Dr. Nikhil Prasad

Dr. Nikhil Prasad

Dr. Nikhil Prasad is an independent researcher, medical, pharma and health PR consultant, herbalists and phytochemical specialists and a medical and health writer for numerous international publications and sites including his own sites such as Thailand Medical News. He is based either at Sydney, New York, Shanghai, Mumbai or Bangkok.
  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 will make you stupid

    Recent studies have unveiled a troubling connection between Covid-19 and cognitive decline, suggesting that even mild infections can lead to a measurable reduction in intelligence. This revelation, supported by extensive research from institutions around the world, has sparked concern among scientists and the general public alike. These study findings and the implications for individuals and society are worrisome and unsettling.…

  • Health

    Circumcision significantly reduces HIV risk in men

    A recent randomised clinical trial has brought forward compelling evidence that circumcision can play a crucial role in reducing the risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM). Conducted across eight cities in China and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, this study included 247 uncircumcised, HIV-negative men aged 18 to 49 who predominantly practised…

  • Health

    Loose vagina: A growing problem

    Vaginal laxity, often referred to as a loose vagina, is a misunderstood and sensitive topic that affects many women. This condition, characterised by a loss of vaginal elasticity, can significantly impact a woman’s physical comfort, self-esteem, and sexual satisfaction. Despite its prevalence, many women hesitate to discuss vaginal laxity, leading to a lack of awareness about available treatments. In this…

  • Health

    Taking high doses of a certain vitamin B supplement can cause blindness

    The surprising side effect of a common supplement Many people take vitamin B3, also known as niacin or Niacinamide, to lower their cholesterol and manage hyperlipidemia. Some even take intra-muscular or intravenous versions of it for so-called claimed beauty benefits such as lighter and fairer, youthful appearance and even reduced pore visibility. It is often considered a safe, over-the-counter supplement…

  • Health

    Men can get yeast infections too

    Yeast infections are often considered a women’s health issue, but men can also fall victim to these uncomfortable infections. In particular, Candida balanitis, a yeast infection of the penis caused by Candida yeast, is more common than many realise. Understanding this condition, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help men better manage their health. What is Candida balanitis? Candida…

  • Health

    The surprising positive impact of coffee on heart health

    The global love for coffee Coffee is more than just a beloved morning ritual; it’s a global phenomenon with over 2.25 billion cups consumed daily. Beyond its caffeine content, coffee contains numerous bioactive compounds that could influence our health. One such compound is cafestol, a diterpene found in coffee beans that has attracted significant attention for its potential impact on…

  • Health

    Using talcum powder increases risk for ovarian cancer by 234%

    In recent years, the use of talcum powder, especially in the genital area, has come under intense scrutiny due to its potential link to ovarian cancer. A comprehensive study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology on May 15 highlights this alarming connection, shedding light on the risks associated with intimate care products. Talcum powder and cancer: Understanding the link…

  • Health

    You are unknowingly dehydrated: Here’s what you need to know

    The silent threat of dehydration Water is the essence of life. Every living organism on Earth, including humans, relies on water for survival. For humans, water is vital for various bodily functions, including cognitive, digestive, cardiovascular, and muscular activities. Despite its importance, many people fail to drink enough water daily. Alarmingly, up to 75% of individuals globally are chronically dehydrated,…

  • Health

    Norwegian study finds that consuming potatoes lowers risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

    In a groundbreaking study, researchers in Norway have discovered that eating potatoes can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. This study’s finding, challenges the common perception of potatoes as a less desirable vegetable due to their high starch content and glycemic index. The study’s results suggest that potatoes, particularly when boiled, offer notable health benefits that…

  • Health

    New lung CT scan without the need for contrast dyes

    In the realm of medical imaging, a groundbreaking development is offering hope to patients who are allergic to contrast dyes or have restrictions due to health conditions. This innovation promises to significantly enhance the speed and accuracy of lung diagnoses without the need for contrast dyes, which have traditionally been essential but problematic for some patients. This new technology, developed…

  • Health

    Researchers identify 17 novel genetic variants associated with risk of alzheimer’s disease

    Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder causing memory loss and cognitive decline, affects millions of people worldwide. Scientists have long sought to uncover the genetic factors contributing to this condition to develop better treatments and prevention strategies. Recently, researchers made significant strides by identifying 17 novel genetic variants linked to Alzheimer’s disease, bringing us closer to understanding and potentially combating…

  • Health

    Bariatric surgery can help obese individuals not only lose weight but also reduce risk of cancer by 32%

    canveBariatric surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery, encompasses various procedures designed to help individuals lose weight by altering the anatomy of the stomach and, in some cases, the digestive process itself. These changes help to limit food intake and improve fat metabolism. This surgery has gained prominence not only for its effectiveness in promoting significant weight loss but also…

  • Health

    Study validates that plant-based diets reduces risk of heart issues and cancer

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and cancer are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide, making the search for effective preventive measures a high priority. A growing body of research suggests that plant-based diets, which exclude or minimise animal products, may offer significant health benefits, particularly in reducing the risks associated with these diseases. This article delves into a comprehensive umbrella…

  • Covid-19 News

    BREAKING NEWS: 1,882 new COVID-19 hospitalisations and 16 deaths in the last week

    Thailand is experiencing a significant but underreported surge in COVID-19 cases, with both public and private hospitals feeling the strain as outpatient and inpatient admissions rise. This trend mirrors situations in other countries like Singapore, the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, and France, driven by new variants from the KP lineage (e.g., KP.1, KP.2, KP.3). Governments worldwide, including Thailand, are…

  • Health

    Simple advice for World Hypertension Day: Reduce dietary sodium to prevent or treat high blood pressure

    Reduce salt, reduce blood pressure Reducing dietary sodium, including salt intake, is one of the most effective strategies for lowering blood pressure. This advice is particularly significant on World Hypertension Day, observed on May 17, which aims to raise awareness about the dangers of high blood pressure and promote healthy habits. Reducing salt intake is a proven strategy to lower…

  • Health

    Foods to avoid and must-haves when taking antibiotics

    When you’re handed a prescription for antibiotics to tackle an infection, it’s more than just taking a pill a few times a day. What you eat during this time can significantly influence how effective the medication is and how well your body copes with the treatment. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the foods to avoid and those to embrace during…

  • Health

    Atrial fibrillation is becoming more common and can lead to heart failure

    Atrial fibrillation (AF), a condition often characterised by an irregular heartbeat, is increasingly becoming a significant public health concern. Currently affecting more than 37 million people globally and rising at exponential rates annually with many not even aware that they have developed the condition, AF could soon become of the leading contributing factors to rising excess death rates. Recent studies…

  • Health

    Salting your food could increase your risk of stomach cancer

    The hidden danger on your dinner table For many of us, reaching for the salt shaker is a reflex at mealtimes, adding a bit of flavour to our food. However, a recent by researchers from Austria and the United Kingdom reveals that this seemingly innocuous habit could significantly increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. The study found that people…

  • Health

    Mangoes are beneficial for pregnant women and older individuals

    Known as “Mamuang” in Thai, the mango, revered as the king of fruits, is a staple in both sweet and savoury dishes in Thailand. Tourists flock to the streets of Bangkok or Phuket, eager to indulge in local delights like mango with sticky rice or crispy catfish with mango salad. This subtropical fruit, with its unique flavour, is not only…

  • Health

    Myopia is increasing among children in Thailand and also globally

    In recent years, the world has witnessed a concerning surge in myopia among children, with Thailand particularly affected, reporting between 11 to 12% of school-going children affected by the condition. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry while close objects remain clear. This condition not only impacts a child’s academic success…

  • Health

    Great news for diabetics as new oral insulin pill will soon replace injections

    In a monumental leap forward for diabetes care, a team of global researchers is unveiling a game-changing development – a revolutionary oral insulin pill poised to transform the lives of over 580 million individuals globally grappling with diabetes including more than 2.9 million Thais. This breakthrough not only promises relief from the daily burden of insulin injections but also heralds…

  • Health

    Colorectal cancer rates rising among the young globally and even in Thailand

    In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged in the realm of colorectal cancer, one that defies traditional age-related expectations. Historically considered a disease primarily affecting older individuals, colorectal cancer is increasingly making its presence known among younger age groups globally, including countries like Thailand. This shift in demographics has ignited discussions and investigations into the underlying causes, implications, and…