Search Results for: unusual banana tree

  • Thailand News

    Unusual banana tree stirs lottery frenzy in central Thailand

    An unusual banana tree in Prachin Buri province has become a source of fascination for locals and lottery enthusiasts. The tree’s peculiar flower, resembling a pointing skyward lotus, has led to a rush of locals seeking to tap into its assumed good fortune. People flocked to the site, carrying five flowers, incense, and candles to pay homage and request good…

  • Thailand News

    Unusual banana tree phenomenon sparks lottery frenzy in Thai village

    A banana tree‘s unusual sprouting of a bud through its trunk has sparked a local phenomenon in the Mae Sai community, Phayao province, as villagers believe it to be a sign of good fortune. Today, residents flocked to Samrit Sameuchue’s house to pay respects and seek their lucky numbers from the banana tree. The 51 year old man has seen…

  • Thailand News

    Unusual banana tree fruits from trunk, sparks lottery fever in Nakhon Ratchasima

    A banana tree in Nakhon Ratchasima province has caught the attention of locals due to its unusual fruiting pattern. The tree, located in a garden in Bua Yai district, has been found to bear fruit from the middle of its trunk rather than the usual top. The tree’s 62 year old owner, Oranwan, led reporters to the curious sight in…

  • Thailand News

    Thai community enterprise signs 100 million baht deal for Korat’s Golden Bananas export to Japan

    A landmark deal worth 100 million baht has been signed between a Japanese buyer and a Thai community enterprise group for the purchase of 5,000 tonnes of Korat’s Golden Bananas. This first-ever export deal, set to greatly benefit local farmers, has been hailed for its potential to open new markets for Thai growers. The contract was signed at the Lamtakong…

  • Thai Life

    Gardening: Yes, we have bananas

    PHUKET: I was talking recently with an English lady visiting Phuket about gardening, and the subject of bananas came up. “Do you know”, she enthused, “that banana skins put around the roots of rose bushes promote better growth?” “No,” I replied in surprise. But then I wouldn’t have known that, since bananas were like gold dust in my childhood, and…

  • Thai Life

    Phuket Lifestyle – treetop dining at Peang Prai

    PHUKET: We arrive at Peang Prai after a downpour. As the mist rises from the hills beyond and the drizzle is still apparent on the surface of the nearby lake, we peruse the menu and wonder if the food is as good as the view. The restaurant’s location is indeed unique. The name Peang Prai means ‘like a forest’ and…

  • Thai Life

    Phuket gardening: Going bananas

    PHUKET: Bananas come in many shapes and sizes and grow readily in Phuket. Some readers may remember an old pop song that opens with the phrase “Yes! We have no bananas.” This is, however, not true of Thailand. The Kingdom has many kinds of banana (botanical name musa). Nobody knows for sure, but Southeast Asia may have been where the…

  • Guides

    Tips to staying alive if you lost in Thailand forest

    Have you ever found yourself disoriented amidst a thick, sprawling forest with only your resourcefulness at your disposal? Consider a plausible incident in Thailand’s verdant forest reserves where, as the sun dips below the horizon, you suddenly discern your deviation from the established trail. This is a situation more common than you may presume, exemplified by the occurrence of 11 American…

  • Guides

    12 things to do for the perfect long holiday in Hua Hin this weekend 2023

    The upcoming four days weekend (4th – 7th May 2023) is the perfect time to take a little trip to take your mind off the stresses of daily life. And what better way to enjoy the long holiday than to go on a road trip to Hua Hin? Located only 3 hours away from Bangkok, Hua Hin is the perfect…

  • Thailand video news

    Try These Weird Thai Foods… If You Dare Thailand has bizarre and exotic foods, which you wouldn’t expect compared to other Southeast Asian nations. We’re talking about edible cobra blood, crocodile flesh, and unusual insects just waiting for you to eat them. Without further ado, check out our list of the best exotic foods in Thailand! Bamboo Worms (Rot Duan) The most tourist-friendly fried insect for newcomers…

  • Travel

    Delicious Northern Thai food you have to eat in Thailand

    The cuisine of Thailand is diverse and special in each region. Some of Thailand’s most delicious dishes come from the northern part of the country. Set among mountain valleys with a cool climate, Northern Thai Food is highly influenced by Burmese cuisines. Additionally, it’s more subdued than Northeastern (Isaan) food. Below, we’ve compiled some of our favourite Northern Thai food.…

  • Travel

    Thailand’s magical festivals, but which one is the best?

    There are so many magical festivals on Thailand’s calendar it’s difficult to choose the best one. But being involved in one of these celebrated events is always enjoyable. It’s also a fantastic way of learning about the tradition and culture in the Land of Smiles. Here is a list of festivals The Thaiger recommends you experience when you’re in Thailand.…

  • Thai Life

    C is for colorful palette – Phuket Gardening

    PHUKET: Both cordylines and crotons have been considered fairly recently in these columns. Time only for a whistle-stop tour. Suffice to say that they are two of the first foliage plants most tropical gardeners would choose, both for their dramatic and permanent leaf color and their trim form, which means that they can be put in large groups, lined up…

  • Thai Life

    The B-list: Exotics and also rans – Phuket Gardening

    PHUKET: Barleria, bixa, begonia, bismarkia, bromeliad, brownia, brugmansia, brunfelsis. What do all these words have in common – apart from the obvious fact that each word starts with the letter B? Well, dear Phuket Gazette reader, of course, you got it in one. They are all tropical plants. Moreover, once you get away from these Latin-based botanical names, the list…

  • Phuket News

    Phuket Sports: Cricket ground is bowled over by plaudits

    PHUKET: Sport enjoys more than its fair share of ceremony from presentations to event openings and their eventual finales.Every one of these occasions first heralds, then celebrates the victorious and also commiserates with those that will have to try again, in order to achieve that title, trophy or winning time. Leopard attack bowler.One sporting occasion that inspires hope and limitless…