
  • Lifestyle

    The evolution and significance of Thai literature

    Delve into the rich tapestry of Thai literature, a realm where compelling narratives meet cultural nuance. From the screenplays that have dominated TV screens to the novels that have captivated readers, Thai literature has an undeniable charm. One such luminary in this field is Chaoom Panjapan, a multi-talented personality with a legacy in screenwriting, book editing, and songwriting. The development…

  • Thailand News

    Why are some books banned in Thailand?

    Despite being the tourist favourite for all the positives, including magnificent beaches, diverse culture, and delicious cuisine, Thailand has been reported for imposing unnecessary censorship even in today’s era of freedom and digitalism. Thais can not decide which books they can read freely because of the influence of religious sensibilities and traditional notions of respect for the monarchy. Here are…

  • Things To Do

    Unveiling 5 best libraries in Bangkok

    A wealth of information can be found in Bangkok’s renowned libraries, which provide an escape for book lovers, researchers, and those seeking intellectual enlightenment. Bangkok’s libraries guarantee an educational experience that will captivate you, whether you’re looking for refuge inside the pages of invaluable work or want to immerse yourself in the buzzing world of modern ideas. So here are…

  • Thailand News

    Thai paediatrician worries about Grade 5 textbook encouraging bad eating habits

    A Thai paediatrician worries that a Grade 5 textbook is encouraging bad eating habits. A recent controversy has sparked public debate involving a Thai language textbook for Grade 5 students discussing simplistic and potentially unhealthy meal suggestions, and a paediatrician has expressed deep concern over the limited worldview and nutritional value presented. The textbook contains content depicting a character enjoying…