Kim Jong-un

  • World NewsNorth Korea children’s union donates rockets to army amid rising patriotism efforts

    North Korea children’s union donates rockets to army amid rising patriotism efforts

    North Korea’s political youth group, the Korean Children’s Union (KCU), demonstrated its patriotism by donating rocket launchers to the army during its 77th anniversary celebrations. High-ranking officials from the North Korean Communist Party attended the event, which comes amid increased efforts by the nation to develop nuclear and conventional weapons. North Korea has recently intensified its propaganda and public signalling…

  • World NewsNorth Korea’s Kim Jong Un approves military spy satellite plan

    North Korea’s Kim Jong Un approves military spy satellite plan

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reportedly inspected the nation’s first military spy satellite and given the go-ahead for its future action plan, according to state media. Kim met with the Non-permanent Satellite Launch Preparatory Committee and viewed the satellite, following his announcement a month ago that the satellite’s construction was completed and ready for launch. The development of the military…

  • World NewsNorth Korea conducts nuclear tests, spews rhetoric

    North Korea conducts nuclear tests, spews rhetoric

    North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-un has warned that the country must be prepared to conduct nuclear attacks at any time to deter war. The drastic call came in response to the US and South Korea’s joint military drills involving American nuclear assets. The state-run KCNA media reported today that the North Korean leader spent the weekend overseeing exercises readying their…

  • Hot NewsSouth Korea’s spy agency says Kim Jong-un’s first child is a son

    South Korea’s spy agency says Kim Jong-un’s first child is a son

    South Korea’s spy agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), says Kim Jong-un’s first child is a son. The news comes as Yoo Sang-beom, quoted what the NIS allegedly told him. Yoo is a member of the ruling People Power Party. Yoo says despite the claims by the NIS, he says it doesn’t have detailed evidence of this claim. “We do…

  • World NewsCurse of Kim Jong-un’s dogs haunts peninsular politics

    Curse of Kim Jong-un’s dogs haunts peninsular politics

    The curse of Kim Jong-un’s dogs continues to haunt peninsular politics. Kim’s pups were highly-ceremoniously dumped on an unwilling foster father, then South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, after talks in the north in 2018. “Here,” said Kim, more or less. “Take my puppies and raise them as if they were your own. They’re yours now. Take them and get lost.”…

  • World NewsNorth Korea aims to be world’s top nuclear power after missile test

    North Korea aims to be world’s top nuclear power after missile test

    After recent missile tests, Kim Jong-un says that he aims to make North Korea the biggest nuclear power on the planet according to state media reports. Yesterday the dictator of the isolated country promoted many military officers that worked to launch North Korea’s largest ballistic missile test to date. Kim previously vowed to respond to perceived nuclear threats from the…

  • World NewsNorth Korea leader brings 9 year old daughter to missile launch

    North Korea leader brings 9 year old daughter to missile launch

    North Korea leader Kim Jong Un brought an unexpected guest to a missile launch – his nine year old daughter. Kim took his daughter Ju Ae to the launch of a “new type” of intercontinental ballistic missile on Friday. Before the rather unusual daddy-daughter day out, Ju Ae’s existence had not previously been confirmed. Kim said the test was meant…

  • World NewsKim Jong-Un sets the dogs on South Korea’s politicians

    Kim Jong-Un sets the dogs on South Korea’s politicians

    A pair of dogs given by North Korea’s tinpot leader Kim Jong-Un to South Korea’s former president Moon Jae-in in 2018 are fighting for scraps at the centre of a political row. The former president blames his conservative successor for the problem. Moon does not want to pay for food for a pair of dogs he didn’t ask for (but…

  • World NewsWorld Health Organisation says Covid-19 situation in North Korea likely deteriorating

    World Health Organisation says Covid-19 situation in North Korea likely deteriorating

    The World Health Organisation says it has received no update on the Covid-19 situation in North Korea, but can only assume it’s getting worse. This contradicts claims from Pyongyang that the country is making “progress” against the virus. According to an AFP report, North Korea confirmed its first Covid-19 infections on May 12. However, last week, state media announced that…

  • World NewsKremlin says Russia willing to supply North Korea with Covid-19 vaccines

    Kremlin says Russia willing to supply North Korea with Covid-19 vaccines

    A Kremlin spokesperson says Russia is willing to consider any request from North Korea for Covid-19 vaccines. According to a Reuters report, Dmitry Peskov says that if such a request is made, it will be responded to promptly. “North Korean comrades are well aware of our various inoculations; they are aware of our extensive experience with Covid. If there are…

  • World NewsNorth Korea prepared to use nuclear weapons at ‘any time’ if provoked

    North Korea prepared to use nuclear weapons at ‘any time’ if provoked

    Kim Jong-un has warned the world that North Korea is ready to use nuclear weapons against foreign powers at ‘any time’ if provoked. In a state-televised military parade held in Pyongyang on Monday, the North Korean leader pledged to develop nuclear forces as quickly as possible… “If any forces try to violate the fundamental interests of our state, our nuclear…

  • Thailand video newsAsia News Today | China locks down 17 million, earthquake in Indonesia

    Asia News Today | China locks down 17 million, earthquake in Indonesia

    Families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea are calling on an early meeting of leaders from the two countries to retrieve their relatives. They are pushing on the Japanese government to approach North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to swiftly resolve the issue of abductions… this comes from the Association of Families of Victims Kidnapped by North Korea.The association…

  • Politics NewsNorth Korea continues testing ballistic missiles

    North Korea continues testing ballistic missiles

    The South Korean military reported that North Korea is continuing their testing of ballistic missiles. Today, the North fired a missile from land into the Sea of Japan to the East of the country. This act is only the latest transgression, in a series of many, amidst escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula. Seoul’s Joint Chief of Staff reported that…

  • World NewsUN agency says North Korea appears to have re-started nuclear reactor

    UN agency says North Korea appears to have re-started nuclear reactor

    A UN atomic agency has described as “deeply troubling” the news that North Korea seems to have re-started its plutonium-producing reactor. The International Atomic Energy Agency says the re-starting of the nuclear reactor at the Yongbyon complex could mean the regime is expanding its arsenal of banned weapons. “Since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling…

  • World NewsNorth Korea severs ties with Malaysia over “unpardonable” US extradition

    North Korea severs ties with Malaysia over “unpardonable” US extradition

    The reclusive country of North Korea has confirmed a severing of diplomatic ties with Malaysia after its one-time ally agreed to extradite a North Korean citizen to the US. According to the Bangkok Post, Pyongyang has described the extradition as an “unpardonable crime”, accusing Malaysia of responding to US pressure with blind obedience. The country’s foreign ministry has announced that…

  • Việt NamKim Yo Jong – Em gái lãnh đạo Kim Jong-un gây chú ý

    Kim Yo Jong – Em gái lãnh đạo Kim Jong-un gây chú ý

    Cô Kim Yo Jong, em gái nhà lãnh đạo Triều Tiên Kim Jong-un, đang khiến dư luận chú ý bởi hình ảnh một nhà lãnh đạo nữ mạnh mẽ của mình khi đi đầu trong chiến dịch gia tăng sức ép lên Hàn Quốc. Giới quan sát phán đoán Kim Yo Jong không đơn thuần chỉ là trợ lý của…

  • Việt NamPhát hiện đoàn tàu riêng của Lãnh đạo Kim Jong Un xuất hiện ở khu nghỉ dưỡng Wonsan

    Phát hiện đoàn tàu riêng của Lãnh đạo Kim Jong Un xuất hiện ở khu nghỉ dưỡng Wonsan

    Giữa một loạt tin đồn mất tích của Lãnh đạo Triều Tiên Kim Jong Un, phát hiện một tàu hỏa bị nghi thuộc về ông Kim đã xuất hiện tại khu nghỉ dưỡng Wonsan trong tuần này. Ngày hôm qua, 38 North, một chương trình giám sát Triều Tiên, công bố một số hình ảnh vệ tinh mới cho thấy…

  • Việt NamTriều Tiên tiếp tục không có động thái về tình hình của Kim Jong-un

    Triều Tiên tiếp tục không có động thái về tình hình của Kim Jong-un

    Các hãng thông tấn nhà nước Triều Tiên đưa tin về các sự kiện hàng ngày, song không đề cập đến hoạt động công tác của lãnh đạo Kim Jong-un, người đã vắng mặt từ 12/4. Các tin tức chính trên hãng thông tấn trung ương Triều Tiên KCNA hay báo đảng Rodong Sinmun bao gồm bản tin về tình…

  • Việt NamĐại sứ quán ở Triều Tiên đóng cửa, các nhà ngoại giao sơ tán vì virus corona

    Đại sứ quán ở Triều Tiên đóng cửa, các nhà ngoại giao sơ tán vì virus corona

    Một số đại sứ quán ở Triều Tiên đóng cửa, nhiều nhà ngoại giao sơ tán sau nhiều tuần Bình Nhưỡng siết chặt hoạt động kiểm soát để ngăn chặn dịch Covid-19. Hoạt động chống dịch Covid-19 ở Triều Tiên (Ảnh: KCNA/Yonhap) Hôm nay (9/3) một số đại sứ quán nước ngoài ở Triều Tiên tạm đóng cửa và các…

  • Việt NamTriều Tiên tập trận ngay giữa mùa corona

    Triều Tiên tập trận ngay giữa mùa corona

    Đích thân ông Kim Jong Un đã thị sát và chỉ đạo tập trận bắn pháo tầm xa ngày 2-3 nhằm chứng minh nội lực Triều Tiên vẫn ổn. Triều Tiên được cho là đã bắn hai tên lửa đạn đạo tầm ngắn vào vùng biển phía đông trưa 2-3, trong lúc dịch viêm đường hô hấp cấp do chủng…