
  • EducationUnpacking the impact: High-level policy forum endorses multilingual education advancement

    Unpacking the impact: High-level policy forum endorses multilingual education advancement

    Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of multilingual education, an area where language and learning are intricately connected. The 7th International Conference on Language and Education, recently convened in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, highlighted this fascinating discipline. The conference was a joint initiative by several prestigious institutions including UNESCO Bangkok and Mahidol University. It assembled experts from across…

  • Thailand NewsLost in translation: Thailand struggles to climb global English proficiency ladder

    Lost in translation: Thailand struggles to climb global English proficiency ladder

    Thailand, famed for its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, is grappling with a linguistic challenge, its national English proficiency, which has caught the attention of educators and language enthusiasts worldwide. Despite recent strides in enhancing English proficiency through virtual classrooms in Bangkok, Thailand finds itself in the shadows of its ASEAN neighbours, ranking a modest eighth in the region and…

  • EducationExperience German Culture at the RIS Swiss Section Open House

    Experience German Culture at the RIS Swiss Section Open House

    Are you seeking an educational experience that will provide your child with a unique advantage through fluency in both German and English, as well as exposure to the vibrant cultures and values of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria? RIS Swiss Section offers the only Swiss/German curriculum in Bangkok, with German as the primary language of instruction. The school is known for…

  • EducationCommon mistakes to avoid while learning Thai

    Common mistakes to avoid while learning Thai

    Oh, the joys of learning a new language! Thai is a fascinating language, filled with unique sounds, tones, and expressions that promise to make your learning experience an exciting adventure. But, like any language, Thai comes with its fair share of challenges and common Thai language mistakes that might catch you off guard. No worries, though! Along with our friends…