Donald Trump

  • Thailand News

    Donald Trump accused of ‘putting’ the ‘fore’ in ‘forefit’ by sports hack (videos)

    A United States sports hack pulled no punches when he said the former US President Donald Trump “cheats like a mafia accountant” after the ex-White House chief boasted he won a golf tournament this week. Trump yesterday claimed he triumphed in a club championship and senior club championship at the Trump International Golf Club in Florida. Sportswriter Rick Reilly, however, who…

  • Crime News

    Scowl Play: Trump’s mug shot sparks questions on jail time and future US President run

    The mug shot of a scowling Donald Trump last night was a bewildering sight for both supporters and opponents of the former US President – but what does it mean, can he be jailed, and can he still run for office? The 77 year old former US President yesterday surrendered at Fulton County Jail in Atlanta on charges of illegally scheming…

  • World News

    Canadian woman’s poisoned pen: ‘Ugly Tyrant Clown’ letter to ex-president Trump leads to 20+ years in prison

    A Canadian woman faces over 20 years in prison for literally sending a poisoned pen letter to former US President Donald Trump, whom she named “The Ugly Tyrant Clown.” The woman, Pascale Ferrier told the court that she regretted her poisoned pen letter plan had failed and that she “couldn’t stop Trump.” The 56 year old woman, accepted the sentence…

  • World News

    Trumped-up turmoil: Tension mounts as MAGA man Trump faces election plot charges in Washington (video)

    As former US President Donald Trump prepares for a crucial court hearing over charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election defeat, tension and security measures escalate in Washington DC. The case is perceived as the most serious of Trump’s legal battles as he vies for the White House next year. In a fiery post on his Truth Social platform,…

  • World News

    FBI’s flawed Trump-Russia probe lacked evidence, says independent prosecutor

    The long-awaited report on the origins of the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump‘s 2016 presidential campaign has been released, revealing serious flaws and a lack of substantial evidence. Independent US prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed in 2019, conducted the investigation and produced a more than 300-page report that criticised the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” probe.…

  • World News

    US jury deliberates on Donald Trump’s liability in rape allegation lawsuit

    New York – A US jury began deliberations on Tuesday to determine whether former president Donald Trump is liable for the alleged rape of an American former magazine columnist in the mid-1990s. If the nine jurors rule in favour of accuser E. Jean Carroll, it would mark the first time Trump has faced legal consequences over claims of sexual misconduct.…

  • World News

    Trump ordered to pay US$5 million for defamation and sexual abuse in landmark trial

    A US jury ruled yesterday that former president Donald Trump was liable for sexually abusing and defaming an ex-magazine columnist, ordering him to pay her US$5 million in damages. The nine jurors dismissed E. Jean Carroll’s accusations of rape but upheld her other claims in the high-profile civil trial, which concluded after less than three hours of deliberations. The lawsuit…

  • Crime News

    Donald Trump rejects final chance to testify in rape trial

    Former United States President Donald Trump, who once claimed it was fine to “Grab ‘em (women) by the pussy,” declined his last chance to testify at a civil trial where he is accused of raping a US journalist in a luxury department store dressing room in 1996. The trial has been ongoing for two weeks, with Elizabeth Jean Carroll seeking…

  • Politics News

    Trump plans to ‘make America great again,’ after he faces 30 charges of business fraud

    In a historical first, former US President Donald Trump is facing over 30 charges related to business fraud from a Manhattan grand jury. Trump’s response was “witch hunt” and to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” According to two sources familiar with the case, Trump is set to appear in court on Tuesday to answer to these charges. The indictment has been…

  • Politics News

    Donald Trump faces arrest, but is back on Facebook

    This weekend marked some highs and lows for former US President Donald Trump. Just one day after announcing his supposedly-triumphant return to Facebook, Trump claims that he expects to be arrested this coming Tuesday. It would mark the first time in US history that a president was arrested or faced criminal charges while occupying the White House or after leaving…

  • Hot News

    Anne Jakrajutatip – Thailand’s most recognisable public figure?

    Today’s UK Guardian runs a feature-length portrait of Jakapong “Anne” Jakrajutatip, one of Thailand’s most recognisable public figures, reality TV star and trans-rights advocate. Most recently, she made headlines when she bought the Miss Universe pageant for US$20m (700 million baht). Her story is a familiar one in Thailand in many aspects. Unlike the typical world media mogul, the child…

  • World News

    Donald Trump reinstated on Twitter after Musk tweet poll

    He’s baaaaaaack… After a poll tweet that garnered over 15 million votes, coup-inspiring former President Donald Trump has been reinstated on Twitter. The poll saw 52% of respondents voting in favour of allowing Trump back on Twitter after being banned for misinformation and inciting violence. But does Trump even want to be back? Elon Musk posted the poll, so many doubt…

  • World News

    Musk’s Twitter: hate speech spikes, execs sacked, Trump happy

    The takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk began with an awkward stab at a humorous tweet, the sacking of some top executives, and a LOT of hate speech. The site saw an immediate sharp rise in hate speech and disinformation posts by users who believe Musk’s anti-censorship stance will usher in a Twitter free-for-all. Public feelings are mixed about the…

  • Entertainment

    Universal acclaim? Jakapong’s pageant purchase dismays rights campaigners

    Thai businesswoman Jakapong “Anne” Jakrajutatip recently purchased the Miss Universe Organization once owned by fellow reality TV star Donald Trump, something described in prehistoric quarters (US broadcaster NBC) as a “phenomenal milestone.” The deal cost an estimated US$20 million (750 million baht), but who is Jakapong, and what does she want? With million followers on Instagram, the 43 year old…

  • Business News

    Thai transgender entrepreneur buys Miss Universe Organisation for US$20 million

    A Thai celebrity, businesswoman, trans rights activist, and beauty queen bought the Miss Universe Organisation for US$20 million yesterday. Jakapong “Anne” Jakrajutatip is the first woman to own the company – formerly owned by Donald Trump – in its 71 year history. Anne is a transgender woman famous in Thailand for starring in Project Runway and Shark Tank. She is…

  • Crime News

    Trump answers questions over alleged rape of journalist

    Former US President Donald Trump yesterday answered questions under oath about the alleged rape of a journalist in the mid-1990s. The US journalist, author, and columnist, Elizabeth Jean Carroll, alleges she was raped in the Bergdorf Goodman luxury department store in New York in the mid-1990s. Carroll discusses the reported assault in her book, What Do We Need Men For?:…

  • China News

    Biden recognises One-China policy and not Taiwan independence

    United States President Joe Biden is in London today for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II with dignitaries from all over the world and he was in fine contradictory form ahead of the service to be held in Westminster Abbey. The US President answered a number of questions in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes on whether he would stand…

  • World News

    Epstein pilot says Trump, Prince Andrew, Clinton all flew on late financier’s planes

    A pilot who worked for Jeffrey Epstein says he recalls flying Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump on the late financier’s private planes. Lawrence Visoski, who worked for Epstein for 30 years, claims he also flew Kevin Spacey. He says he would be told in advance when there would be VIP passengers, so he could ensure the plane “looked…

  • World News

    US President Biden to join ASEAN summit as leaders poised to discuss key regional issues

    US President Joe Biden is taking part in Tuesday’s virtual summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, marking the first time the US has joined at a presidential level since his predecessor, Donald Trump, attended a meeting in 2017. Reuters reports that the US embassy in Brunei has confirmed Biden will lead the US delegation for the ASEAN-United States summit…

  • World News

    FBI releases 9/11 file documenting probe into Saudi Arabia’s possible role

    The FBI has released a document pertaining to its investigation into any involvement by the Saudi Arabian government in the 9/11 terror attacks. The release was ordered by US President Joe Biden following demands from the victims’ families, but does not provide any proof of official Saudi involvement. According to a Nation Thailand report, in 2019, the Trump administration responded…

  • Politics News

    Donald Trump files lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, and Google

    Former US President Donald Trump has announced that he is leading a class-action lawsuit against Facebook, Google, and Twitter. He is claiming censorship as a violation of the United States Constitution’s right to free speech. Legal experts see no validity in the lawsuit as the constitutional right to free speech only applies to suppression by the government, not private companies…

  • World News

    Donald Trump sued for using the term “China Virus” to refer to Covid-19

    A civil rights group is suing former US president Donald Trump for coining the term, “China Virus” to refer to Covid-19. The Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition have filed a complaint in a federal court in New York, alleging that Trump’s terminology had no substance to back it up and was a source of distress to Chinese Americans. The former…

  • Politics News

    Companies pull out from Trump brand after storming of Capitol incident

    Corporate America is adding its weight in response to the insurgency at the Capitol building on January 6, and are pulling out from any association with the Trump brand after the storming of the capitol incident which economists say will have a profound medium and long-term effect on his business interests. Recently, Signature Bank closed Trump’s personal accounts and the…

  • World News

    US President Trump impeached for a second time, releases video | VIDEO

    US President Donald Trump has been impeached for “incitement of insurrection” relating to last week’s Capitol Hill insurgency. Armed National Guard troops guarded both the inside and outside the Capitol building following the riotous mob that invaded the hallowed halls of America’s democracy, almost precisely one week before the impeachment vote. Wednesday afternoon, Washington DC time, the US House of…

  • World News

    Fallout from President Trump’s Twitter ban

    President Trump’s Twitter ban has been getting plenty of flak, particularly from friends, family, hard core supporters and advisors. Twitter banned the president from the platform on Friday after his supporters stormed the US Capitol building. But those supporting the president say the ban amounts to an assault on free speech by “radical leftists”. Ironically they aired their grievances… on…

  • Hot News

    Media censorship during the Covid era | VIDEO

    Censorship of opinions and comments has become increasingly challenging for publishers and platforms in the time of Covid-19. No other world health emergency has attracted such enormous coverage, facts, misinformation and outright nonsense. And the concurrent rise and rise of social media as an information source has helped the spread of important public health information but also the inaccurate, and…

  • Thailand News

    2020’s movers, shakers and influences (that weren’t Covid) | VIDEO

    2020 The big events, the winners and the losers 2020 has been one of the most disruptive years in history, certainly for anyone that has lived since the great depression and the world wars. But although Covid-19 has been the big headline for the year, there has still been highlights and big news in all fields. Some of these big…

  • World News

    US conservative media walk back allegations on voter fraud

    Some of America’s biggest right-leaning media have spent the last week walking back on their earlier promotion of conspiracy theories surrounding alleged voter fraud and tampering from the November 3 election. Both Fox News and Newsmax have aired segments this week contradicting earlier stories about election fraud and claims focusing on vote machines manufacturer Smartmatic. Without specifically retracting their earlier…

  • World News

    US President Trump rejected again by appeals court upon challenging election results

    US President Donald Trump’s legal team has been rejected again by a Philadelphia appeals court upon challenging the state’s election results. Despite the court dismissing the case, citing the “campaign’s claims have no merit,” Trump’s lawyers are vowing to appeal to the US Supreme Court. Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee, who is also the 3rd Circuit Judge, wrote for the…

  • World News

    Trump’s son, Donald Jr, tests positive for Covid-19

    The eldest son of US president, Donald Trump, has tested positive for Covid-19, an anonymous White House spokesperson has confirmed. 42 year old Donald Trump Jr. is understood to be asymptomatic and currently self-isolating, following the diagnosis earlier this week. His girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, tested positive back in July. In October, President Trump tested positive for Covid-19, as did his…