
  • Lifestyle

    The art of saying no and setting boundaries

    Implementing boundaries and becoming proficient at articulating ‘no’ can revolutionise both your personal and professional life. This isn’t only about gaining others’ respect for your needs, but also about respecting your own needs. On certain occasions, a strong ‘no’ may actually be an act of kindness for you and those around you. If you encounter difficulty in upholding your boundaries…

  • Guides

    The rise of vegetarian food in Thailand

    In Thailand, particularly in the southern areas, there is a growing trend among individuals, from cooking enthusiasts to professional chefs, towards adopting vegetarian food. As the global advocacy for plant-based eating expands, these culinary professionals are increasingly using alternatives like tofu, seitan, and an assortment of fresh vegetables in place of meat. Impressively, they are managing to preserve the authentic…