Old people

  • Retire in ThailandMedical care tips for people nearing retirement in Thailand

    Medical care tips for people nearing retirement in Thailand

    Undertaking the complex process of navigating healthcare in one’s later years can prove a formidable task, especially if one is contemplating spending their retirement in Thailand. As one embarks on this fresh chapter, comprehension of the Thai healthcare system’s intricate details becomes vital, encompassing aspects from the officially sanctioned list of pharmaceuticals to the restrictions imposed on dental and optical…

  • Retire in ThailandWhat does the legal retirement age mean for older people in Thailand

    What does the legal retirement age mean for older people in Thailand

    As you delve into the complexities of Thailand’s ageing population and the impact of mandatory retirement age policies, you’ll find a fascinating interplay of factors at work. A significant issue that’s come under the spotlight is the health status of older people, which is increasingly seen as a crucial element in encouraging employment among older individuals. In-depth studies have utilised…