United Nations

  • World News

    UKRAINE UPDATES: Russia allows civilians to flee — to Russia, as 95% of its amassed forces now in Ukraine; China to provide humanitarian aid

    Here’s the latest headlines from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine… • Russian sate media has announced a new ceasefire proposal, which would allow civilians to flee key cities via humanitarian corridors. But the Ukrainian government has denounced the plan as “immoral,” as civilians in Kyiv would be offered safe passage north to Belarus, while those in Kharkiv would have a corridor…

  • World News

    Thailand ‘worried’ about Ukraine violence, humanitarian crisis, representative tells UN

    After Thailand backed a UN resolution against Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, the country’s Permanent Representative said it is ‘worried’ about the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine. At a special session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, the representative said the violence will impact the rest of the world as well. “…will cause wider impacts for…

  • Thailand video news

    Thailand News Today | Thailand backs UN resolution against Russia’s invasion

    Thailand voted in support of a UN resolution against Russia’s invasion, demanding that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces” from Ukraine. A total of 141 out of the 193 member states voted for the resolution at the UN General Assembly emergency meeting at its New York headquarters. PM Prayut Chan-o-cha said in a previous statement…

  • World News

    LATEST: Massive Russian convoy nears Kyiv, Kharkiv bombed, as peace talks falter

    On the fifth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, satellite images show a mammoth convoy of Russian armoured vehicles with militia about 64 kilometres long is slowly slithering down from the north toward the capital of Kyiv. The serpentine convoy is now less than 30 kilometres away. Air raid sirens have been sounded again, with Russian strikes on the…

  • World News

    Interpol turns down Myanmar military’s request to assist them counter “terrorism”

    In response to the Myanmar military’s appeal to assist them in countering “terrorism” threats in the post-coup nation, the international police organisation Interpol turned down the request and said it will not intervene in any nation’s domestic political affairs. An Interpol spokesperson told CNA that the organisation does not comment on specific cases or operations of member countries unless in…

  • World News

    Myanmar junta and its supporters will face more sanctions – US State Department

    The US, along with the UK and Canada, imposed new sanctions on people and organisations linked to Myanmar this week, focusing on judicial officials involved in prosecutions against Myanmar’s deposed leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been detained since the coup last year. According to US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet, Myanmar’s military and those who assisted the junta…

  • World News

    ASEAN called to reconsider its five-point consensus on solving the Myanmar crisis

    Political experts called on ASEAN to reconsider its dialogue with the Myanmar military junta and urged it to get more help from the international community today as some say the bloc’s five-point consensus on solving the Myanmar crisis is “not working.” During the webinar “Myanmar: Year Zero Plus One” by Asia News Network earlier this week, a retired Thai ambassador,…

  • World News

    Asia’s second largest drug bust: 36 million meth pills in Laos

    After a record-breaking bust in October, police in Laos have just captured 36 million meth pills, the second-largest Asian drug bust on record. A United Nations official confirmed the bust earlier today and say it points to changes in the patterns of drug smuggling in Southeast Asia. In the bust earlier this week, 36 million meth pills were found along…

  • World News

    Monks were amongst those who fled to safety in eastern Myanmar conflicts

    Hundreds of monks were among the thousands of people who fled2 major towns in Mynamar’s Kayah (Karenni) State last week as fighting has intensified in the southern region between the military and local militia groups, known as the People’s Defense Forces which oppose the regime, The UN estimates that over 90,000 individuals have fled Loikaw city in the region where…

  • World News

    UN praises Vietnam over its participation in peacekeeping missions

    The UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, has praised the country’s collaboration with the UN, as well as the country’s efforts throughout 2021 since it joined the 100 member bloc’s missions in 2014. Lacroix praised Vietnam’s provision of level-2 field hospitals to South Sudan, adding that this is the kind of capacity that the UN needs its member countries…

  • World News

    UN urges authorities in Myanmar to investigate Christmas Eve massacre

    A high-ranking United Nations official is urging authorities in Myanmar to investigate the massacre in Kayah State, where local sources report that the Myanmar military killed at least 35 civilians, including at least one child, on Christmas Eve. Two staff from the non-profit organisation Save the Children also went missing in the attack by the Myanmar military soldiers, according to…

  • Covid-19 News

    Red Cross leader says Omicron variant result of vaccine inequality

    The head of the Red Cross pointed to the Omicron variant as the ultimate evidence that vaccine inequality around the world is a danger to every country globally. The president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said that much more work is needed to balance the inequality in the global approach to vaccination against the…

  • World News

    Myanmar junta likely to be temporarily barred from the UN, along with Taliban

    The Myanmar military junta and the Taliban in Afghanistan are likely to be temporarily barred from representing their nations at the 193-member United Nations credentials committee, which includes Russia, China, and the United States. The committee will meet at UN headquarters to assess the credentials of all 193 members of the UN General Assembly for the current session, and Reuters…

  • World News

    UN boss says global vaccination is only way out of pandemic

    The United Nations secretary-general says the only way out of the Covid-19 pandemic is through global vaccination. According to a Xinhua report, Antonio Guterres has called for greater equality in the global distribution of vaccines, tests, and treatments. “The only way out of a global pandemic and out of this unjust and immoral situation is through a global vaccination campaign.”…

  • Covid-19 News

    Paxlovid deal allows generics of Covid-19 treatment for 95 countries

    Pfizer struck a deal with Medicines Patent Pool to allow generic drug manufacturers to produce its new Paxlovid antiviral Covid-19 pills cheaply for less wealthy countries. The deal was announced yesterday and will bring down the cost of the Covid-19 treatment course for 95 countries that are considered low and middle-income. The access covers about 53% of the world population.…

  • Thailand News

    Government defends lèse majesté law against UN criticism

    Following criticism from a number of United Nations member states, the Thai government has defended the country’s controversial lèse majesté law. The law, or section 112 of the Criminal Code, prohibits insulting, defaming, or criticising the Thai monarchy and carries a penalty of up to 15 years in jail. Reuters reports that yesterday, a number of UN member countries voiced…

  • Thailand News

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha to outline Thailand’s path to net zero at UN Climate Change Conference

    PM Prayut Chan-o-cha will outline Thailand’s push to achieve carbon neutrality by 2065 at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in the United Kingdom next week. The Bangkok Post has reported Prayut will formally announce the country’s new pledge and provide details about its long-term strategies to drive down greenhouse gas emissions. In essence, he will provide a roadmap of…

  • World News

    Burmese UN envoy calls for international support for democracy in Myanmar

    The Burmese UN envoy says he’s intent on seeking international support for democracy in his country. Kyaw Moe Tun was speaking to Japanese news agency NHK at the UN offices in New York. He was made UN envoy by the former Burmese government, which was ousted in a military coup in February, despite having been democratically elected. According to a…

  • World News

    Rumour dispelled: The UN did not dedicate December 5 as ‘King’s Day’

    Despite a rumour and video going viral on Thai Facebook and Twitter, the UN has NOT declared December 5 “international king’s day” in honour of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama 9, the former King who died in 2016 after over 70 years reigning over Thailand. The information came to light following a ‘fact checking’ article published by AFP. The post began…

  • World News

    US judge orders Facebook to disclose anti-Rohingya content as part of international case against Myanmar

    A court in the US has ruled that Facebook must disclose posts it removed from its network on the grounds that they were inciting violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. The move comes as a number of countries take action against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice. The Bangkok Post reports that Judge Zia Faruqui has criticised Facebook for…

  • Covid-19 News

    US official says no conditions attached to 2.5 million vaccines donated to Thailand

    A US official says there are no strings attached to her country’s donation of 2.5 million Covid-19 vaccines to Thailand. The US is also donating US$5 million to help the Kingdom fight the pandemic. The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, has echoed the sentiments first expressed by UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres in April 2020. “Providing vaccines…

  • Thailand News

    Police ‘ready’ to investigate Thailand arms dealer in plot to kill Myanmar UN envoy

    Following the arrest of two Burmese men in the US who were allegedly working with an arms dealer in Thailand to attack, and potentially kill, Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations, the Royal Thai Police are preparing to assist in the investigation. The deputy spokesperson for the Thai police told reporters that the US has not contacted them, but they…

  • World News

    UN expert says military coup and Covid-19 spike fuels “perfect storm” in Myanmar

    The “deep mistrust” of the military-run government following the February 1 coup, along with the uptick of Covid-19 cases overwhelming the healthcare system, fuel a “perfect storm” of factors that could lead to further deaths in Myanmar, according to UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews. The independent expert called for emergency international engagement to address the worsening situation in the Southeast…

  • World News

    Thailand abstains from vote on UN resolution condemning Myanmar violence

    On the United Nations’ rare move, adopting a resolution urging the military in Myanmar to cease violence, Thailand abstained from voting on the non-binding motion. Thailand’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tanee Sangrat says there were several essential factors to why Thailand declined to vote. 119 member countries of the United Nations General Assembly voted on Friday in support of the resolution…

  • World News

    UN report: Myanmar could face mass starvation and death

    A new United Nations report predicts the imminent threat of mass starvation and death in Myanmar due to the civil unrest after the military coup that has upended the country since February. The UN’s special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar issued the grave warning as the countries infrastructure collapses in the ongoing chaos of protestors and insurgents clashing with…

  • World News

    Large-scale methamphetamine production emerges in Cambodia during pandemic

    During the pandemic, Cambodia has become a major base for the large-scale production of methamphetamine as drug traffickers workaround Covid-19 restrictions, according to the United Nations. Last year, during the pandemic, 170 tonnes of methamphetamine were seized by authorities in Asia, a 19% increase from the year prior, according to a report by the UN Office of Drugs and Crime.…

  • Covid-19 News

    US President Biden pledges vaccines donation, 25 million to start

    The UN-backed COVAX program, to help supply vaccines around the world, got a boost today as US President Biden vowed that America will donate 25 million vaccines to start. The donation would make up nearly 25% of all vaccines procured through the COVAX program to date. The UN effort seeks to bulk up vaccine supplies in Asia, Africa, and South…

  • World News

    UN Security Council issues watered-down Myanmar statement

    The UN Security Council has issued 4 statements regarding the military coup in Myanmar and the resulting humanitarian crisis, including a new one yesterday. The statements call for an immediate end to violence in Myanmar, but the wording was reportedly heavily watered down in order to achieve approval from Russia and China. The UK drew up the original Security Council…

  • Thailand News

    Free media threatened by Covid-19-inspired laws

    The International Commission of Jurists is warning that media and journalists in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam are seeing legal repression grow during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the group outlined the expanding threat. New laws that many claim violate human rights also serve to throttle the space…

  • World News

    UN Human Rights Office calls for Southeast Asian countries to protect Burmese refugees

    With Burmese nationals fleeing to Thailand to escape the violence in following the military coup, the United Nations UN Human Rights Office for Southeast Asia is calling on all neighbouring countries to protect the refugees and to not force undocumented migrants to return to Myanmar. The UN says the human rights situation in Myanmar is “rapidly deteriorating.” At least 510…