

A true extrovert, Thunn enjoys writing to connect with people and tell stories about his vast experiences. His passion for building relationships drives him to write engaging content with his unique voice and views.
  • Guides

    Recognising genuine Thai Silk

    Imagine a fabric so lustrous it shimmers like liquid gold, a material so fine it has been coveted for centuries. Thai silk, with its rich history and intricate craftsmanship, stands as a testament to human ingenuity. Derived from the secretions of silkworms, this luxurious fabric has become synonymous with elegance and sophistication. How Thai silk is created. Thai sericulture: A…

  • Guides

    Top 5 social media platforms and is benefits for senior citizens

    Social media isn’t just for the younger crowd anymore. In recent years, older adults have increasingly embraced these platforms, finding new ways to connect with family, friends, and communities. Surprisingly, the number of over-75s using social media doubled in just one year, according to a 2017 Ofcom report. This shift highlights the growing importance of social media for older generations.…

  • Guides

    The rise of vegetarian food in Thailand

    In Thailand, particularly in the southern areas, there is a growing trend among individuals, from cooking enthusiasts to professional chefs, towards adopting vegetarian food. As the global advocacy for plant-based eating expands, these culinary professionals are increasingly using alternatives like tofu, seitan, and an assortment of fresh vegetables in place of meat. Impressively, they are managing to preserve the authentic…

  • Guides

    Essential life skills for success in the 21st century

    As the world evolves, life skills crucial for the 21st century play an imperative role in personal and professional success. Mastery of diverse skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation is no longer optional; these are mandatory for navigating complex global landscapes. These competencies facilitate not only individual adaptability but also collective advancements in an increasingly digital…

  • Guides

    Legal challenges of same sex adoption in Thailand

    Within the multifaceted and distinctive environment of Thailand, there’s a burgeoning topic that’s capturing significant interest – same sex adoption rights for LGBT couples. Unquestionably, strides have been taken with notable advancements like the Gender Equality Act in 2015. Nonetheless, in terms of all-encompassing equality, specifically on the matter of child adoption rights, this objective has not yet been completely…

  • Lifestyle

    How to find the best deals in Thailand

    Navigating the myriad of myths and misconceptions about bagging the best hotel deals can be a tricky task, especially when planning a trip to a popular destination like Thailand. With the advent of the Internet age, the travel landscape has transformed significantly, rendering some traditional methods obsolete. This article aims to debunk those outdated notions and arm you with savvy…

  • Lifestyle

    The evolution and significance of Thai literature

    Delve into the rich tapestry of Thai literature, a realm where compelling narratives meet cultural nuance. From the screenplays that have dominated TV screens to the novels that have captivated readers, Thai literature has an undeniable charm. One such luminary in this field is Chaoom Panjapan, a multi-talented personality with a legacy in screenwriting, book editing, and songwriting. The development…

  • Guides

    A deep dive into Ayutthaya history in each aspect

    Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Thailand’s cultural history as we delve into the intriguing era of the Ayutthaya period. A time when art and culture flourished, and the Kingdom of Siam, now Thailand, was a bustling hub of trade and prosperity. The Ayutthaya period, spanning from 1350 to 1767 CE, was marked by the rise of a distinct…

  • Food

    Thai tea tales: The history of Thai iced tea

    The journey of Thai iced tea from its humble beginnings to global acclaim is an intriguing story, showcasing the blending of cultures and the progression of culinary traditions. Known for its distinctive orange hue and sweet-spicy taste, this beverage has crossed Thailand’s boundaries, enchanting people everywhere. Whether walking through the vibrant streets of Bangkok or sitting in a cosy café…

  • Guides

    Advancements in sustainable infrastructure for urban renewal

    In today’s world, there are many advantages of energy-efficient buildings, eco-friendly transportation systems, autonomous smart cities, sustainable infrastructure, and the use of renewable energy sources. These innovations are pinpointed as essential in diminishing carbon emissions, conserving energy, and bolstering our infrastructure’s resilience. The narrative highlights that these technological advancements not only safeguard the environment but also bring economic benefits and…

  • Travel

    Revolutionising Thai tourism with AI in Travel

    Thailand’s tourism sector is experiencing a significant transformation with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), aimed at enhancing and personalising the visitor experience. This strategic move not only complements Thailand’s renowned hospitality but also infuses it with modern innovation. The country is focused on merging its cherished traditional elements with cutting-edge technology to offer travellers a distinct and tailored journey.…

  • Guides

    Essential time management tips for professional growth

    In today’s fast-paced world, managing time efficiently has become more crucial than ever. Whether it’s juggling work deadlines, personal commitments, or simply finding time to relax, mastering the art of time management can lead to a more productive and balanced life. This article delves into the realm of time management, offering a selection of powerful practices that promise to streamline…

  • Education

    Balancing esports ambitions with academic success

    As we move into 2024, finding strategies to integrate your passion for gaming with securing an educational degree is crucial. The esports industry offers diverse career options beyond just game participation, including roles in computer engineering and programming, highlighting the feasibility of thriving in both domains. However, it’s essential to recognise that pursuing this dual path will involve obstacles. This…

  • Guides

    The remarkable legacy of Ayutthaya

    Situated at the core of Thailand, Ayutthaya presents itself as a portal to another era. This venerable city offers extensive insights into the nation’s historical narrative. Once thriving as the capital, it is now enveloped by remarkable temples and ruins that have withstood the test of time, serving as enduring markers of Ayutthaya’s significant events and cultural heritage. However, Ayutthaya…

  • Property

    How proptech shapes Thailand’s real estate future

    Thailand is experiencing a pivotal technological transformation in the real estate sector, reshaping our understanding of residential and commercial spaces. With an increasing demand for innovative office solutions in Bangkok, traditional setups are transitioning to modern concepts such as hotdesking, collaborative team spaces, and telecommuting options. This progression towards smarter and more flexible space utilisation indicates a shift in workspace…

  • Automotive

    Navigating Thailand’s path to self-driving cars

    As the world increasingly shifts towards a future dominated by autonomous vehicles, Thailand stands at an intriguing crossroads. The appeal of self-driving technology is clear, offering promising prospects for enhancing urban environments by reducing traffic accidents and lowering environmental pollution. We will look into various factors, such as environmental impacts, legal frameworks, and public attitudes towards autonomous vehicles. Our goal…

  • Health

    Explore art therapy in Thailand: a unique blend of tradition and healing

    Art therapy in Thailand offers a compelling blend of traditional healing techniques and modern therapeutic approaches, capturing significant attention since its introduction. Launched in 1986 by Burapha University, this innovative method has exceeded the expectations of conventional alternative treatments, establishing itself as an influential force in the field of psychological wellness and creative expression. It has successfully drawn interest from…

  • Guides

    Sustainable travel tips for eco-conscious visitors

    In the fast-paced modern world, sustainable travel is becoming a pivotal concern for those dedicated to environmental preservation. Yale Travel Management experts have curated a comprehensive list of eco-friendly travel tips designed for business trips. Impressively, these recommendations are easy to adopt but play a crucial role in minimising our ecological impact while travelling. Adopting sustainable practices goes beyond just…

  • Education

    Revolutionising Thai education with gamification techniques

    In the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is leading a transformative approach to education through the gamified learning revolution. This innovative strategy merges the thrill of gaming with the rigour of educational content, making learning not just interactive but immensely engaging. As digital platforms become increasingly integral to the educational landscape, Thailand’s educators are harnessing the power of gamification to…

  • Guides

    How to support LGBT rights

    Nowadays, supporting LGBT rights and freedoms goes beyond mere advocacy; it’s about fostering an environment where every individual, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live authentically without fear of discrimination or prejudice. This involves recognising that pro-LGBT beliefs are present across various religious traditions, thus reinforcing the notion that freedom of religion includes the right to support…

  • Food

    Exploring Thai herbs traditions

    Thai cuisine, globally renowned for its harmonious blend of flavours, owes much of its distinction to the strategic use of various herbs. These natural ingredients do more than just enrich the taste; they also contribute significant health benefits, making every meal a holistic experience. This guide aims to take a closer look at some of the pivotal Thai herbs, shedding…

  • Guides

    10 Signs you’re spending money wrong

    In a world where the allure of instant gratification often overshadows the virtue of financial prudence, it’s alarmingly easy to fall into the trap of mismanaging one’s finances. The subtle art of spending money wisely is lost on many, leading to a cycle of financial strain that seems inescapable. Recognising the signs of poor spending habits is the first step…

  • Guides

    The next era of temples and robotics

    In the heart of Thailand, where tradition meets innovation, a remarkable transformation is unfolding within its sacred temples. For centuries, these temples have been bastions of spiritual guidance and cultural heritage, drawing visitors from around the globe to experience their serene beauty and intricate rituals. However, in a bold move towards the future, some of these ancient sanctuaries are now…

  • Guides

    The journey of LGBT Thailand

    In Thailand, the perception of a welcoming atmosphere for LGBT individuals paints a picture of acceptance that many countries strive for. However, the layers of reality for the LGBT community in this Southeast Asian nation tell a more complex story. This overview seeks to unravel the contrasts within Thailand’s approach to LGBT issues, not just the progress made but also…

  • Guides

    Thailand’s eSports Evolution: A premier southeast asian hub

    Thailand is emerging as a premier eSports hub within Southeast Asia, transitioning beyond mere recreational gaming. The nation is alive with fervent activity, uniting competitors committed to excellence and victory, underscored by significant financial stakes. The exponential growth of eSports in this region can be attributed to the dedication of its players, the excellence of its teams, and the unwavering…

  • Education

    Strategies for combating educational inequality in Thailand

    In Southeast Asia, Thailand faces a significant challenge that resonates regionally: educational inequality. This issue marks a clear divide in the quality of education between students in remote or economically disadvantaged areas and their urban peers. Such disparities not only limit individual potential but also hinder national development. As neighbouring countries like Vietnam and Indonesia demonstrate progress in tackling these…

  • Guides

    Navigating the metaverse: A guide for Thai businesses

    The metaverse is experiencing rapid growth within Southeast Asia, presenting not only opportunities but also substantial concerns regarding cybersecurity and equitable access to this avant-garde domain. However, engagement with the metaverse extends beyond merely embracing a new technological trend. It is imperative for Thai enterprises to develop a sophisticated understanding of digital assets and related legal frameworks—considering non-fungible tokens (NFTs)…

  • Guides

    Generation gap: Making work better for everyone

    In the fast-paced modern workplace, bridging the generation gap is becoming a critical challenge for organisations globally. This divide, which extends from experienced Baby Boomers through energetic Millennials to the rising Generation Z, introduces a diverse blend of viewpoints, backgrounds, and anticipations into the professional sphere. Tackling this generational gap goes beyond simply reducing conflicts; it involves leveraging this diversity…

  • Cannabis

    Exploring the depths of cannabis ethical considerations

    In recent years, the way we talk about cannabis has really changed. It’s moved from being a topic most people stayed away from to one where we’re really thinking about what’s right and wrong about it. With more and more places making it legal, both individuals and those making laws are facing some tough questions about the rights and wrongs…

  • Health

    Forest bathing in Thailand

    Nestled within Southeast Asia, Thailand emerges as a tranquil sanctuary for those seeking to immerse themselves in the essence of nature through forest bathing. This practice, which hails from Japan, has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of Thailand’s verdant landscapes. The northern region of Thailand, characterised by its vast tropical rainforests and extended dry periods, stands out as an…