
  • Retire in Thailand

    Are you really in control of your life?

    “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” – Marcus Aurelius In today’s world where everything seems to move too fast, we can find it difficult to be happy and find peace. However, Marcus Aurelius, former Roman emperor and stoic philosopher, emphasises that the quality of our thoughts directly impacts our happiness. With that, by focusing…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand proposes retirement savings lottery to combat poverty

    Thailand faces a growing issue of an ageing population entering retirement without sufficient savings. This problem is exacerbated by the country’s rapid transition into an aged society, and cannot be resolved merely through increased budget allocations for elderly allowances. Deputy Finance Minister Paophum Rojanasakul announced that the Ministry of Finance is considering a new policy called the Retirement Savings Lottery.…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Top 10 troubles you will find during retirement in Thailand

    The transition into retirement can be an intricate process, particularly if contemplating spending your later years in Thailand. Crafting a thorough strategy for this subsequent stage of life is crucial to facilitate this changeover, and vigilance of potential hurdles is vital to preserve balance during these years. In the domain of financial investment, for example, one may encounter numerous difficulties.…

  • Guides

    Top 5 social media platforms and is benefits for senior citizens

    Social media isn’t just for the younger crowd anymore. In recent years, older adults have increasingly embraced these platforms, finding new ways to connect with family, friends, and communities. Surprisingly, the number of over-75s using social media doubled in just one year, according to a 2017 Ofcom report. This shift highlights the growing importance of social media for older generations.…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Post retirement in Thailand: Navigating benefits and lifestyle for expats

    Understanding post-retirement benefits is essential for retirees, given the ever-changing landscape of retirement plans. It’s important to be aware of the options available, particularly in regions such as Thailand, to navigate the complexities effectively. Understanding each post retirement benefits Navigating the landscape of post retirement benefits reveals a variety of options designed to support individuals during their retirement years. These…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Renting vs buying a vehicle as expat in Thailand

    Selecting between renting and purchasing a vehicle in Thailand poses a considerable decision for many expatriates upon their arrival. It transcends mere mobility, encapsulating choices reflective of one’s lifestyle, financial considerations, and intended duration of stay within the Kingdom of Thailand. Both alternatives present distinct advantages and inherent challenges; comprehending these is pivotal in guiding one’s decision. Should one incline…

  • Expats

    Chiang Mai ranked among top budget-friendly retirement locations

    The lively and diverse city of Chiang Mai in Thailand has been listed among 13 budget-friendly global locations where couples can retire and live comfortably on a modest sum of US$1,500 per month, according to a new survey from International Living. The city, an eclectic mix of Thai, Chinese, Indian, and foreign residents, is celebrated for its rich history, culture,…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Unlock the science of beach volleyball for elders

    Adapting sports for elders is not just about keeping them physically active; it’s about creating a sense of community and fun in their golden years. Beach volleyball, a sport known for its sun-soaked fun and teamwork, might not be the first activity that comes to mind for elder citizens. However, with a few creative adjustments, it can become an inclusive,…

  • Business News

    Retirement of baby boomers threatens leadership vacuum

    The future of many businesses hangs in the balance as a significant number of top leaders retire, a trend accelerated by the fact that 10,000 Baby Boomers, who predominantly occupy managerial positions, are reaching the retirement age of 65 each day. That’s according to an eye-opening article published last year by Fortune magazine. The publication highlighted the mounting uncertainty for…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Unlock the magic of Tai Chi for elders

    Tai chi, a gentle form of martial arts, is gaining popularity among elders looking for an accessible way to enhance their health and well-being. With its roots deeply embedded in ancient Chinese tradition, tai chi offers a holistic approach to maintaining physical and mental balance. It’s a practice that doesn’t require any special equipment and can be done anywhere, from…

  • Guides

    How tech transforms retirement – Must try

    Embracing technology in your golden years isn’t just about keeping up with the grandkids on social media. It’s about enriching your retirement life in ways you might not have imagined. With over 62% of adults aged 65 and older now regularly surfing the web, it’s clear that the digital age is not just for the young. How technology can help…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Thailand 2024: The retirement haven you can’t miss

    As you approach retirement, keeping an eye on emerging trends within the industry is crucial, especially in vibrant markets like Thailand. In 2024, Thailand’s retirement industry is set to evolve, influenced by global economic shifts and local demographic changes. This introduction will guide you through the key trends shaping the future of retirement in Thailand, offering insights to help you…

  • Guides

    Retirement reimagined: Turning hobbies into earnings

    Gone are the days when retirement meant putting your feet up and leaving the world of work behind for good. Nowadays, many retirees are looking for ways to stay active, engaged, and yes, even boost their income. It’s all about turning your passions and spare time into a profitable venture. What is a profitable hobby? When you hear about income-generating…

  • Lifestyle

    Retire rich: Secret tips to plan your dream retirement

    Planning for retirement might seem daunting, but it’s a crucial step toward securing your future. Starting early and understanding where to save are key. If your employer offers a retirement plan with matching contributions, that’s an excellent starting point. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to one; opening your own retirement account is a solid alternative. Navigating the myriad…

  • Retire in Thailand

    From Dreams to Reality: Retiring as a Couple in Thailand

    Dreaming of retiring to Thailand with your better half? You’re not alone. Thailand, with its sun-kissed beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture, has become a haven for couples looking to spend their golden years in paradise. Whether you’re enticed by the tranquillity of rural towns or the bustling expat communities in cities like Hua Hin, retiring in Thailand offers a…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Ultimate retirement paradise in Thailand: Find out why

    Deciding on the perfect retirement spot can be a daunting task, especially when eyeing a destination as diverse and culturally rich as Thailand. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, from serene beaches to lush mountains, and its vibrant cities teeming with life, Thailand has emerged as a top retirement haven in Asia. It’s not just the scenery that draws retirees from…

  • Thailand News

    Thai military launches early retirement scheme funded by 600 million baht

    The Defence Ministry is advancing with an initiative to streamline the Thai military, proposing the allocation of 600 million baht from the central budget to facilitate an early retirement scheme over the next three years. Defence Minister, Sutin Klungsang, unveiled the strategy as a crucial part of the plan to reduce and optimise the military force, with the initial phase…

  • Thailand News

    National artist Chalermchai Kositpipat retires to enjoy motorcycle travels

    Chalermchai Kositpipat, a national artist and creator of Wat Rong Khun, announced his retirement, adding he will spend his remaining days enjoying life on his motorcycle. Born on February 15, 1955, in Rong Khun, Chiang Rai, Chalermchai is best known for his Thai mural paintings in Wat Phuttha Prateep in London, England, and his art at Wat Rong Khun. Chalermchai…

  • Pattaya News

    Pattaya elephant Nam Chok retires to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand sanctuary

    In a momentous event, Nam Chok, an elderly elephant who has given rides to tourists in Pattaya for decades, has been granted retirement. In her sixties, she was released by her owner into the care of the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), a sanctuary that offers a refuge for elephants. Nam Chok, who is partially sighted, is suspected to have…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Retiring solo: Tips and tricks for single retirees in Thailand

    Retirement marks a significant milestone; planning the next steps is crucial, especially for those retiring alone. Thailand, offering excellent healthcare and a lower cost of living, appeals to many looking for a relaxed and affordable lifestyle in their twilight years. Why Thailand appeals to solo retirees Thailand has always been popular as a retirement destination, and it’s easy to see…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Do you need to pay income taxes when retiring in Thailand?

    If your calendar is bursting with dreams of idyllic sunset beach strolls and idling away your days in a hammock, chances are you’re contemplating retirement in Thailand. With its affordable living cost, warm climate, and fabulous food, it’s no wonder you’d choose to spend the golden years under the shade of a tropical palm, enjoying cold coconut water. But let’s…

  • Retire in Thailand

    What you need to know about mandatory health insurance for retirement in Thailand

    If you’ve always cherished that dream of retiring to a life of endless beaches, mouth-watering street food, and glorious sunsets in Thailand, it’s fair to say you’re not alone. But as you savour your bowl of Tom Yum Goong and browse those enticing property listings in Phuket, it’s important to have a quick glance at the less glamorous but equally…

  • Thailand News

    Magazine ranks Thailand 9th best retirement spot on Earth

    Thailand secured its position as the world’s ninth-best retirement spot on International Living Magazine’s 2023 Annual Global Retirement Index. The index ranks countries based on their suitability for retirees, taking into account various factors including cost of living, cost of healthcare, cultural activities, and more. In the 2023 index, Thailand shares the spotlight with other popular retirement destinations such as Portugal,…

  • Guides

    The 5 best retirement homes to spend your golden years

    You’ve put in the time, done the hard yards, and now it’s time to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in a nation as warm as the greetings you’ll receive at every turn. Thailand is calling your name, and we’ve got five of the most splendid retirement homes that will whisk you away to a life of sun-kissed bliss…

  • Economy News

    Report reveals Thais need to save 15%-30% of salary for retirement

    Thai people are being urged to save more money for their retirement instead of relying on lotto prizes, inheritances, or descendants’ income. The Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy of Chulalongkorn University launched a National Retirement Readiness Index (NRRI) for Thailand yesterday. The report revealed that Thai people are not financially ready for retirement. Most people are ready for retirement in…

  • Home Services

    How Thailand is shifting to aged care in the home

    Thailand’s ageing society is growing rapidly, with a quarter of Thais who are 60 years and older forecasted to account for one-third of the population by 2040. Despite expectations that the country would see a rapid escalation of assisted living and nursing homes being developed, COVID-19 became a game-changer. While traditionally many Thais have lived and grown up in multigenerational…

  • Ask an Agent

    Top reasons to buy properties in Thailand 2022

    While Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations worldwide, it boasts an excellent property market! Well, there are plenty of compelling reasons to buy property in Thailand. First off, Thailand is a fantastic area to live in; the Land of Smile boasts world-class beaches, profound nature and exciting cityscapes. The best part is that you will be able to…

  • Thailand video news

    How to retire in Thailand | This is Thailand

    Foreigners who are over the age of 50 and want to retire to Thailand are eligible to apply for a Thai ‘Retirement Visa’, the nickname applied to a series of visas that will allow you to stay in Thailand for periods if you’re over 50 years old. What types of Visas are available? Who is Eligible?, What Documents do you…

  • Travel

    Travel Guide: Top places to retire in Asia 2022

    Retiring in Asia is a dream for many, with fond memories of short or longer travel to some of the humid and exotic countries in the region. All that exquisite cuisine, diverse sceneries, fascinating histories, intriguing temples, tropical adventures, colourful nightlife, and markets and malls for shopping. Lots of shopping. So it’s easy to become enamoured with all things “Asia.”…

  • Destination Guide

    Thailand ranks as the best country in Asia to retire – International Living magazine

    Is Thailand the best country in Asia to retire? Some think so. Thailand was ranked as the best country in Asia for retirement in 2022 by International Living magazine. And out of a list of 25 countries, the magazine listed Thailand as number 11, with Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico topping the list. The magazine’s annual global retirement index is…