
  • Business News

    Virgin Active celebrates 10 years of operation in Thailand

    Virgin Active Thailand is celebrating 10 years of operations and is looking to continue boosting the health and wellness of the country. Part of the Virgin Group global portfolio, Virgin Active currently has 8 clubs in Thailand, which deliver nearly 60,000 exercise classes yearly. Country Director for Virgin Active in Southeast Asia, Julien Bera, sees the 10th anniversary as a…

  • Health

    How different exercises affect your hormones and inflammation

    Exercise is known to do wonders for our health, from boosting our mood to improving our strength and endurance. But what happens inside our bodies when we push ourselves to the limit during a workout? Researchers have been curious about the hormonal and inflammatory responses triggered by different types of exercises. A recent study explored how the body reacts to…

  • Lifestyle

    A guide to the push-pull leg split

    The Push Pull Legs (PPL) split is a flexible workout strategy that divides your routine into push, pull, and leg days. It’s perfect whether you’re just starting or you’re already a gym junkie. The cool thing about PPL is that it makes sure that every muscle group gets the right amount of workout and rest. This means you’re all set…

  • Health

    Jetts Fitness Bangkok flexes its muscles 24/7: Gym buffs on the fast track with BTS access

    If you prefer to save your precious energy for the gym instead of your daily commute, then you’ll love Jetts Fitness. Boasting over 20 locations across Bangkok, with most of them strategically positioned near BTS and MRT stations, this famous gym chain from Australia is incredibly easy to access from various parts of the city. That, combined with the 24/7…

  • China News

    Tragic gym death in China as young man gets trapped under 100kg barbell

    A tragic incident unfolded in Wuhan, China, Hubei province when a 25 year old man lost his life during a gym workout. The tragic gym death occurred as Zhang attempted to lift a 100-kilogramme barbell, which unfortunately fell onto his neck, trapping him beneath its weight. Despite his desperate efforts to free himself, Zhang was unable to do so, prompting…

  • Things To Do

    Top 5 Gyms in Bangkok

    Bangkok’s fitness scene is just as lively as its culture, food scene, and nightlife. There is no shortage of excellent gyms in Bangkok to help you stay active amid the hustle of daily life. However, with so many choices, finding the right one to suit your needs can be difficult. More importantly, if you’re going to spend your money and…

  • Health

    Why put off feeling good, fit and healthy? This fitness center in Phuket will make you want to go to the gym

    Press Release For some people being active comes easily, whether it’s walking, cycling, surfing or just general running around, while others find it difficult even to take the first step, such as signing up for a gym. Finding the time and inclination to build a fitness training routine into your daily life can be challenging, and it’s easy to come…

  • Northern Thailand News

    Should monks be fit? Pics of monks in gym stir online anger

    Some buff Buddhist monks doing reps in robes have gone viral as images of them working out in a gym caused an uproar on the Internet. The photos were posted yesterday on the Buddhist News Facebook page by a man who refers to himself as an abbott and claimed he invited residents of his temple to get some exercise. “I…

  • Best of

    Top HIIT Gyms in Bangkok

    If you want to see effective results from your exercise routine, HIIT is a great option. Bangkok has a plethora of HIIT classes on offer that promise to raise your heart rate and boost your post-class endorphins. Never heard of HIIT? Put simply, HIIT is high-intensity interval training; best known for raising heart rates, sweat levels and burning fat quickly.…

  • Thailand News

    Phuket’s BigGym allegedly closes 2 branches for good, doesn’t reimburse members

    Yesterday, in Phuket, a joint complaint was filed by 36 gym goers after the fitness centre, BigGym reportedly closed 2 branches, allegedly without notifying their patrons that they were about to shut down. The complainants say they lost over 3.5 million baht in membership fees. The members filed their complaints against BigGym with the Phuket City Police. One member,” Mr…

  • Tourism News

    Is THIS the cheapest five star hotel in the world? Right here in Bangkok | VIDEO

    Is THIS the cheapest five star hotel in the world? We think it is! It certainly passes all the legal expectations of a 5-star property and it’s smack bang in the middle of a touristy area of Bangkok. It’s ‘of an era’ and it’s easy to imagine this older style Bangkok hotel in its heyday, probably in the late 80s.…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Island Party Crackdown | January 28

    Around 9,000 people will face criminal charges for allegedly defrauding the “We Travel Together” subsidy scheme which was launched to stimulate the local tourist economy and to help hotels and restaurants ravaged from the long list of restrictions and international border closure. The national police chief says the police plan to prosecute around 9,000 people for conspiring with hotel operators…

  • Việt Nam

    Đà Nẵng: Ba bệnh nhân Covid-19 được xuất viện

    Sáng nay (27/3), bác sĩ Nguyễn Thành Trung, Phó Giám đốc Bệnh viện Đa khoa Đà Nẵng đã trao giấy chứng nhận sức khỏe và giấy chuyển cách ly cho “bệnh nhân 22”, “bệnh nhân 23” và “bệnh nhân 35”. Để đảm bảo an toàn chống lây nhiễm sau khi xuất viện, ba bệnh nhân trên phải tiếp tục cách…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19: Số ca nhiễm virus corona tại Mỹ cao nhất thế giới, vượt Ý và Trung Quốc

    Thống kê ngày 26/3, số ca nhiễm virus corona được xác nhận ở Mỹ lên tới 82.404, chính thức là con số lớn nhất toàn cầu, vượt cả Ý và Trung Quốc, theo Đại học Johns Hopkins. Trung Quốc ở vị trí thứ hai với 81.340 ca nhiễm và Ý ở vị trí thứ ba với 80.589 ca. Tổng số…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19: Số ca tử vong tại Ý vượt 8.000

    Tổng số ca nhiễm và tử vong mới trong ngày 26/3 tại Ý lần lượt là 6.153 và 662 ca, nâng tổng số người nhiễm virus lên 80.539 và tổng số người tử vong là 8.215, theo AFP. Số nạn nhân cao kỷ lục đã buộc thành phố Bergamo, khu vực chịu ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất ở Ý, phải gửi…

  • Việt Nam

    Tình hình Covid-19 tại Việt Nam: 600.000 người ở TP HCM mất việc vì đại dịch

    Dịch Covid-19 khiến khoảng 600.000 lao động tại TP HCM phải nghỉ việc và không có thu nhập, lâm vào cảnh thất nghiệp. Do đó thành phố sẽ trích một nửa thu nhập tăng thêm của cán bộ, công chức để hỗ trợ những người này. Chiều 26/3, cuộc họp Ban chỉ đạo phòng chống Covid-19 đã diễn ra. Bí…