Carrie lam

  • World News

    Covid restrictions ease in Hong Kong, with beaches, bars set to re-open

    Hong Kong is easing up on some of its Covid-19 restrictions as the infection rate in the territory finally begins to stabilise. From today, beaches and swimming pools can re-open, while bars and karaoke places can re-open from May 19. According to a Coconuts report, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam says beaches, pools, water parks, and water sports centres…

  • World News

    Hong Kong to ease some Covid restrictions, lift flight ban from April

    There may be the tiniest flicker of light at the end of a very dark Covid-19 tunnel in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government has confirmed that from next month, it will ease some restrictions and lift a travel ban imposed on 9 countries deemed high-risk during the Omicron outbreak. They include the US, the UK, France, India, and Nepal.…

  • World News

    As residents run out of patience, Hong Kong considers easing Covid restrictions

    The Hong Kong government is considering rolling back some Covid restrictions, aware that public tolerance is fading. Chief Executive Carrie Lam says that even though the infection rate is not yet declining, some restrictions could be eased, recognising that the public has had enough. “Not because the number of cases has come down, but I have a very strong feeling…

  • World News

    Hong Kong officials eye China-style lockdown, as bodies pile up in hospitals

    Hong Kong officials have not ruled out imposing a strict lockdown, similar to those imposed in China at the start of the pandemic. Officials are facing an increasingly desperate situation as the Omicron variant has run amok in the territory, destroying any hope of attaining the so-called zero-Covid status. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that Reuters reports…

  • World News

    Hong Kong “overwhelmed” as it battles “onslaught” of Covid-19 infections

    Hong Kong has found itself overwhelmed by an ongoing surge in Covid-19 infections, according to leader Carrie Lam. She has described the situation as an “onslaught” that has significantly affected the territory’s capacity to manage the spread, with daily infections reaching record highs and overwhelming the global financial hub. According to a Reuters report, in the last 2 weeks, daily…

  • World News

    Covid restrictions ignored in Hong Kong as hundreds of protesters take to the streets

    Hundreds of Hong Kong residents have defied police orders, taking to the streets to mark one year since pro-democracy protests began. They assembled in the Central district and marched to nearby streets, shouting various political slogans including, “Fight to the End”. There were also large gatherings in shopping malls, with people singing protest anthems and holding up “Liberate Hong Kong”…

  • World News

    Hong Kong won’t rule out accepting help from China over protests

    PHOTO: AFP Following more violent protests in Hong Kong, Chief Executive Carrie Lam says China stepping in to end the crisis is not out of the question. Angry demonstrations have rocked the city for four months now, having started out as protests against a proposed extradition bill that could have seen criminals sent to China for trial. The Hong Kong…

  • World News

    China celebrates 70 years of communism, while Hong Kong police shoot pro-democracy protester

    PHOTO: AFP Shortly after a huge military parade in Beijing, celebrating 70 years of communist rule in China, police shot a pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong as protests in the troubled city grew. Demonstrations have gripped Hong Kong for four months now, but this was the first such injury from a live round and marks a significant escalation in protests…

  • World News

    Talks with the community will begin next week, says Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam

    Thai PBS World shares a Reuters story that reports on planned talks between the Hong Kong government and the community, set to begin next week. The reports says Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has repeated her calls for the violence to end, with the city having been gripped by protests for over three months now. The demonstrations began in…

  • World News

    A drop in Thai visitors to Hong Kong as protests continue

    PHOTO: The ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong are taking a toll on visitor numbers, with a drop in the number of Thai visitors staying overnight in the territory, according to the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The Bangkok Post reports that the number for July has dropped by 6.6% compared to July 2018. However, the number of single-day visitors…

  • World News

    Bill withdrawal my decision, not Beijing’s, says Hong Kong leader

    PHOTO: CNN Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam insists that the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill was her decision, not Beijing’s. The bill was the spark that ignited months of protests in the territory, with clashes between activists and police frequently turning violent. Lam says that while the decision to withdraw the bill is hers, she has Beijing’s full…

  • World News

    Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam asks for dialogue after rejected concessions

    by Jerome TAYLOR | Yan ZHAO, Hong Kong, China | AFP Hong Kong’s leader Thursday urged pro-democracy protesters to end their demonstrations after her surprise decision to bow to one of their key demands was condemned as too little, too late. Carrie Lam, the city’s pro-Beijing chief executive, surprised many on Wednesday when after three months of rallies she suddenly…