Search Results for: Rupert Murdoch

  • Business NewsMurdoch closes all his regional and local newspapers in Australia

    Murdoch closes all his regional and local newspapers in Australia

    Australia’s largest media group, News Corp, has ditched its 100 local and regional newspapers, blaming the collapse of the businesses on a collapse advertising, migration of advertisers online, all made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic. News Corp, owned by Rupert Murdoch, announced on April 1 it was stopping printing of around 60 community newspapers “temporarily”. The collapse will cause the…

  • World NewsElizabeth Holmes starts 11-year prison term for Theranos fraud

    Elizabeth Holmes starts 11-year prison term for Theranos fraud

    Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the now-defunct Theranos, reported to a federal prison in Texas to serve her 11-year sentence. The 39 year old was convicted of four counts of fraud related to her failed blood testing start-up early last year. Her request to remain free on bail while challenging the original conviction was denied in mid-May. The Federal Bureau…

  • World NewsUS President Joe Biden laughs off age jokes at White House dinner

    US President Joe Biden laughs off age jokes at White House dinner

    United States President Joe Biden exhibited good humour as he faced a series of playful jabs about his age at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. Biden laughed off the jokes, even managing to deliver some jokes of his own. Prominent figures from Washington’s political and media scene convened in the US capital for the much-awaited annual event which featured…

  • World NewsAustralian media watchdog criticises Sky News

    Australian media watchdog criticises Sky News

    Australia’s media regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), has criticised the climate coverage on Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News Australia, citing numerous inaccurate and unfair statements that led to the breach of broadcasting rules. The ACMA stated that Sky News Australia, linked to Murdoch’s US-based Fox News, aired incorrect statements in various segments of its Sunday Outsiders programme. After…

  • World NewsFox news settles defamation case, avoids free speech trial

    Fox news settles defamation case, avoids free speech trial

    Fox News has gone and landed themselves a last-minute settlement in a massive defamation case, side-stepping an attention-grabbing trial that could’ve put America‘s free speech rights for the media to the ultimate test. Judge Eric Davis shared the belting news that the bigwigs had reached a deal after the 12 jurors had already been picked, and the court was prepping…

  • World NewsNew York’s mayor-elect Adams: The working-class candidate who embraces big businesses

    New York’s mayor-elect Adams: The working-class candidate who embraces big businesses

    New Yorkers on Tuesday elected Eric Adams as their next mayor in a landslide election in which the Democrat trounced Republican challenger Curtis Sliwa. Adams, a 61-year-old former police captain, will be the city’s 110th mayor and only the second Black man to lead the largest city in the United States — the first being Democrat David Dinkins, who was…

  • World NewsConservative Liberal coalition wins Australian election

    Conservative Liberal coalition wins Australian election

    (For US readers, ‘Liberal’ is the name of the main conservative party in Australian, not to be confused with the way the term ‘liberal’ is used in American politics) Australia’s ruling Liberal conservative party coalition has defied polls to hold onto power in the Australian national election yesterday. While it remains unclear if PM ScottMorrison’s Liberal party and their country-based…

  • Thailand NewsFOX News UK pulls the pin

    FOX News UK pulls the pin

    Fox TV News has pulled the pin in their venture to gather an audience in the UK TV market due to poor ratings. Former Australian, now US citizen and owner of the FOX empire, Rupert Murdoch, says the controversial US-based cable news channel was only attracting a few thousand viewers a day in the UK. The decision to jettison the…