learn thai

  • EducationThe fascinating history and facts of the Thai language

    The fascinating history and facts of the Thai language

    As Thailand becomes a hotspot for travel and a favourite destination for expats, more people are drawn to learn Thai to connect more deeply with the culture and people. With its melodic tones and distinct script, it may seem like one of the hardest languages to learn at first glance. However, it’s actually an incredibly captivating language. Together with ALA…

  • EducationLearning Thai for specific purposes: travel, socialising, business

    Learning Thai for specific purposes: travel, socialising, business

    Are you relocating to Thailand for work? Or maybe just a fun trip? Or are you keen on making friends with the locals here? Either way, learning some basic Thai beforehand can greatly improve your experience. Being able to communicate, ask questions, and interact with people will enrich your stay in countless ways. So, if you’re on a mission to…

  • Featured SchoolsTop 10 tips to speak Thai like a local in Thailand

    Top 10 tips to speak Thai like a local in Thailand

    So, you’ve learned all the basics of the Thai language, but you sound like you just stepped out of a textbook? Knowing how to speak Thai, even just the basics, is already an admirable achievement, but true mastery goes beyond just knowing words and grammar rules – it involves embodying the nuances of pronunciation, intonation, and local expressions. While achieving…

  • GuidesHow to learn and master Thai language in 6 months

    How to learn and master Thai language in 6 months

    Mastering any foreign language, especially a tonal language like Thai, in six months may seem like an impossible goal. You have to learn a thousand new things, from the phonetics and grammar rules to phrases and idioms. But with dedication, consistency, and the right approach, it’s entirely possible to achieve a high level of proficiency in Thai within this timeframe.…

  • EducationPractical tips for learning Thai as a beginner

    Practical tips for learning Thai as a beginner

    Learning a new language can be challenging, and Thai is no exception. As a beginner, you might find yourself struggling to grasp the tonal nuances of the language, the unfamiliar script, and the sheer volume of vocabulary to learn. But with the right mindset and approach, learning Thai can be an exciting and rewarding journey that opens up a world…