
  • Thailand NewsDutch sperm donor splashes out, fathering 550 children

    Dutch sperm donor splashes out, fathering 550 children

    A notorious Dutch sperm donor has fathered more than 550 children in the past 15 years, surpassing legal limits. His actions came to light in a recent documentary, which revealed how he frequently hid his donation history. Netflix’s latest documentary, Father of a Thousand Sons, uncovers the story of 42 year old Jonathan Jacob Meijer, who has made numerous sperm…

  • World NewsInfluencer’s quest for love: Dutch model rejects 5,000 suitors

    Influencer’s quest for love: Dutch model rejects 5,000 suitors

    A Dutch influencer and model with over 5.5 million Instagram followers has turned down nearly 5,000 men who failed to meet her 15-question criteria for dating. Despite three candidates making it to the first date, none progressed further. Influencer Vera Dijkmans has a unique approach to finding a partner, requiring potential suitors to complete a 15-question survey. Questions ranged from…