Business News

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    Which is the best copy trading platform?

    Copy trading has become increasingly popular with investors around the globe over the past decade. It's considered a simple way to capitalise on market opportunities with little effort. But is it really a shortcut to making big bucks in the...

  • Property Lawyer Matthew McEvily Passes Away

    Well-known longtime Phuket real estate lawyer Matthew McEvily passed away in the United States on June 20th. He was 59 years old. McEvily was actively involved in the real estate sector in Phuket, Bangkok and Samui. For a number of years he was a a partner in McEvily & Collins law firm, and later on his own under McEvily and…

  • The Outlook is Bullish

    Despite the volatility that occurred early in the session on Thursday and Fintwits’ instantaneous panic, markets remain in a firm position on the weekly charts. The weekly chart of the SP500 still posted a higher high and higher low in relation to last week’s bar, which was bullish follow- through from the prior week’s breakout. The Thursday intraday blip brought…

  • Finance: Using monthly charts to analyze trends

    PHUKET: Monthly charts are among the first buy signals I look for when selecting stocks because they show bigger time frames where long term trends can be seen. As we enter the summer months, a short term pull back could still happen and this would be a perfectly normal price action. Lately we haven’t yet seen any price action to…

  • Finance: Track price action, not pundits’ talk

    PHUKET: As I am writing this, I haven’t turned on a TV in more than 10 days. So I am not getting any news from a verbal source about nuclear confrontations with North Korea, Trump uncertainty or whatever else is going on in the world. However, I have been reading the news and it’s different when you read news versus…

  • Business Buzz: Email marketing missing the mark

    PHUKET: Recently, my business partner and I have been analyzing email marketing and what came to light was quite a surprise. He is a systems engineer so it is fair to say his level of knowledge of IT far surpasses my own. We were collaborating on our latest project and the issue of email marketing and whether it was effective…

  • Finance: Using fundamental and technical analysis to gauge stocks

    PHUKET: When I decide that a stock could either be worth buying or worth placing on a watch list, the first thing I do is look at the stock’s fundamentals using a stock research and marketing tool called ‘MarketSmith’. Using small cap LGI Homes (NASDAQ: LGIH) as a sample stock, let’s look at some fundamental data that will help decide…

  • Finance: Market pullback nothing to worry about

    PHUKET: As of late March, US stocks appear to be cooling after strong gains since the US elections. Over the next 1-3 months, I expect further market consolidation with a pullback by major market indices to the 50-day moving averages level being a real possibility. The Dow Jones could fall below 20,000, while for the S&P 500 index, a 3-5…

  • Finance: What interest rate hikes mean for investors

    PHUKET: Early last month, the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates, with the market largely ignoring the long-expected move. With at least a couple of more rate increases expected in the near future, I would still not expect the market to suddenly turn bearish. If the Fed thought the US economy was still too weak, they would not be raising…

  • Banyan Tree Group bags seven accolades

    PHUKET: The Banyan Tree group clinched seven awards at the recent Travel & Leisure ‘China Annual Travel Awards 2016’, adding to a growing list of accolades for the Banyan Tree brand. The luxury lifestyle magazine named Banyan Tree Phuket as the winner in the ‘Best Spa Resorts’ category, while also recognizing Laguna Golf Phuket as one of 2016’s top ten…

  • Business Buzz: Establish your online presence from scratch

    PHUKET: Many people have asked me how to get started with an online presence, so I have put together a quick overview assuming I was starting from scratch (but knowing what I do now). Facebook Page The very first thing you could do is start a Facebook fan page. This can easily be set up without any skill, cost or…

  • Finance: Russians slated to return to Phuket

    PHUKET: The economy of Phuket will pick up over the next couple of years because the Russian economy, ruble and stock market are finally recovering. Russia’s energy and commodity driven economy was hit hard by low energy and commodity prices, along with President Obama’s sanctions in response to the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and other troubles in Eastern Ukraine.…

  • Finance: Securing your financial future

    PHUKET: It really doesn’t matter if you make a little money or tonnes. If you can’t master this very important step you will never achieve financial freedom. It sounds all too simple in theory, yet in practice so many people have trouble staying disciplined. The step I am referring to is committing to setting aside a minimum of 10 per…

  • Finance: Grab the ‘bull’ by the horns

    PHUKET: Many times in life it can seem like things completely spiral out of your control, and this can leave us feeling helpless. I have seen this happen not only numerous times with decisions my clients have made, but have made the exact same mistakes in my own investments. One mistake leads to another poor decision and in the end…

  • Finance: Markets favor active selection

    PHUKET: There is value in having an active stock selector as your money manager – especially right now when individual stocks are starting to break out and the market is favoring them over passive investment. Consider some of the following stocks that are in my watch list and portfolios as of late January. Small cap Internet services stock Tucows Inc…

  • Finance: A good time to invest in Phuket

    PHUKET: I am asked so often about Phuket real estate that I find it a good topic to address from time to time. Of course, there are legal hurdles to consider, but I will leave that aside for today and focus simply on the issue of timing. Is now a time to be buying or fleeing the island? As with…

  • Finance: The markets are aiming higher

    PHUKET: At the start of 2017, much of the media coverage about the stock market was focused on the Dow Jones reaching the 20,000 level, with some commentary about how the ‘January Effect’ or ‘January Barometer’ theories could help the market. Before discussing what I believe technical indicators are predicting, we need to debunk any theories that claim to predict…

  • Finance: Next phase of tech revolution may be here

    PHUKET: While many have been focused on Brexit, problems in Europe, the Middle East and the US elections, a technology revolution has quietly marched toward its most important phase, that is not being recognized by the mainstream media (which is focused on making predictions about where the market will go in 2017). The tech revolution is alive and well and…

  • Finance: Stocks are hot, bonds are not

    PHUKET: The post election weeks have seen many leadership stocks take off, with the overall breadth of the market uptrend being impressive. The market is being led higher by both small and mid cap stocks, plus sectors like energy, materials, industrial, technology and the economically sensitive Dow Transports – all positive signs for even higher stock prices in the months…

  • Business Buzz: Social Media trends to look out for in 2017

    PHUKET: Another year gone and the social media scene has witnessed a lot of changes, with new platforms such as Periscope and Snapchat rising in popularity – while Twitter continues its slide. Video, 360 degree images and smart graphics will likely continue leading the way in content marketing and branding, appealing to our need for instant gratification and shorter attention…

  • Deputy PM pushes to implement Thailand 4.0

    PHUKET: Deputy Prime Minister Admiral Narong Pipatanasia met with the governors of Phuket, Phang Nga, Ranong, Krabi and Trang last week to push for the implementation of the Prime Minister’s ‘Thailand 4.0’ policy to bolster the economy in the Andaman region. At the meeting, held at Phuket Provincial Hall, Admiral Narong said that the nationwide plan initiated by Prime Minister…

  • Finance: Where to invest after Trump victory

    PHUKET: As the world learned that Trump had won, equity futures plunged – only to turn positive just minutes after the market opened the next day, with the rally lasting the rest of the week. The fact that the Dow and small cap US stocks shot up by 10 per cent to a new high shows that the market has…

  • Ten reasons why the market will head higher

    PHUKET: US and global markets continue to hold in a tight 2-3 month range near new highs after breaking out of a long 1.5 year consolidation just after Brexit. This is occurring despite all the pessimism out there surrounding the US elections, the Fed, terrorism, Brexit fallout, Deutsche Bank troubles and other concerns. I have ten reasons to believe the…

  • Kata Group taps into trillion-yuan wedding market

    PHUKET: Kata Group Resorts Thailand aims to host up to 2,000 weddings in Phuket over the next three years after forming an alliance with Travel Wedding (Beijing) to exploit the growing market of Chinese honeymooners. The group, which owns seven hotels in Thailand, this month launched a range of wedding and honeymoon products to be exclusively promoted in China to…

  • Business Buzz: Think before you share online

    PHUKET: This month we are going to cover a range of things that have been topical recently, and a timely reminder of what is important locally. I am going to show my age as a Generation Xer. Growing up, compared to now, things are a little bit different. Whenever we had to do a study assignment, we used to go…

  • Finance: Profiting from periods of panic

    THERE is a good lesson in handling panic that can be learned from recent events in Thailand. The SET index, which is a broad measure of the Thai stock market, went on a pretty wild ride in response to the news regarding the monarchy. If you are not aware of what happened, the chart (right) shows the massive sell-off, only…

  • Demand for black clothes soars

    PHUKET: The government and private sectors have joined hands to ensure that the demand for black-colored clothing is taken care of in Thailand, including in Phuket. The move came after the government announced that government officials must wear black clothing for an entire year during the official mourning period of HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej. It is recommended, but clearly not…

  • Finance: Listen to price rather than opinions

    PHUKET: It’s clear that the entire world is focused on the coming US elections as several of my non-US clients have asked me recently what the impact on their investments will be if Donald Trump actually is elected. One worried client even sent me an article from the New Yorker, highlighting the following lines: “The Economist Intelligence Unit, an economic-and-geopolitical-analysis…

  • Krabi hosts Global Rubber Conference 2016

    PHUKET: Experts and industry players from 25 countries met at the Global Rubber Conference 2016 in Krabi on October 11, to discuss the future prospects of the rubber industry in Krabi and all over the world. The two-day conference was held at Deevana Plaza, Ao Nang, and was organized by the Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) and Confexhub. “More than…

  • Business Buzz: Advent of panoramic photos

    PHUKET: While there has been a lot of news in the press recently about Twitter and what is going to happen with the new relaxed 140 character rules, or the Samsung Note 7 exploding with regularity and being banned from all commercial airlines, the interesting news for me is what we can all use to promote our businesses and get…

  • Biz leaders make French connection

    PHUKET: Phuket’s tourism industry leaders are banking on boosting the number of foreign visitors to the province by about 20 per cent during the year-end high season by attracting more French tourists. Local hoteliers, tour operators and agencies are hopeful of a new influx of French nationals after a string of successful roadshows in Nice, Lyon and Paris, from September…