myanmar coup

  • World News

    Thailand’s army refutes claims it’s supplying rice to Burmese soldiers

    Thailand’s Army claims it has not been providing rice supplies for the Burmese army during their bloody crackdown on citizens since the February 1 coup. Instead, the Royal Thai Army maintain that the rice supplies are just ‘normal trade’. Since February 1. when the Burmese generals seized power from the elected government under Aung San Suu Kyi, an estimated 250…

  • World News

    Royal Thai Army to set up refugee camps for those fleeing Myanmar

    With 100 people thought to be dead in Myanmar since the military took power last month, the Royal Thai Army plans to set up temporary camps for Burmese nationals fleeing the neighbouring country to escape political violence. Some say the actual death toll is much higher. Refugee camps will be set up in Ranong and Chumphon which border Myanmar’s southern-most…

  • World News

    Thailand calls on Myanmar military to release detainees and to de-escalate the situation

    Thailand is urging Myanmar to release everyone who was detained by the military following last month’s coup. Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement today calling on a de-escalation of the country’s situation where many have been injured and even killed in protests. “As a neighbor, sharing a long common border, and with the Myanmar and Thai peoples having…

  • Bangkok News

    Thailand News Today | Bangkok protest fallout, northern fire bans | March 1

    Coming up today… the fallout from yesterday’s latest protest violence in Bangkok, the first vaccine in Thailand who got it, and a major drug haul along the Mekong. But first we’ll start up north where Lampang Province is joining other northern provinces todday by putting a total fire ban in place from today, March 1, until the end of April.…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand blocks natural borders following Myanmar coup, bounty for human traffickers increases

    With thousands of Burmese people expected to flee to Thailand following the military coup in Myanmar, Thai immigration police say they have blocked at least 7 natural border passageways. Thai immigration police chief Sompong Chingduang says he estimates around 400,000 Burmese migrants are looking to enter Thailand, adding that the bounty for the arrest of human traffickers has increased. “We…

  • World News

    Court rejects police request to further detain 2 activists from Burmese embassy protest

    A court has rejected a police request to further detain 2 of the 3 activists arrested following a protest at the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday. Thai and Burmese activists had gathered to protest the military coup in Myanmar and the detention of several government figures, including Aung San Suu Kyi. Police arrested 3 suspects in total, who have…

  • World News

    Thai investors in Myanmar concerned with future business following the military coup

    With potential sanctions and boycotts against Myanmar likely following the military coup, the Thai-Myanmar Business Council says Thai investors are concerned their businesses in the neighbouring country will be affected. It’s unclear what effect the coup will have on Thai-owned businesses in Myanmar. The country’s economy, already battered by the Covid-19 pandemic, is expected to slow down with potential sanctions.…

  • Thailand News

    Police chief transferred after protesters rally at police station, hang banner calling for monarchy reform

    A district police chief was abruptly transferred from his post after pro-democracy protesters staged a rally and hung banners at a police station in the Isaan province Chaiyaphum. Protesters called for monarchy reform in Thailand and democracy in Myanmar following the military coup. Protesters from the People’s Group, also known as Ratsadon, marched from a local school to the police…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Thailand Deputy PM responds to Myanmar army coup

    Myanmar’s military have seized power in a bloodless coup this morning. The elected NLD party, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, has been deposed following months of tense speculation by Burmese army leaders over alleged voter fraud after last November’s general election. Out of 476 seats up for grabs in last November’s general election, the military backed party only won…

  • World News

    Myanmar’s military takes control, politicians arrested

    Myanmar’s military is taking control of the country and deposing the elected government after reportedly detaining de-facto leader and ‘State Counsellor’ Aung San Suu Kyi, along with other politicians early this morning. The military-owned Myawaddy TV has announced a state of emergency had been declared for 1 year and power transferred to the Junta. A news presenter referred to a section…