog, warming, light rain

    A sharp temperature drop and sporadic rain are expected in parts of Thailand today, according to the Thai weather forecast by the Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD). In Bangkok, light showers are anticipated, while the south faces stormy conditions due to the prevailing monsoon, with waves exceeding 1 metre in some areas. The country’s northern region is bracing for a…

  • World News

    Man in Taiwan suffers stroke from sudden cold after hot shower

    A routine shower ended in a medical emergency for a 30 year old man in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, who suffered a stroke triggered by sudden exposure to cold after stepping out of the bath. Doctors have used this incident to highlight the dangers of abrupt temperature changes and to advocate for public awareness of stroke symptoms encapsulated by the F.A.S.T. mnemonic.…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand bracing for temperature drop due to cold blast from China

    A new blast of cold air is set to lower temperatures by four degrees Celsius, warns the Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD). This weather shift, prompted by a strong high-pressure system from southern China and northern Vietnam, is anticipated to affect the northeastern and eastern parts of Thailand today. The cold weather and strong winds in the northeast are expected…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Storm warnings for southern provinces as Thailand braces for cold snap

    The Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD) warns of storms hitting eight southern provinces with sea waves exceeding 2 metres. Meanwhile, the upper part of the country continues to experience cold weather today. For the next 24 hours, the moderately high-pressure area covering the northeastern part and the South China Sea is weakening, while the westerly wind at the upper level…

  • Thailand News

    Cool weather predicted across Thailand with isolated rainfall in the north

    The Department of Meteorology of Thailand (TMD) forecasts cool weather in the morning across the northern, northeastern, central, and eastern regions of Thailand, as well as the upper south. However, some areas in the upper north and southern regions are expected to experience rainfall. A westerly trough is covering the upper north of Thailand and the upper part of Laos,…

  • Thailand News

    Severe weather warning for 18 provinces in Thailand

    The Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD) issued a severe weather warning today for 18 provinces spanning the north and south of the country. Heavy rains, strong winds, and hailstorms are expected, posing a potential danger to residents. The department advises people to avoid open areas and weakly constructed buildings. This weather forecast for the next 24 hours predicts another western…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    TMD warns of impending cold front in northern Thailand

    A new cold front is expected to grip the northern region of the country, bringing thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail, warns the Meteorological Department of Thailand today. The temperature will drop by 3 degrees Celsius starting today. The high-pressure system, or cold air mass, is currently covering the northeastern region and the South China Sea. The department advises residents in…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Cold wave to hit northern Thailand with thunderstorms and temperature drop

    The Meteorological Department of Thailand (TMD) issued a warning today about a cold wave of weather that is expected to hit the northern Thailand region. Residents are advised to prepare for thunderstorms, which are predicted to occur before a decrease in temperature between January 12 and 15. The high-pressure area or cold mass that covers the northeast and the South…

  • Thailand News

    Weather update: Northern Thailand braces for chill as storms threaten the south

    TheMeteorological Department of Thailand (TMD)forecasted another drop in temperatures across northern Thailand, with the weather ranging from cool to cold, particularly in the mountainous areas. Meanwhile, cloud cover has been observed in Bangkok. In contrast, the southern region has been issued a warning for storm conditions affecting nine provinces. A mass of cold air or high-pressure area continues to cover…

  • Thailand News

    Today’s weather: Northern Thailand cools down

    Weather conditions across the northern region of Thailand today experienced a dip in temperatures by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. The peaks of the mountains were particularly cold, with temperatures dropping to 4 degrees. The lowest temperature in Bangkok was 22 degrees. This weather change is due to a high-pressure system and another wave of cold air mass from China…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Thailand braces for cold snap and heavy southern rainfall

    Thailand’s Meteorological Department has issued a warning of cold weather, strong winds, and frost, whilst also alerting the southern region to heavy rainfall. The announcement, issued today, informed that a high-pressure system or cold air mass is still covering Thailand and the southern part of the South China Sea. This is resulting in cold to very cold weather with strong…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand’s Southern Meteorological Centre issues severe weather warning

    The Southern Meteorological Centre in Songkhla has issued its 10th warning, alerting eight provinces to the potential dangers of heavy rainfall, flash floods, landslides, and forest runoff. Rough seas in the Gulf of Thailand, with waves reaching up to 4 metres, are also a concern. Small boats have been advised to remain ashore due to these hazardous conditions along the…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Cold wave from China hits Thailand: Significant temperature drop and heavy rain forecast

    Thailand is currently under the influence of a new surge of high-pressure area or cold air mass from China, as declared by the Thai Meteorological Department. This has resulted in a drop in temperature across the country, with the north-eastern region experiencing a decrease of 5 to 8 degrees Celsius, and the capital city, Bangkok, seeing a drop of 5…

  • Thailand News

    Train breaks apart amidst bad snowy weather in Beijing leaves 500 injured (video)

    A collision between two subway trains on Beijing‘s Changping line on December 14 has left over 500 commuters hospitalised, with a staggering 102 suffering from broken bones. The incident, occurring at 7pm local time (6pm Thailand time) amidst heavy snowfall, has sparked public outcry and raised questions about the city’s preparedness for extreme weather conditions. According to reports by China…

  • Thailand News

    Weather warning: Thailand set for thunderous theatrics and chilly mornings

    The Thailand Meteorology Department (TMD) warns of thunderstorms across 14 provinces, with foggy mornings and cooler temperatures in the north and northeast regions of Thailand. The south experiences waves up to 2 metres high, while Bangkok sees fog and a minimum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, as reported on today. The TMD’s 24-hour forecast states that high atmospheric pressure, or…

  • Thailand News

    Cold spell from China brings cooler temperatures to Thailand

    A cold spell from China is bringing cooler temperatures to Thailand, with a decrease of 1-3 degrees Celsius forecasted across the country. The 24-hour weather forecast indicates that this high-pressure system or cold mass of air is spreading over northern Thailand and the South China Sea, resulting in colder temperatures and strong winds, particularly in the north and northeast of…