
  • Thailand News

    Thailand monitoring Myanmar situation, will work to end conflict

    Since the February 1 military coup in Myanmar, the Thai government has been relatively quiet on the situation in the neighbouring country, with a few statements urging for peace and an end to the violence after more than 700 people were killed by Burmese security forces. Some clashes between the military and ethnic troops have been along the Thai border,…

  • World News

    Burmese junta election commission claims 11 million fraud cases

    After the election in Myanmar last November, the military was unhappy with the results, claimed mass fraud, and overthrew the government, seizing power in a coup in February. Independent observers and analysts have yet to find any probable voter fraud in the election. But perhaps they weren’t looking in the right place because the military junta’s election commission just turned…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | Bangkok curfew, dark red zone restrictions, golden triangle boom | July 9

    The CCSA is imposing further Covid-19 restrictions, including a night-time curfew, travel restrictions in Bangkok and other Dark Red Zones, for 14 days, expected to take effect as soon as tomorrow. In related news, 9,276 new Covid-19 community infections and 72 coronavirus-related deaths were reported today by the CCSA. Following this week’s explosion and subsequent fire in central Samut Prakan…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | Phuket Sandbox, No money, no honey, no GDP | June 29

    As the southern island of Phuket gets ready to re-open to vaccinated foreign tourists on Thursday, hotel operators say they’re well prepared. A manhunt has wrapped up in northeastern Thailand after a man was arrested, suspected of killing his 72 year old father, allegedly over welfare money. Meanwhile in Chiang Mai. Police were looking for a man who allegedly killed…

  • Thailand News

    Army raids a house, arrests 53 as part of alleged gambling operation

    This morning, the Thai army raided a house in the northern province of Mae Hong Son. As part of the raid, they arrested 40 Chinese nationals, 12 Burmese, and 1 Filipino that were allegedly running an online gambling operation. The house was in a resort located in the Mok Cham Pae of the Muang district that borders Myanmar. Thai media…

  • World News

    Thailand abstains from vote on UN resolution condemning Myanmar violence

    On the United Nations’ rare move, adopting a resolution urging the military in Myanmar to cease violence, Thailand abstained from voting on the non-binding motion. Thailand’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tanee Sangrat says there were several essential factors to why Thailand declined to vote. 119 member countries of the United Nations General Assembly voted on Friday in support of the resolution…

  • World News

    Myanmar: American journalist’s detention extended 2 more weeks

    Yesterday, a Myanmar court extended the detention of American journalist Danny Fenster. The extension is for 2 more weeks. The U.S. State Department has strongly requested they have consular access to Danny. Frontier Myanmar says their managing editor (Danny) faces charges that could land him a 3 year prison term. The charge is reportedly often used against dissidents and journalists.…

  • World News

    Trial begins in Myanmar for former leader Aung San Suu Kyi

    Trials are now underway for Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel laureate, a beacon for democracy in Myanmar, and the ousted Burmese leader that has been held prisoner by the military junta for 4 months after their coup on February 1. The former leader of Myanmar is on trial for sedition and a number of lesser and archaic law violations.…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Covid-19 prevention leads to 14 arrests of longterm overstays

    While attempting to curb the spread of Covid-19 through migrant workers and illegal immigrants, Immigration Police have arrested 14 foreigners with “egregious overstays”. Today’s announcement of the bust of 14 foreign nationals took place mostly in northeastern provinces. The Immigration Chief explained that officials at immigration have been proactive in seeking out people who entered Thailand illegally to prevent an…

  • World News

    UN report: Changes in Southeast Asia drug trafficking during the pandemic

    While the notorious Golden Triangle remains a major production base for methamphetamine, drug syndicates in Southeast Asia have changed up trafficking routes and added production bases to not only survive but capitalise during the pandemic. Large-scale methamphetamine production has emerged in Cambodia during the pandemic, according to the annual UN Office on Drugs and Crime report on synthetic drugs in…

  • Thailand video news

    Good Morning Thailand | Bars closed for Sandbox reopening, the Myanmar effect

    The latest news and chat about issues about Thailand. Today, more woes for the Phuket Sandbox, the official reopening of general travel to Thailand. Except that nothing has been confirmed with only 20 days to go!. We also answer your questions and address your comment. ? MOBILE APP for iOS / Apple users: ? MOBILE APP for Android users:…

  • World News

    UN report: Myanmar could face mass starvation and death

    A new United Nations report predicts the imminent threat of mass starvation and death in Myanmar due to the civil unrest after the military coup that has upended the country since February. The UN’s special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar issued the grave warning as the countries infrastructure collapses in the ongoing chaos of protestors and insurgents clashing with…

  • World News

    Burmese junta tells Doctors Without Borders to stop aid in Dawei

    Thousands of lives have been placed in peril after the Burmese military junta currently controlling Myanmar commanded Doctors Without Borders to cease operation. The well-known medical charity famous for providing emergency healthcare worldwide regardless of geopolitical borders warns of the urgent danger of stopping care on thousands of HIV and tuberculosis patients. Yesterday the junta order that all medical charity…

  • South Thailand News

    Burmese migrants headed toward Malaysia arrested in Songkhla

    Police arrest a group of Burmese migrants and an alleged guide from Myanmar in Songkhla’s Hat Yai district. Officers say the guide was leading the migrants from Moulmein, a city on Myanmar’s western coast, then across the Thai border to the southern province Ranong, headed toward Malaysia where they had jobs lined up. The migrants allegedly told police that they…

  • World News

    Myanmar’s ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi to go on trial next week

    The trial of Myanmar’s detained and ousted leader is set to go on next week. The military arrested Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy and a Nobel laureate, in the February 1 coup, saying the reason behind the takeover was due to a fraudulent election. She had won the election for state counsellor in a landslide. 75…

  • World News

    Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses concern over violence in Myanmar

    With more than 850 people killed by security forces since the February military coup in Myanmar, and the junta’s ongoing clashes with ethnic troops and rebel fighters, Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement expressing concern over the violence in the neighbouring country. Along with reiterating the call to end violence and the release of detainees, the ministry’s spokesperson…

  • Thailand News

    Man arrested for allegedly smuggling durian into Thailand

    Last night, a man was arrested and charged with smuggling durian into Thailand from Myanmar. 25 year old Pairat Wattanom, a Thai Man from the Thai Province Ranong, which is part of the isthmus that has the Andaman Sea on one side and the Gulf of Thailand on the other, has been arrested and waits for the judicial system to…

  • Thailand News

    Former army adviser convicted of human trafficking dies in prison

    A former army adviser, convicted of trafficking Rohingya migrants to camps in Southern Thailand, died in a prison hospital this week. 65 year old Manas Kongpan had a heart attack while he was exercising at the Medical Correctional Hospital where he had been admitted to treat hypertension, high cholesterol and bradycardia. The former army adviser was one of more than 100…

  • World News

    ASEAN delegation to visit Myanmar to help find a solution to ongoing crisis

    To help find a solution to the ongoing situation in Myanmar following the military coup, an ASEAN delegation will visit Myanmar tomorrow to meet with the leaders of the junta’s State Administrative Council, which has taken the place of the elected civilian government led by the National League of Democracy. Since the February military takeover, an estimated more than 800…

  • World News

    Myanmar coup and crisis cause major damage to its economy

    The continued civic unrest after the military coup has ravaged Myanmar and its economy, with massive losses across all economic indicators, including Thailand’s exports to its troubled neighbour. This year’s exports from Thailand to Myanmar predicted to lose between 60 and 96.5 billion baht, between 51 and 82%, according to the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. The UTCC’s…

  • Thailand News

    Police arrest “key” labour trafficking suspect who allegedly earned millions of baht

    Police say they’ve arrested a “key” suspect who allegedly earned millions of baht leading a human trafficking operation. Following the man’s arrest, police accessed his bank account and say he earned around 14 million baht over the past year with his earnings increasing during Covid-19 outbreaks. Over the past year, officers tightened border patrol along the Thai-Myanmar border and focused…

  • World News

    At least 73 children killed by junta forces in Myanmar, death toll still rising

    Out of the estimated 800 people killed by security forces after the February military coup in Myanmar, at least 73 were children. Some were playing outside when they were shot and killed by soldiers and police who fired their guns at random in Burmese neighbourhoods, according to the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government. Other children were…

  • Thailand News

    Motorbike death believed to be caused by face mask

    PHOTO: A motorbike driver in the northern Thai province of Uthai Thani has died from injuries he sustained after he drove into a utility pole. Witnesses said they saw a face mask covering the motorbike driver’s eyes and they believe it obstructed his vision, causing the crash. Mew, a 43 year old Burmese national, had bought the motorbike only…

  • World News

    Rebel troops kill 20 Burmese officers, former leader Aung San Suu Kyi appears in court

    At least 20 Myanmar security forces were killed in a clash with rebel troops on Sunday and a police station was seized by the rebel fighters, according to the anti-coup movement the People’s Defence Force. The former state counsellor, Aung San Suu Kyi, also appeared in court for the first time since the February coup when the see was detained…

  • World News

    Thai PM orders a crackdown on Thailand’s leaky borders

    Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha is asking the country’s security authorities to “step up” surveillance along the country’s four borders – with Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia and Laos – to help stem the flow of illegal migrants sneaking into Thailand. Thailand shares a massively long 2,500 kilometre border with Myanmar, most of the area undefined and littered with walking tracks through dense…

  • Crime News

    Police in western Thailand discover 19 Burmese migrants hidden in truck

    Police in the western province of Kanchanaburi have found 19 Burmese migrants concealed in a small truck in the district of Thong Paphum. The discovery comes as officers are ordered to crack down on migrant workers crossing illegally into Thailand. Thai Residents reports that local police officers were acting on a tip-off that Burmese migrants were being smuggled across the…

  • World News

    Burmese junta hit with additional US sanctions

    The US has confirmed additional sanctions against Myanmar in response to the February 1 military coup that ousted the democratically-elected civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi. CNN reports that the latest round of sanctions, which have been introduced in coordination with the UK and Canada, are aimed at the State Administrative Council, or military junta. In particular, they target…

  • World News

    17 year old Burmese teenager details abuse at the hands of junta

    A 17 year old Burmese teenager has spoken about her time behind bars at the hands of the Myanmar junta. Ma Chaw says she and her mother were arrested on April 14 in Rangoon as they were walking to a friend’s house from a morning protest. She says they were stopped by the military who jumped out of 2 security…

  • World News

    Former pageant queen in Myanmar sides with ethnic armies opposing military coup

    A former pageant queen Htar Htet Htet has been vocal about her opposition to the military takeover in her home country, Myanmar. But recently, she took her stance even farther by posting a photo of herself in a black combat outfit with an assault rifle, showing support for the ethnic armies fighting against the state military. The Myanmar military took…

  • World News

    More than 15,000 foreigners arrested since January for illegal border crossings

    Thousands of foreign nationals have been arrested this year for illegally crossing land borders into Thailand. Due to fears that those entering Thailand illegally and evading the mandatory 14-day quarantine could possibly lead to the spread of Covid-19, particularly more contagious variants of the virus, Thai authorities say they will take tough legal action on illegal migrants and labour traffickers.…