Thailand Education Visa: Studying in Thailand

Find out more about the variety of different courses available to study in Thailand with an education visa.

What are the conditions for getting a Thai Education Visa?

Studying in Thailand requires you to apply for an education visa, and you can do so either from your home country or from a Thai Embassy in a neighbouring country if you are already in Thailand on a tourist visa.

The process of obtaining a Thai ED visa begins by going to a Thai Ministry of Education-approved school. First, choose a course and pay the school’s fees to initiate the process. Next, the visa can only be obtained from a Thai consulate located outside of Thailand, usually in Laos or Cambodia. Additionally, the school will know right away what documents are needed to begin the process and will assist you in obtaining your first 3-month non-immigrant ED visa.

Key Points

  • If you understand and follow the rules, the entire application process will be simple.
  • Make sure that the school you select is certified by the Thai Ministry of Education.
  • Students must attend classes for at least 100 hours every 90 days of their visa to be considered enrolled in a full-time education program.

How to choose a suitable school for a Thai education visa?

Some language schools are not approved by the Ministry of Education, so you first need to check to see if your preferred school is accredited. Also, be wary of schools that offer extremely low study rates in exchange for an ED visa. You may be told by these schools that you are not required to attend class. This was much more popular a few years ago than it is now, but it was recently outlawed by the Ministry of Education.

To ensure that students reapplying or extending ED Visas were genuinely studying, immigration officials began performing spot checks on schools and the language proficiency of students reapplying or extending ED Visas. Remember that Thai isn’t the only language you can learn, you can also learn Chinese, Russian and even English.


The documents needed for a Thailand Education Visa can change from time-to-time, so check your local embassy’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Is it really necessary to learn Thai on an education visa?

Many people use the ED visa as a way to stay and work in Thailand without having to attend classes to learn Thai. This is illegal and it has resulted in crackdowns on people with education visas all over the world. Other languages such as Chinese, Russian and English can also be studied in Thailand. In certain cases, you may be required to complete a certain amount of study hours or classes each week or you may be required to attend 2 lessons a day, 4 or 5 days a week.

Keep in mind that the Ministry of Education in Thailand can administer proficiency tests in your chosen course at any given time to ensure that you are genuinely studying and attending your classes here in Thailand. Consequently, any violations of this rule can lead to deportation and a ban from the country.

If you don’t want to risk losing your visa to stay in Thailand, it’s best if you go to class and study.

How much is the average cost for a Thai education visa?

The average cost of an education visa in Thailand varies depending on several factors, including the type of school and program, the length of the course, and whether you apply from within Thailand or from abroad. Here is a general breakdown:

Application Fee:

    • Applying from outside Thailand: The non-immigrant “ED” visa application fee is typically around 2,000 THB (about $60 USD) for a single-entry visa.
    • Applying from within Thailand: The extension fee is approximately 1,900 THB (about $55 USD) per extension, which is usually valid for 90 days each time.

School Fees:

    • Language schools: Tuition fees for language courses (e.g., learning Thai) can range from 20,000 to 50,000 THB (about $600 to $1,500 USD) per year.
    • Universities or formal education institutions: Costs can vary widely, with tuition fees ranging from 30,000 to 100,000 THB (about $900 to $3,000 USD) or more per year, depending on the program and institution.

Additional Costs:

    • Health insurance: Some educational institutions require students to have health insurance, which can cost around 10,000 to 20,000 THB (about $300 to $600 USD) per year.
    • Miscellaneous fees: These might include costs for materials, uniforms (if applicable), and other administrative fees.

The total cost of obtaining and maintaining an education visa in Thailand can range from approximately 40,000 to 170,000 THB (about $1,200 to $5,100 USD) per year, depending on the specifics of your educational program and personal circumstances.

How long is the duration of a Thai educational visa?

When you first arrive in Thailand on your Non-Immigrant ED Visa, immigration will initially grant you a 90-day stay. Afterwards, upon submitting your first 90-day report, they will extend your stay to a year. To achieve this, you must first complete your course registration and pay your tuition fees in full, providing immigration with a school-issued letter verifying this. After that, you’ll have to continue sending 90-day reports regularly.

Can you work on an education Visa in Thailand?

No, you cannot work on an education visa in Thailand. An education visa (Non-Immigrant ED Visa) is specifically intended for individuals who are coming to Thailand to study. If you wish to work while studying, you would need to obtain a separate work permit, and typically, this is not allowed under the conditions of an education visa. Working without the proper authorization can result in legal consequences, including fines, deportation, and being banned from re-entering Thailand.


What countries are the closest to Thailand where students can apply for a student visa?

If you are studying in Thailand, you must be enrolled in a full-time educational program that meets the visa’s year-long requirements. You may not need to engage in 90-day reporting if you have a multiple-entry visa; however, you must leave and return to Thailand every 90 days. Most foreigners apply for Non-Immigrant ED Visas in Cambodia (Phnom Penh), Laos (Vientiane), Myanmar (Yangoon) and Malaysia (Penang) which are all located on the border of Thailand.

The application process for a Non-Immigrant ED Visa in the above countries should take around 2-3 working days and you can re-enter Thailand and unlock your visa as soon as it is approved.

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