workout routine

  • Health

    Evening workouts: A key to better blood sugar levels

    If you’re trying to manage your blood sugar levels, the timing of your exercise might be more important than you think. A recent study has shown that exercising in the evening can significantly lower blood sugar levels in overweight and obese adults. This finding is a breakthrough in understanding how the timing of physical activity can influence health. The study…

  • Health

    How to stay healthy in Thailand

    As one traverses the vivacious avenues of Bangkok, the plethora of street cuisine and entertainment prospects could potentially be overpowering. However, this dynamic metropolis presents aspects far more profound than what is immediately perceivable. In addition to the enticing fragrances and vibrant nightlife, Bangkok harbours a broad spectrum of opportunities for those pursuing a healthier lifestyle. The countless fitness centres…

  • Lifestyle

    A guide to the push-pull leg split

    The Push Pull Legs (PPL) split is a flexible workout strategy that divides your routine into push, pull, and leg days. It’s perfect whether you’re just starting or you’re already a gym junkie. The cool thing about PPL is that it makes sure that every muscle group gets the right amount of workout and rest. This means you’re all set…