Russian invasion

  • ExpatsRussian invasion spreads to Thailand’s paradise islands

    Russian invasion spreads to Thailand’s paradise islands

    Ukraine isn’t the only nation suffering from a Russian invasion, Thailand is facing it too. Since Russia took exception to Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO and the European Union thousands of Russian citizens have fled to avoid conscription to set up camp in Thailand. Russian roubles may have been welcomed by Thai businesses as the Covid-19 ravaged kingdom looks to…

  • World NewsPutin uses Victory Day speech to defend invasion of Ukraine, mobilise support

    Putin uses Victory Day speech to defend invasion of Ukraine, mobilise support

    Vladimir Putin has used his Victory Day speech to defend the ongoing war on Ukraine, pointing the finger of blame at the West and the government in Kyiv. The Russian president was speaking at the start of an annual military parade in Red Square, which has traditionally commemorated the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany. In his attempts to mobilise support…

  • World NewsUkrainian commander pleads for evacuation of troops, civilians from Mariupol factory

    Ukrainian commander pleads for evacuation of troops, civilians from Mariupol factory

    A senior commander of Ukrainian marines has called for a third country to urgently evacuate troops and civilians from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, southern Ukraine, which has been under heavy Russian bombardment for weeks. The plea comes as Ukrainian troops in the besieged port city launch a final stand against Russian troops, who are closing in while supplies…

  • World NewsUPDATE: Russia’s flagship vessel sinks in Black Sea after Ukrainian missile strike

    UPDATE: Russia’s flagship vessel sinks in Black Sea after Ukrainian missile strike

    As Russia’s war in Ukraine entered its 50th day, its flagship cruiser has sunk in the Black Sea, after a “fire” onboard caused ammunition explosions. It’s the first major war ship to be taken down by cruise missiles since World War Two. At least, that’s the Ukrainian side of the story. Russia’s Ministry of Defence has released a statement on…

  • World NewsAsia News Today | Ukraine hails Japan’s stand against Russia

    Asia News Today | Ukraine hails Japan’s stand against Russia

    Search and rescue teams in the southern region of Wuzhou, China, have located one of two black boxes from the China Eastern flight that nosedived into remote hills on Monday. Zhu Tao, the director of the aviation safety office at the Civil Aviation Administration of China, says the black box found yesterday is likely the cockpit voice recorder. The China…

  • World NewsUKRAINE UPDATES: Russia captures key port city, 1 million refugees have fled

    UKRAINE UPDATES: Russia captures key port city, 1 million refugees have fled

    This is the first of The Thaiger’s daily update briefs on, not only the ongoing battles across Ukraine, but the key milestones covering the rest of the international perspective relating to the story. These will be updated twice a day and also be part of a new daily program on The Thaiger YouTube channel. • As the Russian invasion of…

  • World NewsChina asked Russia not to invade Ukraine… until after the Olympics

    China asked Russia not to invade Ukraine… until after the Olympics

    In early February, China asked Russia to delay its invasion of Ukraine until after the Winter Olympics in Beijing, according to a New York Times report, which quoted a European official and officials from the Biden administration, who cited a report from a Western intelligence agency. The intelligence report showed that high-level Chinese officials had some degree of knowledge regarding…

  • World NewsChina asked Russia not to invade Ukraine — until after the Olympics, Biden officials say

    China asked Russia not to invade Ukraine — until after the Olympics, Biden officials say

    In early February, China asked Russia to delay its invasion of Ukraine until after the Winter Olympics in Beijing, according to a New York Times report, which quoted a European official and officials from the Biden administration, who cited a report from a Western intelligence agency. The intelligence report showed that high-level Chinese officials had some degree of knowledge regarding…

  • World NewsDozens killed as Russia launches attacks across Ukraine

    Dozens killed as Russia launches attacks across Ukraine

    Russian forces have reached the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, as the US and Europe respond with more sanctions. Dozens of people have died since Russia invaded its neighbour, with missiles and shells striking cities across Ukraine. AFP reports that at least 100,000 people have been displaced, with many seeking shelter in underground metro systems. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky…