
  • Thailand NewsMyanmar’s rebel groups seize border trade hub of Myawaddy

    Myanmar’s rebel groups seize border trade hub of Myawaddy

    Ethnic armed groups in Myanmar, namely the Karen National Union (KNU) and People’s Defence Force (PDF), have successfully seized the significant border trade hub of Myawaddy. In response, approximately 100 soldiers loyal to the Myanmar junta have regrouped near the Second Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge, anticipating reinforcements for a counterattack. These soldiers, defying surrender to the rebel forces, retreated towards the…

  • Politics NewsMyanmar military retreat from border town following rebel attacks

    Myanmar military retreat from border town following rebel attacks

    Myawaddy, a border town that connects to Thailand, today witnessed the withdrawal of approximately 200 Myanmar military personnel. This retreat follows a prolonged attack by anti-junta rebels, as reported by a spokesman for an ethnic armed group and local news outlets. The military-led government of Myanmar is grappling with armed rebel groups across multiple fronts and has experienced a series…