healthy eating

  • Health

    Onions can help with osteoporosis

    Who knew that onions, the humble kitchen staple known for making us cry, could hold the key to stronger bones for the elderly? Recent research reveals that onions might just be the unsung hero in the fight against osteoporosis, a common bone disease in the elderly that weakens bones and makes them prone to fractures. The study that unveiled the…

  • Health

    Fermented dairy products can be a tasty way to prevent cognitive decline

    As we age, maintaining cognitive health becomes a significant concern. Recent studies suggest that what we eat might play a crucial role in keeping our minds sharp. Among the various foods studied, fermented dairy products, such as cheeses, have shown promising results in preventing cognitive issues related to ageing. The link between diet and brain health The world’s population is…

  • Lifestyle

    The 4 benefits of UV-blocking jars

    If you’re a health enthusiast, then you’ve probably already heard (and seen) of UV-blocking glass jars. This special type of glass jar is a premium type of packaging for numerous health and wellness brands, including Sunbliss Superfood, an organic food company based in Sun Valley, California. For Sunbliss Superfood, maintaining the integrity of their product is important. And UV blocking…

  • Health

    Norwegian study finds that consuming potatoes lowers risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

    In a groundbreaking study, researchers in Norway have discovered that eating potatoes can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. This study’s finding, challenges the common perception of potatoes as a less desirable vegetable due to their high starch content and glycemic index. The study’s results suggest that potatoes, particularly when boiled, offer notable health benefits that…

  • Health

    Study validates that plant-based diets reduces risk of heart issues and cancer

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and cancer are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, making the search for effective preventive measures a high priority. A growing body of research suggests that plant-based diets, which exclude or minimise animal products, may offer significant health benefits, particularly in reducing the risks associated with these diseases. This article delves into a comprehensive umbrella…

  • Food

    How to create your balanced mediterranean diet plan

    If you are seeking a dietary plan conducive to cardiovascular health, the Mediterranean diet could potentially be an appropriate selection. This diet merges essential elements of a healthy nutrition including the incorporation of olive oil and possibly even a glass of red wine. More significantly, its efficacy is substantiated by compelling scientific research. Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet not…