Travel Insurance for Over 70’s

Wondering if you can purchase travel insurance if you’re over 70 years old? Learn more about travel insurance for over 70’s below.

Travel Insurance For Over 70s

If you’re planning to go on a trip, whether for business, leisure, or any other reasons, having travel insurance is important. However, finding travel insurance if you are over 70 years old can be more difficult as many policies have an upper age limit. But the good news is, there are still plenty of insurers who offer travel insurance for those over 70.

There are over 70s travel insurance covering a single trip, multiple trips within a year, or an extended stay in your destination. Travel insurance for the over 70s sometimes provides extra benefits that aren’t typically provided with standard travel insurance, such as additional medical and emergency cover.

Key Points

  • There are over 70s travel insurance covering a single trip, multiple trips within a year, or an extended stay in your destination.
  • Travel insurance for over 70s focuses more on medical and health cover
  • You don’t have to worry about having any pre-existing medical conditions since there are travel insurance policies out there that were made especially for travellers with health conditions.

What Does Travel Insurance For Over 70s Cover?

Travel insurance for over 70s essentially covers the same things as other travel insurance plans. However, it focuses more on medical and health cover. It may also offer additional advantages that aren’t typically available to those under the age of 70. However, you may need to answer medical questions during your application. Make sure to answer the questions accurately.

Here are some of the most common coverage travel insurance for the over 70s offer:

  • Medical costs – expenses for treatment and medication are covered. In most cases, the insurance may provide higher coverage on medical expenses.
  • Medical aid or equipment – medical equipment, such as walking frame, wheelchair, etc,m are covered by travel insurance for over 70s.
  • Travel adjustments – if you need to shorten or extend your trip due to medical requirements, you may be covered for the costs.
  • Caring assistance – if you need a carer to travel with you, it may be possible for you to add them to your policy.

What Are the Exclusions?

The exclusions of over 70s travel insurance are usually similar to other travel insurance plans. Make sure to read your policy carefully, so you are fully aware of what you’re covered from. Here are some of the most common exclusions:

  • High-risk activities – if you don’t inform your insurer that you are planning to take part in extreme activities, they may reject your claim.
  • Unlisted pre-existing medical conditions – you will be asked about your medical condition while applying for travel insurance. If you don’t answer accurately or you fail to inform your insurance provider about a particular condition, and then you file a claim for it, your insurer may deem your policy void.
  • Irresponsible behaviour – if you lose or have had something stolen due to negligence or you injure yourself while under the influence, your claim may be deemed void.

There are over 70s travel insurance covering a single trip, multiple trips within a year, or an extended stay in your destination.

What You Should Consider Before Purchasing Travel Insurance For Over 70s

There few things you should know or consider before you purchase the policy. These include:

  • You should ensure that the policy you get has the right minimum medical coverage that suits you. Keep in mind that medical costs could vary between different countries and continents.
  • You have to make sure that the insurance will cover your medical supplies since numerous medical supplies are costly and difficult to replace. Furthermore, if you require specific and expensive medicine, you have to ensure that they are covered since missing them can be an extremely serious circumstance.
  • If your insurer provides a customer service line, it’s a good idea to have their contact information on hand. It will also help run the process of your claim easier as you can contact them as soon as possible when needed.
  • When you’re travelling with someone as your carer, make sure they’re covered as travel partners under your policy. Some travel insurance plans for over 70s provide coverage for travel partners.

Make your trip convenient and  worry-free with coverage from travel insurance for over 70s.

Benefits of Travel Insurance For Over 70s

Getting travel insurance when you’re older can be hard, so it’s easy to just skip it. However, travelling posses numerous risks, especially if you have a health issue. You might need someone to take care of you during your trip. The chance of accidents may be higher as well. That’s why travel insurance is essential when you’re over 70 years old.

Below are some of the benefits you can enjoy by having travel insurance:

  • Your trip will be worry-free, with 24-hour medical emergency treatment for any unexpected situation.
  • Easy trip cancellation, curtailment, and repatriation back home.
  • Your expensive and essential medication or medical equipment will be covered, so you don’t have to worry about losing them during your trip.
  • You can get extra coverage for your travel companion.

Why Should I Declare Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?

You should always be as honest as possible during your application because if you fail to do so, and then you need to claim for a pre-existing condition, your policy will likely be void. The insurer will ask a number of questions regarding your health so that they can determine the type of cover you need.

You don’t have to worry about having any pre-existing medical conditions, such as cancer or diabetes, since there are travel insurance policies out there that were made especially for travellers with health conditions.

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