
  • HealthOnions can help with osteoporosis

    Onions can help with osteoporosis

    Who knew that onions, the humble kitchen staple known for making us cry, could hold the key to stronger bones for the elderly? Recent research reveals that onions might just be the unsung hero in the fight against osteoporosis, a common bone disease in the elderly that weakens bones and makes them prone to fractures. The study that unveiled the…

  • Thailand NewsAustralian expert reveals raw onions maximise health benefits

    Australian expert reveals raw onions maximise health benefits

    Medical professionals continue to extol the virtues of what has been dubbed the “queen of vegetables,” an affordable and accessible staple in every Thai kitchen. However, the question remains: how can one maximize the health benefits derived from this nutritious produce? It is common knowledge that vegetables are beneficial to health. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that adults consume…