Burmese military

  • World NewsJapanese documentary producer arrested in Myanmar

    Japanese documentary producer arrested in Myanmar

    A Japanese documentary producer was imprisoned with two protesters after joining an anti-government protest in Yangon last Tuesday. The media reported that Toru Kubota, a 26 year old male photographer and documentary filmmaker, was arrested at a protest in the South Dagon Township in the southeastern area of Yangon on July 30. The report said he was arrested while gathering…

  • World NewsBurmese military expanding surveillance and facial recognition

    Burmese military expanding surveillance and facial recognition

    In what they claim to be a bid to keep cities safe and secure and preserve civil peace, the military junta controlling Myanmar is installing facial recognition cameras made in China in cities all across the turbulent country. This surveillance began after the military coup in February 2021, and at least 5 cities are already under their watchful eye. This…

  • World NewsThai special envoy to Myanmar warns not to ‘cancel’ Burmese military

    Thai special envoy to Myanmar warns not to ‘cancel’ Burmese military

    Thailand’s new special envoy has spoken out as an apologist for the Myanmar military by urging the international community not to “get stuck in cancel rhetoric” when dealing with the Burmese Junta that seized power 16 months ago. She spoke in support of ‘moving on’ from the past and towards a different style of engagement with the military leaders. Pornpimol…

  • World NewsOusted Burmese leader Suu Kyi appears in court on corruption charge

    Ousted Burmese leader Suu Kyi appears in court on corruption charge

    Aung San Suu Kyi, the democratically-elected former leader of Myanmar who was ousted in a military coup last year, has appeared in court on a corruption charge. The case is one of multiple cases being brought against her, with the threat of lengthy prison time if she’s found guilty. According to comments made to Reuters by an unnamed source close…

  • Thailand video newsMurder weapons found at the beach | Thailand News Update

    Murder weapons found at the beach | Thailand News Update

    On the day we were hoping to report some easing of restrictions, instead we may be staring at postponements, or even some more precautions added as Thailand struggles to move on from two years of any meaningful tourism recovery. At a meeting of the CCSA yesterday recent spikes in new infections, and the surges in Bangkok and Phuket, were discussed.A…

  • World NewsBurma or Myanmar? Myanmarese or Burmese?

    Burma or Myanmar? Myanmarese or Burmese?

    We refer to Myanmar a lot in our news because it’s a bordering foreign country to Thailand and many people from Myanmar work in and around Thailand. It’s also subject of an ongoing coup after the Burmese military staged a coup on February 1, 2021. But is it Myanmar or Burma? And are the people that live there Myanmarese or…

  • World NewsBurmese military reportedly killed and burned at least 30 refugees

    Burmese military reportedly killed and burned at least 30 refugees

    Reports are emerging in Myanmar of at least 30 people – including women and children – in Kayah state were killed and burned, allegedly at the hands of the Burmese military junta. Members of the Karenni Human Rights Group stumbled upon the morbid discovery near Mo So Village in Hpruso Town, about 70 kilometres from Thailand’s made Hong Son province…

  • World NewsBurmese soldiers drive car into protesters killing 5, injuring dozens

    Burmese soldiers drive car into protesters killing 5, injuring dozens

    Burmese security forces drove a car into anti-coup protests in Yangon on Sunday morning killing 5 protesters and injuring dozens of others, according to witnesses. The military forces arrested at least 15 protesters in the morning protests, and afternoon protests were carried out despite the carnage and arrests. Videos and photos that show the car ploughing into the crowd of…

  • World NewsUS judge orders Facebook to disclose anti-Rohingya content as part of international case against Myanmar

    US judge orders Facebook to disclose anti-Rohingya content as part of international case against Myanmar

    A court in the US has ruled that Facebook must disclose posts it removed from its network on the grounds that they were inciting violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. The move comes as a number of countries take action against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice. The Bangkok Post reports that Judge Zia Faruqui has criticised Facebook for…

  • World NewsNUG announces defensive war to battle Myanmar coup forces

    NUG announces defensive war to battle Myanmar coup forces

    In Myanmar, the National Unity Government made up of deposed former leaders announced a defensive war in the name of the Burmese people, but other countries are urging peace to allow humanitarian efforts to continue. The NUG formed a shadow government to represent the people of Myanmar in the wake of the February military junta that took over claiming election…

  • World NewsRumours of meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi as Burmese military accept ASEAN envoy

    Rumours of meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi as Burmese military accept ASEAN envoy

    The ruling military junta in Myanmar has issued a statement accepting the appointment of Erywan Yusof as ASEAN Special Envoy. Yusof will also oversee the association’s humanitarian programmes in the country, although it’s understood the military regime has refused to allow aid workers to deliver assistance to the worst-affected areas. Thai PBS World reports that Singapore has confirmed a contribution…

  • World NewsMyanmar envoy updated to Brunei’s 2nd Foreign Affairs Minister

    Myanmar envoy updated to Brunei’s 2nd Foreign Affairs Minister

    In a reversal of previous discussion and decisions that would have seen former Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Virasakdi Futrakul appointed as the ASEAN envoy to Myanmar, multiple sources are now reporting that it will be Brunei’s Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Erywan Yusof that will be taking up the envoy role. The agreement to send an envoy to Myanmar to…

  • World NewsBurmese junta election commission claims 11 million fraud cases

    Burmese junta election commission claims 11 million fraud cases

    After the election in Myanmar last November, the military was unhappy with the results, claimed mass fraud, and overthrew the government, seizing power in a coup in February. Independent observers and analysts have yet to find any probable voter fraud in the election. But perhaps they weren’t looking in the right place because the military junta’s election commission just turned…

  • World NewsTrial of deposed Burmese leader Suu Kyi to overrun as prosecution need more time

    Trial of deposed Burmese leader Suu Kyi to overrun as prosecution need more time

    The trial of former Burmese leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, is set to overrun as the prosecution says it needs more time. There are still around 23 witnesses waiting to be called by the prosecution and Suu Kyi’s lawyer, Khin Maung Zaw, has confirmed the trial will go on longer than anticipated. Suu Kyi is currently under house arrest and…

  • World NewsBurmese military media outlets say ethnic army killed 25 workers

    Burmese military media outlets say ethnic army killed 25 workers

    Amid clashes with rebel fighters and ethnic troops backing the anti-coup movement in Myanmar, media outlets run by the Burmese junta says an ethnic army killed 25 construction workers after abducting 47 people last month. Photos of what appeared to be 25 dead bodies in a forest where published and broadcasted by the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper, which is…

  • World NewsUN report: Myanmar could face mass starvation and death

    UN report: Myanmar could face mass starvation and death

    A new United Nations report predicts the imminent threat of mass starvation and death in Myanmar due to the civil unrest after the military coup that has upended the country since February. The UN’s special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar issued the grave warning as the countries infrastructure collapses in the ongoing chaos of protestors and insurgents clashing with…

  • World NewsBurmese junta hit with additional US sanctions

    Burmese junta hit with additional US sanctions

    The US has confirmed additional sanctions against Myanmar in response to the February 1 military coup that ousted the democratically-elected civilian government of Aung San Suu Kyi. CNN reports that the latest round of sanctions, which have been introduced in coordination with the UK and Canada, are aimed at the State Administrative Council, or military junta. In particular, they target…

  • World NewsBurmese military declares martial law in border city after attack

    Burmese military declares martial law in border city after attack

    After blaming attacks on a bank and a police station on armed terrorist the Burmese military Junta has declared martial law in the town of Mindat in Chin State. Ethnic rebels have been increasingly battling the military in these border regions – the Chin State borders India – and about 100 people were reported over the last 2 days to…

  • World NewsBurmese rebel group claim to have downed military helicopter – VIDEO

    Burmese rebel group claim to have downed military helicopter – VIDEO

    Al Jazeera is reporting that a Burmese rebel group is claiming to have downed a military helicopter in Kachin province. The Kachin Independence Army says it shot down the aircraft in response to military air strikes in the province. Myanmar has been rocked by violence and political unrest since a February 1 military coup that deposed of the democratically-elected government…

  • World NewsBurmese protests countrywide call for a “spring revolution”

    Burmese protests countrywide call for a “spring revolution”

    Calls for a “spring revolution” erupted from thousands of protestors marching across Myanmar today to protest the Burmese military junta. The country has been in turmoil since the Feb 1 coup that overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi’s government and installed military rule. Protests have raged for 4 months despite the Burmese military cracking down on demonstrations, often violently and bloodily,…

  • World NewsBurmese military launch more airstrikes close to Thai border

    Burmese military launch more airstrikes close to Thai border

    For the second day in a row, the Burmese junta has carried out airstrikes close to the border with the northern Thai province of Mae Hong Son. The strikes, hitting at rebel-held areas, were confirmed by a Thai official yesterday. Myanmar has been in a state of upheaval since a February 1 military coup ousted the democratically-elected government of Aung…

  • World NewsThai border town evacuated after Karen army attack on Burmese military outpost

    Thai border town evacuated after Karen army attack on Burmese military outpost

    Around 450 villagers in Thailand’s Mae Hong Son province near the Myanmar border evacuated the area after a Karen army attacked and took over a Burmese military camp. The attack was so close to the Thai village that residents could hear the gunshots and explosions. One evacuee was shot in her knee by a stray bullet, the governor says. Since…

  • World NewsPro-democracy Burmese: no negotiations until prisoners released

    Pro-democracy Burmese: no negotiations until prisoners released

    Until the Burmese military junta releases all political prisoners, the pro-democracy unity shadow government in Myanmar are refusing mediation talks. This throws a wrench in the works of the ASEAN summit’s plans to keep a dialogue open and bring about peace in the turbulent country. In their meeting this week, Burmese General Min Aung Hlaing had said he was open…

  • World NewsASEAN nations agree to appoint envoy to broker cross-party talks in Myanmar

    ASEAN nations agree to appoint envoy to broker cross-party talks in Myanmar

    Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have agreed to appoint an envoy to act as mediator in cross-party talks in Myanmar. The country has been rocked by months of violence following a February 1 military coup in which the democratically-elected government of civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi was ousted. The leader of the coup, Min Aung…

  • World NewsASEAN leaders speak about Saturday’s Myanmar summit

    ASEAN leaders speak about Saturday’s Myanmar summit

    In Jakarta on Saturday, leaders of the ASEAN countries met to convince Burmese junta leader Min Aung Hlaing to work with them towards progress. Full cover from The Thaiger of what was discussed at the meeting can be found here. During and after the meetings, nation leaders and representatives voiced their concerns and goals regarding the crisis in Myanmar. Tim…

  • World NewsSummit: Burmese military open to ASEAN delegation visits

    Summit: Burmese military open to ASEAN delegation visits

    Today’s ASEAN summit in Jakarta has yielded progress regarding the situation in Myanmar with Burmese junta leader Min Aung Hlaing stating he’s not opposed to a special envoy being created and dispatched to Myanmar. The military leader also said he would consider several other steps proposed by the leaders of the Asian nations. With leaders or representation from most countries…

  • World NewsASEAN Summit on Myanmar – will it achieve anything? | VIDEO

    ASEAN Summit on Myanmar – will it achieve anything? | VIDEO

    Today the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will hold a special summit today to discuss the crisis in Myanmar. The meeting is being held at the current secretariat for the Bloc, in Jakarta. There will be huffing and puffing, a group photo, a few grand-standing leaders shaking their fingers at the Burmese chiefs, and then everyone will go home. And,…

  • World NewsMyanmar summit Saturday tests ASEAN’s effectiveness

    Myanmar summit Saturday tests ASEAN’s effectiveness

    Leaders from the 10 countries of ASEAN will meet Saturday at a summit to discuss the crisis in Myanmar in what many see as a credibility test for the organisation. As the military junta in Myanmar have ramped up violence and lethal force against pro-democracy protestors, the country is descending into what the UN high commissioner for human rights referred…

  • World Newsto retrieve the dead after bloody Burmese military clash

    $85 to retrieve the dead after bloody Burmese military clash

    Activists say the Burmese military is charging US$85 to families to recover the bodies that security forces killed in last Friday’s violent clash. The city of Bago, just northeast of Yangon, was raided by military forces with 82 people killed according to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a local advocacy group. Since the February 1 coup, the military has been…

  • World NewsUN special envoy in Thailand to meet Foreign Minister about Myanmar crisis

    UN special envoy in Thailand to meet Foreign Minister about Myanmar crisis

    The UN’s special envoy on Myanmar is meeting with Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai in ongoing diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution for the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. But Thai officials have put her quarantine ahead of the needs of the Burmese people with Christine Schraner Burgener, who arrived in Bangkok yesterday, having to spend 7 days in ASQ…