

A true extrovert, Thunn enjoys writing to connect with people and tell stories about his vast experiences. His passion for building relationships drives him to write engaging content with his unique voice and views.
  • Education

    Thailand scholarships: Open doors for international students

    Financial aid and scholarships are crucial for international students in Thailand, helping them overcome the high costs of higher education. These financial supports enable students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to concentrate on their studies and cultural immersion by alleviating economic burdens. By providing scholarships, Thailand ensures that quality education is accessible to a broader range of individuals. Study in Thailand…

  • Retire in Thailand

    Post retirement in Thailand: Navigating benefits and lifestyle for expats

    Understanding post-retirement benefits is essential for retirees, given the ever-changing landscape of retirement plans. It’s important to be aware of the options available, particularly in regions such as Thailand, to navigate the complexities effectively. Understanding each post-retirement benefits Navigating the landscape of post-retirement benefits reveals a variety of options designed to support individuals during their retirement years. These benefits, crucial…

  • Cannabis

    The ultimate guide to selling cannabis in Thailand

    Selling cannabis in Thailand offers unique opportunities due to recent changes in the legal view. In 2022, the country decriminalised cannabis, removing it from the list of controlled narcotics. This landmark decision permits the cultivation and use of cannabis without fear of legal repercussions. Key takeaways: Regulatory View: Learn about the strict licensing requirements for cultivation and distribution. Legal Risks:…

  • Education

    Understanding the Thai higher education system

    As the number of students looking for advanced learning opportunities continues to rise, the meaning of “higher education” has also begun to diversify. Across the globe, higher education generally implies studies pursued after secondary school, but the approach varies from country to country. Focusing on Thailand higher education system, it’s evident that it embodies a unique blend of tradition and…

  • Digital Marketing

    Maximizing business growth: A case study on the impact of video marketing

    People today live their lives through the internet, so it can be hard for companies to stand out. Businesses are often left scratching their heads for an edge when they use old-fashioned marketing methods that feel tired and predictable. But out of all the digital noise, one strong force has emerged: video marketing. From the point of view of an…

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

    The potential of user generated content in social media marketing

    User generated content (UGC) is a new thing that has changed the game on social media. Businesses are changing how they market online because of this type of material, which is made by regular people instead of brands. The user generated content is content that is made by users, like regular people who show support for a brand. There are…

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    The role of SEO in B2B and B2C marketing strategies

    Nowadays, the spotlight is firmly on the critical role of search engine optimization (SEO) in shaping the success of businesses, both in the B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) domains. SEO is the secret sauce that makes your online presence stand out amidst the digital noise. Before going through, let’s get acquainted with SEO. it is like the compass guiding your…

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    Harnessing the power of data: Key strategies for data driven marketing success

    In the modern, digital world that we are currently living in, data is an essential component of every successful company plan. Gaining an understanding of the power of data and putting it to use can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. As the proverb goes, “information is king,” and in order for organisations to maintain their…

  • Travel

    Eco-tourism in Thailand: A guide to sustainable travel hotspots

    As eco-tourism takes centre stage in the global travel agenda, Thailand emerges as a shining example of how natural beauty and sustainability can be harmoniously balanced. With a dedication to preserving its rich ecosystems and cultural heritage, Thailand offers eco-conscious travellers a plethora of destinations that cater to a sense of adventure, while minimizing the impact on the environment. Let…

  • Thailand Travel

    Tips for spending an unforgettable gap year in Thailand

    A gap year is not just a break from academics; it’s a journey of self-discovery, learning, and adventure. Thailand, with its rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty, presents a stunning destination for anyone looking to transform a gap year into an epic chapter of their life. The nation of Thailand, which is frequently referred to as the Land…

  • Best of

    Fun facts about Chiang Mai

    Located in the heart of Northern Thailand, surrounded by verdant forests and rolling mountains, Chiang Mai is a city steeped in history, culture, and stunning natural scenery. Founded over 700 years ago as the capital of the Lanna Kingdom, it has grown into a charming blend of ancient traditions and modern life, where history is alive on every corner and…

  • Food

    Top 7 healthy eating tips in Thailand

    Healthy eating tips in Thailand are an essential aspect of maintaining a good quality of life. It involves choosing a balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients it needs to function correctly. Eating a variety of foods, in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy…

  • Thailand Travel

    Amazing Thailand: Fun facts and trivia every traveller should know

    Thailand is unique, like that one tree in the forest that’s grown tall and strong without ever being chopped down. It’s a place proud of its cultural DNA, a vibrant patchwork of traditions that’s been kept safe from the outside forces that have reshaped so many other places. Genuine grins and heartfelt welcomes In Thailand, smiles are the national currency.…

  • Thailand Travel

    Playful phrases and helpful tips for travelers exploring Thailand

    Embarking on a journey to Thailand can be likened to diving into a sea filled with enchanting corals of culture, with each vibrant hue representing a unique aspect of the wonderful Thai tapestry. A crucial piece of your underwater equipment is, undoubtedly, your phrasebook. Navigating Thai culture with grace Start on a playful note by greeting everyone with a beaming…

  • Travel

    Navigating Bangkok: A guide to the city’s train systems

    The train networks in Bangkok are the beating heart of the city’s transportation system. They provide a comprehensive and time-saving means to navigate the city. The Sukhumvit and Silom Lines of the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) Skytrain soar above the surrounding traffic to connect the city’s neighbourhoods. The Blue, Purple, and Yellow Lines of the Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT)…

  • Travel

    Tuk Tuk Rides and Thailand’s Railway Wonders

    There are two unique ways to travel in Thailand that come to mind: taking the country’s old-fashioned trains and riding on the bumpy tuk-tuks. Thailand’s train lines, which go from busy Bangkok to the mountains of Chiang Mai, give tourists a look into the country’s history. The colourful three-wheeled vehicles called tuk-tuks that move through city streets are a nice…

  • Guides

    Muay Thai: the origins of the Thai boxing sport

    The art of Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, is seen as a cultural inheritance that was handed down to the next generations. On top of being a combat sport, Muay Thai is also practised for self-defence. Even though Muay Thai has been around for a very long time, there is not a lot of evidence to support either…

  • Chiang Mai Travel

    Best bars in Chiang Mai: Top spots to savour Chiang Mai’s nightlife

    Thailand is considered a lively Southeast Asian country for its lively culture and stunning beauty. In the north of Thailand, there lies the province of Chiang Mai which is famous for its beautiful temples and abundant markets. However, you might be surprised to find out that the city has various bars that range from relaxing rooftops to energetic nightclubs that…

  • Guides

    5 souvenirs unique to Thailand

    Thailand is one of the significant countries where both foreigners and locals are eager to say ‘yes’ to a request to visit. Not only are there numerous tourist attractions and delicious cuisine, but there are also intriguing mementos for those returning home. Today, we would like to share some souvenir gift ideas that you may not have considered before. Unique…

  • Food

    Traditional Thai Food you might not know

    Thai cuisine, or Thai food, consists of a variety of colours, textures, and creative concepts with a balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements like Pad Thai, aromatic curries infused with lemongrass and kaffir lime, and Tom Yum, an iconic Thai broth with vibrant flavours such as galangal, chilli peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and prawn or chicken as a main…