car damaged

  • Thailand NewsThai doctor crashes sedan into 3 cars in Lampang hospital car park

    Thai doctor crashes sedan into 3 cars in Lampang hospital car park

    A Thai doctor attributed a brake system failure as the cause of his sedan crashing into three cars in a car park at Lampang Hospital in northern Thailand. Fortunately, rescuers managed to avert a potentially hazardous situation by preventing an SUV from plummeting off the sixth floor of the parking structure. The sound of the collision and the sight of…

  • Thailand NewsThai man finds pickup vandalised causing 50000 baht damage

    Thai man finds pickup vandalised causing 50000 baht damage

    A local woke up to an unpleasant surprise when an unidentified individual had vandalised his parked pickup with paint stripper, causing damage estimated around 50,000 baht. The incident occurred in the early hours of yesterday, December 21, outside the Thai man’s rented residence in Wichit district, Phuket. After the Phuket emergency centre 191 alerted the police, Theppitak Phuangmani, the Deputy…

  • World NewsPedestrian’s pavement protest takes a toll on illegally parked car, driver pays the price

    Pedestrian’s pavement protest takes a toll on illegally parked car, driver pays the price

    A major lesson was learnt when a car illegally parked on the pavement faced the wrath of a disgruntled pedestrian. In an unexpected move, the man chose to walk over the vehicle, damaging it and subsequently reporting the driver for causing him injury. The occurrence resulted in both parties filing complaints and the car owner facing a fine for his…

  • Thailand NewsFlaming tribute: Woman’s candlelit car respect turns into fiery fiasco

    Flaming tribute: Woman’s candlelit car respect turns into fiery fiasco

    A woman’s act of lighting candles and joss sticks to pay respect to her car on Chinese Sart Day went up in flames. The car, parked in a private parking lot in Samut Songkhram, was engulfed in flames, threatening over 20 nearby vehicles. Firefighters swiftly attended the car fire scene today, quickly extinguishing the blaze. The incident involved a Honda…